BxPaymentFormCommissions Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxPaymentFormCommissions:
BxTemplStudioFormView BxBaseStudioFormView BxDolStudioForm BxBaseFormView BxDolForm BxDol iBxDolReplaceable

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseStudioFormView
 genInputCheckboxSet (&$aInput)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView
 __construct ($aInfo, $oTemplate)
 getCode ($bDynamicMode=false)
 genForm ()
 genRows ()
 genRow (&$aInput)
 genViewRow (&$aInput)
 genViewRowWrapped (&$aInput)
 genViewRowValue (&$aInput)
 genRowStandard (&$aInput, $isOneLine=false)
 genRowCustom (&$aInput, $sCustomMethod)
 genRowBlockHeader (&$aInput)
 genInput (&$aInput)
 getInputId (&$aInput)
 genInputStandard (&$aInput)
 genInputSwitcher (&$aInput)
 genInputButton (&$aInput)
 genInputTextarea (&$aInput)
 genInputSelectBox (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='')
 genInputFile (&$aInput)
 genInputFiles (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='')
 genInputSelect (&$aInput)
 genInputSelectRgb (&$aInput)
 genInputSelectMultiple (&$aInput)
 genInputCheckboxSet (&$aInput)
 genInputRadioSet (&$aInput)
 genLabel (&$aInput)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm
 isFieldExist ($sName, $bCheckAllFields=false)
 addMarkers ($a)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm
static getObjectInstance ($sObject, $sDisplayName, $oTemplate=false, $sParam='')
static getDataItems ($sKey, $isUseForSet=false, $sUseValues=BX_DATA_VALUES_DEFAULT)
static isVisible ($aInput)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm
 _replaceMarkers ($a)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseFormView
 $bEnableErrorIcon = true
 $_sCodeAdd = ''
 $_isSectionOpened = false
 $_sDivider = '<span class="bx-def-margin-left"></span>'
 $_sDividerAlt = '<br />'
 $_bDynamicMode = false
 $_bAjaxMode = false
 $_bAbsoluteActionUrl = false
 $_bViewMode = false
 $_bShowEmptySections = false
 $_sSectionClose = 'getCloseSection'
 $_sSectionOpen = 'getOpenSection'
 $_aJs = array()
 $_aCss = array()

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