Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($aInfo, $oTemplate) | |
performActionGetHelp () | |
performActionChangePrivacyGroup () | |
performActionGetPrivacyGroupChooser () | |
setShowEmptySections ($b) | |
setAjaxMode ($bAjaxMode) | |
isAjaxMode () | |
setAbsoluteActionUrl ($sUrl) | |
getCode ($bDynamicMode=false) | |
getCodeAPI () | |
getJsClassName () | |
getJsObjectName () | |
getJsScript ($bWrap=false) | |
genForm () | |
genRows () | |
genRow (&$aInput) | |
isInputVisible ($mixedInput) | |
genViewRow (&$aInput) | |
genViewRowWrapped (&$aInput) | |
genViewRowWrappedHtml (&$aInput) | |
genViewRowValue (&$aInput) | |
genViewRowValueForSelect (&$aInput) | |
genRowStandard (&$aInput, $isOneLine=false) | |
genWrapperInput ($aInput, $sContent) | |
genRowCustom (&$aInput, $sCustomMethod) | |
genRowBlockHeader (&$aInput) | |
genBlockEnd () | |
genInput (&$aInput) | |
getInputId (&$aInput) | |
genInputStandard (&$aInput) | |
genInputSwitcher (&$aInput) | |
genInputButton (&$aInput) | |
genInputTextarea (&$aInput) | |
isHtmlEditor ($iViewMode, &$aInput) | |
addHtmlEditor ($iViewMode, &$aInput, $sUniq) | |
getHtmlEditorQueryParams ($aInput) | |
genInputSelectBox (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='') | |
genInputFile (&$aInput) | |
genInputFiles (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='') | |
genInputSelect (&$aInput) | |
genInputSelectRgb (&$aInput) | |
genInputSelectMultiple (&$aInput) | |
genInputCheckboxSet (&$aInput) | |
genInputRadioSet (&$aInput) | |
_isSelected ($sValue, $sCurValue) | |
_isSelectedMultiple ($sValue, $aCurValues) | |
_genInputSelect (&$aInput, $isMultiple, $mixedCurrentVal, $sIsSelectedFunc) | |
_genInputsSet (&$aInput, $sType, $mixedCurrentVal, $sIsCheckedFunc, $sNameAppend='') | |
genInputLocation (&$aInput) | |
setLocationVals ($aInput, $aVals) | |
setLocationVal ($aInput, $sIndex, $sVal) | |
genInputPassword (&$aInput) | |
genInputPrice (&$aInput) | |
genInputNestedForm (&$aInput) | |
genNestedForm (&$aInput) | |
genInputCaptcha (&$aInput) | |
genLabel (&$aInput) | |
genPrivacyGroupChooser (&$aInput, $sPrivacyObject='') | |
genFiledItemInfoWrapper ($sInput, $sInfoValue) | |
genInfoIcon ($sInfo) | |
genErrorIcon ( $sError='') | |
getOpenSection ($aAttrs=[], $sTitle='', $aWrapperAttrs=[]) | |
getCloseSection () | |
getOpenSectionViewMode ($aAttrs=array(), $sTitle='', $aWrapperAttrs=[]) | |
getCloseSectionViewMode () | |
addCssJsUi () | |
addCssJsUiSortable () | |
addCssJsTimepicker () | |
addCssJsMinicolors () | |
addCssJsViewMode () | |
addCssJsCore () | |
addCssJs () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm | |
initChecker ($aValues=array(), $aSpecificValues=array()) | |
getKeyValuesPair () | |
insert ($aValsToAdd=array(), $isIgnore=false) | |
update ($val, $aValsToAdd=array(), &$aTrackTextFieldsChanges=null) | |
isStatusFieldSupported () | |
autoSetToPending (&$aValsToAdd) | |
delete ($val) | |
generateUri () | |
getCleanValue ($sName) | |
isSubmitted () | |
getTemplate () | |
getId () | |
getName () | |
setId ($sId) | |
setName ($sName) | |
setAction ($sAction) | |
setForceSetToPending ($isValid) | |
setValid ($isValid) | |
isValid () | |
isSubmittedAndValid () | |
getSpecificValues () | |
setSpecificValue ($sName, $sVal) | |
getAuthorId () | |
setAuthorId ($iAuthorId) | |
isFieldExist ($sName, $bCheckAllFields=false) | |
_initCheckerNestedForms () | |
addMarkers ($a) | |
getFormErrors () | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | getJsCalendarLangs () |
static | getCssJsCalendar () |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm | |
static | getObjectInstance ($sObject, $sDisplayName, $oTemplate=false, $sParam='') |
static | unSetObjectInstance ($sObject, $sDisplayName, $oTemplate=false, $sParam='') |
static | getDataItems ($sKey, $isUseForSet=false, $sUseValues=BX_DATA_VALUES_DEFAULT) |
static | getSubmittedValue ($sKey, $sMethod, &$aSpecificValues=false) |
static | setSubmittedValue ($sKey, $mixedValue, $sMethod, &$aSpecificValues=false) |
static | genCsrfToken ($bReturn=false) |
static | getCsrfToken () |
static | isCsrfTokenValid ($s, $bDeleteToken=true) |
static | onModuleUninstall ($sModuleName) |
static | isVisible ($aInput) |
Protected Member Functions | |
_isInputVisibleByPrivacy ($aInput) | |
_genViewRowWrapped (&$aInput, $aParams=[]) | |
genCustomRowBirthday (&$aInput) | |
genCustomRowCf (&$aInput) | |
genCustomViewRowValueBirthday (&$aInput) | |
_genWrapperInputAttrs (&$aInput) | |
_genInputStandardAttrs (&$aInput) | |
_genInputButtonAttrs (&$aInput) | |
_genInputTextareaAttrs (&$aInput) | |
genGhostTemplate (&$aInput) | |
genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestions ($aInput) | |
_genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestionsAttrs (&$aInput, $bDisabled=false) | |
_genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestionsTextAttrs (&$aInput, $bDisabled=false) | |
genCustomViewRowValueLabels ($aInput) | |
genCustomInputLabels (&$aInput) | |
_genInputSelectAttrs (&$aInput, $isMultiple) | |
_genInputSelectOptionAttrs (&$aOption) | |
_parseInputSelect ($sTmplName, $aTmplVars) | |
getLocationVal ($aInput, $sIndex) | |
_processCssJs () | |
_addJs ($mixed, $sJsCondition) | |
_addCss ($mixed) | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm | |
_genMethodName ($s) | |
_replaceMarkers ($a) | |
_getPrivacyIcon ($mixedPrivacy) | |
_getPrivacyGroup ($sPrivacyObject, $iInputId, $iAuthorId=false) | |
Protected Attributes | |
$bEnableErrorIcon = true | |
$sCode | |
$_sCodeAdd = '' | |
$_isSectionOpened = false | |
$_sDivider = '<span class="bx-def-margin-left"></span>' | |
$_sDividerAlt = '<br />' | |
$_bDynamicMode = false | |
$_bAjaxMode = false | |
$_bAbsoluteActionUrl = false | |
$_bViewMode = false | |
$_bShowEmptySections = false | |
$_sSectionClose = 'getCloseSection' | |
$_sSectionOpen = 'getOpenSection' | |
$_aJs = array() | |
$_aCss = array() | |
$_sJsClassName | |
$_sJsObjectName | |
$_aHtmlIds | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolForm | |
$_aMarkers = array () | |
$oTemplate | |
$_isValid = true | |
$_bForceSetToPending = false | |
$_sChecker | |
$_sCheckerHelper | |
$_aSpecificValues | |
$_aFieldsCheckForSpam = array() | |
$_aFieldsExcludeFromCheckForSpam = array() | |
$_iAuthorId | |
$_sAuthorKey | |
$_sPrivacyObjectView | |
$_sPrivacyGroupDefault | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Attributes inherited from BxDolForm | |
$aFormAttrs | |
$aInputs | |
$aParams | |
$id | |
Static Public Attributes inherited from BxDolForm | |
static | $TYPES_SKIP = array('files' => 1, 'location' => 1, 'nested_form' => 1) |
static | $TYPES_CHECKBOX = array('checkbox' => 1, 'switcher' => 1) |
static | $TYPES_TEXT = array('text' => 1, 'textarea' => 1) |
static | $TYPES_FILE = array('file' => 1) |
static | $FUNC_SKIP_DOMAIN_CHECK = array('email' => 1, 'emails' => 1, 'emailexist' => 1, 'emailuniq' => 1, 'emailexistorempty' => 1, 'hostdomain' => 1, 'hostdomainchat' => 1, 'emailorempty' => 1) |
static | $FUNC_SKIP_MACROS_CHECK = array() |
static | $LOCATION_INDEXES = array ('lat', 'lng', 'country', 'state', 'city', 'zip', 'street', 'street_number') |
static | $LOCATION_INDEXES_MANDATORY = array ('lat', 'lng') |
BxBaseFormView::__construct | ( | $aInfo, | |
$oTemplate ) |
array | $aInfo | Form contents |
$aInfo['params'] = array( 'remove_form' => true|false, );
Reimplemented from BxDolForm.
Reimplemented in BxAccntFormAccount, BxAclFormPrice, BxAdsFormCategory, BxAdsFormEntry, BxAdsFormOffer, BxAdsFormPoll, BxAdsFormSourcesDetails, BxAlbumsFormEntry, BxAlbumsFormMedia, BxBaseCmtsForm, BxBaseCmtsReviewsForm, BxBaseFormAccount, BxBaseFormConfirmEmail, BxBaseFormConfirmPhone, BxBaseFormForgotPassword, BxBaseFormLogin, BxBaseFormProfile, BxBaseFormWiki, BxBaseLabelForm, BxBaseModFilesFormEntry, BxBaseModFilesFormUpload, BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry, BxBaseModGroupsFormEntry, BxBaseModGroupsFormPrice, BxBaseModGroupsFormQuestion, BxBaseModProfileFormEntry, BxBaseModTextFormEntry, BxBaseModTextFormPoll, BxBasePrivacyFormGroupCustom, BxBaseSearchExtendedForm, BxBaseSearchExtendedFormCmts, BxBaseStudioFormView, BxClssFormEntry, BxClssFormPoll, BxCnlFormEntry, BxCnvFormEntry, BxCoursesFormEntry, BxCoursesFormPrice, BxCreditsFormBundle, BxCreditsFormCredit, BxCreditsFormProfile, BxDevFormView, BxDolFormNested, BxDolStudioForm, BxDonationsFormType, BxDrupalFormLogin, BxElsFormManage, BxEventsFormEntry, BxEventsFormPrice, BxEventsFormQuestion, BxEventsFormSession, BxFdbFormQuestion, BxFilesFormEntry, BxFilesFormUpload, BxForumFormEntry, BxForumFormPoll, BxForumFormSearch, BxGlsrFormEntry, BxGroupsFormEntry, BxGroupsFormPrice, BxJobsFormEntry, BxJobsFormPrice, BxJobsFormQuestion, BxMarketFormEntry, BxMarketFormLicense, BxMassMailerFormEntry, BxOrgsFormEntry, BxOrgsFormPrice, BxPaymentFormCommissions, BxPaymentFormDetails, BxPaymentFormInvoices, BxPaymentFormView, BxPersonsFormEntry, BxPhotosFormEntry, BxPhotosFormUpload, BxPollsFormEntry, BxPostsFormEntry, BxPostsFormPoll, BxReviewsFormEntry, BxReviewsFormPoll, BxShopifyFormEntry, BxShopifyFormSettings, BxSnipcartFormEntry, BxSnipcartFormSettings, BxSpacesFormEntry, BxSpacesFormPrice, BxStrmFormEntry, BxTasksFormEntry, BxTasksFormListEntry, BxTemplCmtsForm, BxTemplCmtsReviewsForm, BxTemplFormAccount, BxTemplFormConfirmEmail, BxTemplFormConfirmPhone, BxTemplFormForgotPassword, BxTemplFormLogin, BxTemplFormProfile, BxTemplFormView, BxTemplFormView, BxTemplFormWiki, BxTemplPrivacyFormGroupCustom, BxTemplStudioFormView, BxTimelineFormPost, BxTimelineFormRepost, and BxVideosFormEntry.
BxBaseFormView::genForm | ( | ) |
BxBaseFormView::genInput | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate HTML Input Element
array | $aInput |
Reimplemented in BxBaseSearchExtendedForm, BxBaseStudioFormView, and BxVideosFormEntry.
BxBaseFormView::genInputButton | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Button Input Element
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genInputCheckboxSet | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Checkbox Set Element
array | $aInput |
Reimplemented in BxBaseStudioFormView.
BxBaseFormView::genInputFile | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Browse File Element
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genInputFiles | ( | & | $aInput, |
$sInfo = '', | |||
$sError = '' ) |
Generate Select Box Element
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genInputRadioSet | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Radiobuttons Set Element
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genInputSelect | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Select Element
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genInputSelectBox | ( | & | $aInput, |
$sInfo = '', | |||
$sError = '' ) |
Generate Select Box Element
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genInputSelectMultiple | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Multiple Select Element
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genInputSelectRgb | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Select RGB Element
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genInputStandard | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate standard Input Element
array | $aInput |
Reimplemented in BxDolFormNested.
BxBaseFormView::genInputSwitcher | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Switcher Input Element (based on checkbox)
array | $aInput |
Reimplemented in BxTemplFormView.
BxBaseFormView::genInputTextarea | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Textarea Element
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genLabel | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Label Element
string | $aInput | input array |
Reimplemented in BxBaseFormWiki.
BxBaseFormView::genRow | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate single Table Row
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genRowBlockHeader | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate Block Headers row
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genRowCustom | ( | & | $aInput, |
$sCustomMethod ) |
Generate custom row
array | $aInput | |
string | $sCustomMethod | custom method to generate code for input |
BxBaseFormView::genRows | ( | ) |
Generate Table HTML code
BxBaseFormView::genRowStandard | ( | & | $aInput, |
$isOneLine = false ) |
Generate standard row
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genViewRow | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate single Table Row for view mode
array | $aInput |
BxBaseFormView::genViewRowValue | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate value for view mode row
array | $aInput |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry, and BxEventsFormEntry.
BxBaseFormView::genViewRowWrapped | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate complete wrapped row for view mode form
array | $aInput |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry.
BxBaseFormView::getCode | ( | $bDynamicMode = false | ) |
Return Form code
$bDynamicMode | - set it to true if form is added via JS/AJAX call, for example form in AJAX popup. |
- [boolean] is dynamic modeobject
- [object] by ref, an instance of form class, code
- [boolean] or [string] by ref, when false the default generation mechanism will be used, can be overridden in hook processinginclude
- [string] by ref, additional data to be attached to output, can be overridden in hook processing
Reimplemented in BxAclFormPrice, BxAdsFormEntry, BxAdsFormOffer, BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry, BxBaseModTextFormEntry, BxClssFormEntry, BxDonationsFormType, BxElsFormManage, BxEventsFormEntry, BxMarketFormEntry, BxPollsFormEntry, and BxTasksFormEntry.
BxBaseFormView::getCodeAPI | ( | ) |
- [boolean] is dynamic modeobject
- [object] by ref, an instance of form class, code
- [boolean] by ref, when false the default generation mechanism will be used, can be overridden in hook processing
BxBaseFormView::getHtmlEditorQueryParams | ( | $aInput | ) |
- [object] an instance of form, override_result
- [array] by ref, query string params, can be overridden in hook processing
Reimplemented in BxBaseCmtsForm, and BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry.
BxBaseFormView::getInputId | ( | & | $aInput | ) |
Generate new Input Element id
array | $aInput |
protected |
CSS files list for form
protected |
JS files list for form
protected |
Use absolute Action URL which is needed in Ajax Mode.
protected |
Form is submitted dynamically (using Ajax Submit).
protected |
Form is added dynamically.
protected |
Show or not sections which have no fileds
protected |
Form is displayed in view mode.
protected |
for internal use only
protected |
Code which will be added to the beginning of the form. For example, hidden inputs. For internal use only
protected |
Default divider for several inputs
protected |
Alternative divider for several inputs
protected |
Function name for generation close form section HTML.
protected |
Function name for generation open form section HTML.
protected |
Enable or disable error message displaying
protected |
HTML Code of this form