No Matches
BxBaseSearchResult Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxBaseSearchResult:
BxDolSearchResult iBxDolReplaceable BxTemplSearchResult BxTemplSearchResult BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult BxBasePagesSearchResult BxBaseProfileSearchResult BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult BxBasePagesSearchResult BxBaseProfileSearchResult BxAccntSearchResult BxBaseModGeneralCmtsSearchResult BxBaseModNotificationsSearchResult BxBaseModProfileSearchResult BxBaseModTextSearchResult BxTemplPagesSearchResult BxTemplProfileSearchResult BxAccntSearchResult BxBaseModGeneralCmtsSearchResult BxBaseModNotificationsSearchResult BxBaseModProfileSearchResult BxBaseModTextSearchResult BxTemplPagesSearchResult BxTemplProfileSearchResult

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($oFunctions=false)
 getMain ()
 displayResultBlock ()
 displayResultBlockEmpty ()
 displaySearchBox ($sContent, $sPaginate='')
 displaySearchUnit ($aData)
 setUnitTemplate ($s)
 getDesignBoxMenu ()
 getRssPageUrl ()
 showAdminActionsPanel ($sWrapperId, $aButtons, $sCheckboxName='entry', $bSelectAll=true, $bSelectAllChecked=false, $sCustomHtml='')
 showAdminFilterPanel ($sFilterValue, $sInputId='filter_input_id', $sCheckboxId='filter_checkbox_id', $sFilterName='filter', $sOnApply='')
 showPagination ($bAdmin=false, $bChangePage=true, $bPageReload=true)
 clearFilters ($aPassParams=array(), $aPassJoins=array())
 fillFilters ($aParams)
 fillFiltersByObjects ($aParams)
 setDesignBoxTemplateId ($i)
 setCenterContentUnitSelector ($s)
 applyContainerId ()
 addContainerClass ($mixed)
 removeContainerClass ($mixed)
 applyContainerClass ()
 addContainerAttribute ($aAttributes)
 removeContainerAttribute ($mixedName)
 setUnitParams ($aParamsAdd=array(), $aParamsRemove=array())
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolSearchResult
 __construct ()
 getId ()
 setId ($sId)
 getModuleName ()
 getContentInfoName ()
 setAjaxPaginate ($b=true)
 setPaginatePerPage ($iPerPage)
 setSingleSearch ($bSingleSearch)
 setLiveSearch ($bLiveSearch)
 setMetaType ($s)
 isMetaEnabled ($s)
 setCategoryObject ($s)
 setCustomSearchCondition ($a)
 setCustomCurrentCondition ($a)
 setCategoriesCondition ($sKeyword)
 setDisplayEmptyMsg ($b, $sLangKey='')
 setProcessPrivateContent ($b)
 processingRaw ()
 processing ()
 processingAPI ()
 decodeDataAPI ($a)
 addCustomParts ()
 rss ()
 outputRSS ()
 getRssUnitLink (&$a)
 getRssUnitImage (&$a, $sField)
 setFieldUnit ($sFieldName, $sTableName, $sOperator='', $bRenameMode=true)
 getSearchData ()
 getSearchQuery ($sObject, $aParams=[])
 getFieldsOwn ()
 getFieldsJoin ($sJoin)
 getJoins ($bRenameMode=true)
 getSearchDataByParams ($aParams='')
 setConditionParams ()
 getNum ()
 getTotal ()
 getRestriction ()
 getLimit ($isAddPlusOne=false)
 setSorting ()
 getSorting ($sSortType='last')
 getAlterOrder ()
 setPaginate ()
 unsetPaginate ()
 getSearchFieldsCond ($aFields, $sKeyword, $sPseud='')
 getMultiValues ($aValues)
 _getPseudFromParam ()
 _getPseud ()
 addMarkers ($a)

Public Attributes

- Public Attributes inherited from BxDolSearchResult

Protected Member Functions

 addPageRssLink ()
 getCurrentUrl ($aAdditionalParams=array(), $bReplacePagesParams=true)
 getCurrentOnclick ($aAdditionalParams=array(), $bReplacePagesParams=true)
 addAdditionalUrlParams ($sUrl, $aAdditionalParams, $bReplacePagesParams, $bAddPaginateParams=true)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxDolSearchResult
 _replaceMarkers ($mixed)

Protected Attributes

 $sUnitTemplate = 'unit.html'
 $sUnitTemplateLiveSearch = 'unit_live_search.html'
 $aGetParams = array()
 $iDesignBoxTemplate = 11
 $sCenterContentUnitSelector = false
 $aContainerAttrs = array()
 $aContainerClasses = array('bx-search-result-block', 'bx-clearfix')
 $aUnitParams = array()
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolSearchResult
 $bDisplayEmptyMsg = false
 $sDisplayEmptyMsgKey = ''
 $bProcessPrivateContent = true
 $aPrivateConditionsIndexes = array('restriction' => array(), 'join' => array())
 $bForceAjaxPaginate = false
 $_bSingleSearch = true
 $_bLiveSearch = false
 $_sMetaType = ''
 $_sMode = ''
 $_aParams = []
 $_sCategoryObject = ''
 $_aCustomSearchCondition = array()
 $_bValidate = false
 $_aMarkers = array ()

Member Function Documentation

◆ addContainerAttribute()

BxBaseSearchResult::addContainerAttribute ( $aAttributes)

Add attribute(s) to search result container

$aAttributesan array of Key -> Value pair(s).

◆ addContainerClass()

BxBaseSearchResult::addContainerClass ( $mixed)

Add class to search result container

$mixedCSS class name string or array of classes

◆ applyContainerClass()

BxBaseSearchResult::applyContainerClass ( )

Apply class(es) for search result container

string with a list of classes.

Reimplemented in BxTemplSearchResult.

◆ applyContainerId()

BxBaseSearchResult::applyContainerId ( )

Add ID to search result container

$stringHTML ID

Reimplemented in BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult.

◆ displayResultBlock()

BxBaseSearchResult::displayResultBlock ( )

Get html output of search result

html code


'simple_search', 'show_data' - hook in display block for search

  • $unit_name - equals simple_search
  • $action - equals show_data
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:

Reimplemented from BxDolSearchResult.

Reimplemented in BxAdsSearchResult, BxAlbumsSearchResult, BxBaseModGeneralCmtsSearchResult, BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult, BxBaseModProfileSearchResult, BxForumSearchResult, BxGlsrSearchResult, BxMarketSearchResult, BxShopifySearchResult, BxStoriesSearchResult, and BxTimelineSearchResult.

◆ displayResultBlockEmpty()

BxBaseSearchResult::displayResultBlockEmpty ( )

Get html output of empty search result

html code

Reimplemented from BxDolSearchResult.

◆ displaySearchBox()

BxBaseSearchResult::displaySearchBox ( $sCode,
$sPaginate = '' )

Get html code of search box with search results

string$sCodehtml code of search results $param $sPaginate html code of paginate return html code

Reimplemented from BxDolSearchResult.

Reimplemented in BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult, and BxBaseModGroupsSearchResult.

◆ displaySearchUnit()

BxBaseSearchResult::displaySearchUnit ( $aData)

Get html code of of every search unit

array$aDataarray of every search unit return html code

Reimplemented from BxDolSearchResult.

Reimplemented in BxBaseModGeneralCmtsSearchResult, BxBasePagesSearchResult, BxBaseProfileSearchResult, and BxPollsSearchResult.

◆ getCurrentOnclick()

BxBaseSearchResult::getCurrentOnclick ( $aAdditionalParams = array(),
$bReplacePagesParams = true )

Get current browse URL with current page and additional params

$aAdditionalParamsset custom additional params as key value pair
$bReplacePagesParamsreplace paginate params with current values or leave markers for use in paginate class
ready to use URL string with BX_DOL_URL_ROOT added in the beginning

Reimplemented in BxBaseModTextSearchResult.

◆ getCurrentUrl()

BxBaseSearchResult::getCurrentUrl ( $aAdditionalParams = array(),
$bReplacePagesParams = true )

Get current browse URL with current page and additional params

$aAdditionalParamsset custom additional params as key value pair
$bReplacePagesParamsreplace paginate params with current values or leave markers for use in paginate class
ready to use URL string with BX_DOL_URL_ROOT added in the beginning

◆ removeContainerAttribute()

BxBaseSearchResult::removeContainerAttribute ( $mixedName)

Remove attribute(s) from search result container

$mixedNameattribute name or an array of names

◆ removeContainerClass()

BxBaseSearchResult::removeContainerClass ( $mixed)

Remove class from search result container

$mixedCSS class name string or array of classes

◆ setCenterContentUnitSelector()

BxBaseSearchResult::setCenterContentUnitSelector ( $s)

Set unit class selector for content centering

◆ setDesignBoxTemplateId()

BxBaseSearchResult::setDesignBoxTemplateId ( $i)

Set design box template id to use to wrap search results in

◆ showPagination()

BxBaseSearchResult::showPagination ( $bAdmin = false,
$bChangePage = true,
$bPageReload = true )

Get html code of pagination

Reimplemented from BxDolSearchResult.

Reimplemented in BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult, and BxFilesSearchResult.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: