Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- $ -
- $_aCss : BxBaseFormView
- $_aFieldsCheckForSpam : BxDolForm
- $_aFieldsExcludeFromCheckForSpam : BxDolForm
- $_aJs : BxBaseFormView
- $_aJsCodes : BxAclGridView, BxAdsMenuView, BxBaseModGroupsGridPricesView, BxMarketMenuView
- $_aMarkers : BxDolSearchResult
- $_aMigrationModules : BxSEMigConfig
- $_aMimeTypesViewable : BxDolStorage
- $_aObject : BxDolStorage, BxDolTranscoder, BxDolUploader
- $_aOptions : BxAntispamConfig
- $_aOptionsMap : BxAntispamConfig
- $_aParams : BxDolPaginate, BxDolStorage
- $_aSbsStatuses : BxBaseModPaymentProvider
- $_aStatuses : BxClssDb
- $_aSystem : BxDolCmts, BxDolObject
- $_aT : BxDolCmts
- $_aUploadersInfo : BxTimelineMenuPostAttachments
- $_bAbsoluteActionUrl : BxBaseFormView, BxBaseModGeneralFormsEntryHelper
- $_bAjaxMode : BxBaseFormView, BxBaseModGeneralFormsEntryHelper
- $_bAttachmentsInTimeline : BxBaseModTextConfig
- $_bDataProcessing : BxDolSearch
- $_bDynamicMode : BxBaseFormView
- $_bInfo : BxDolPaginate
- $_bRawProcessing : BxDolSearch
- $_bRemoveTransparency : BxDolImageResize
- $_bSettingsGrouped : BxNtfsConfig
- $_bShowEmptySections : BxBaseFormView
- $_bTotal : BxDolPaginate
- $_bViewMode : BxBaseFormView
- $_iAuthorId : BxDolCmts
- $_iCacheControl : BxDolStorage
- $_iDevicePixelRatio : BxDolTranscoder
- $_iDpnTime : BxBaseModGeneralConfig
- $_iErrorCode : BxDolStorage
- $_iId : BxBaseCmtsReviewsForm, BxDolCmts, BxDolObject
- $_iJpegQuality : BxDolImageResize
- $_iNum : BxDolPaginate
- $_iPerPage : BxDolPaginate
- $_iSilentMode : BxCnvCmts
- $_isSectionOpened : BxBaseFormView
- $_isSquareResize : BxDolImageResize
- $_iStart : BxDolPaginate
- $_isUseGD : BxDolImageResize
- $_iSystemProfileId : BxRemindersConfig
- $_iTotal : BxDolPaginate
- $_oDb : BxDolStorage, BxDolTranscoder
- $_oManager : BxDolImageResize
- $_oStorage : BxDolTranscoder
- $_sAuthorKey : BxDolForm
- $_sButtonsClass : BxDolPaginate
- $_sButtonTemplate : BxDolUploader
- $_sCategoryObject : BxDolSearch
- $_sCodeAdd : BxBaseFormView
- $_sDivId : BxBaseUploaderHTML5
- $_sDivider : BxBaseFormView
- $_sDividerAlt : BxBaseFormView
- $_sError : BxDolImageResize
- $_sJsTemplate : BxDolUploader
- $_sLog : BxDolTranscoder
- $_sOnChangePage : BxDolPaginate
- $_sPageUrl : BxDolPaginate
- $_sPaginateClass : BxDolPaginate
- $_sPopupContainerId : BxDolUploader
- $_sQueueStorage : BxDolTranscoder
- $_sQueueTable : BxDolTranscoder
- $_sRemoveTransparencyFillColor : BxDolImageResize
- $_sResultContainerId : BxDolUploader
- $_sRetinaSuffix : BxDolTranscoder
- $_sSectionClose : BxBaseFormView
- $_sSectionOpen : BxBaseFormView
- $_sStorageObject : BxDolUploader
- $_sSystem : BxBaseCmtsReviewsForm, BxDolCmts, BxDolObject
- $_sTableImages : BxDolCmts
- $_sUniqId : BxDolUploader
- $_sUploaderFormTemplate : BxDolUploader
- $_sUploaderJsInstance : BxDolUploader
- $_sUploadErrorMessages : BxDolUploader
- $_sUploadInProgressContainerId : BxDolUploader
- $_sViewAllCaption : BxDolPaginate
- $_sViewAllUrl : BxDolPaginate
- $aChoice : BxDolSearch
- $aClasses : BxDolSearch
- $aCurrent : BxDolSearchResult
- $aFormAttrs : BxDolForm
- $aGetParams : BxBaseSearchResult
- $aInputs : BxDolForm
- $aParams : BxDolForm
- $aPrivateConditionsIndexes : BxDolSearchResult
- $aPseud : BxDolSearchResult
- $aUnitParams : BxBaseSearchResult
- $bDisplayEmptyMsg : BxDolSearchResult
- $bEnableErrorIcon : BxBaseFormView
- $bForceAjaxPaginate : BxDolSearchResult
- $bProcessPrivateContent : BxDolSearchResult
- $CONF_COMMON : BxBaseEditorQuill, BxEditorEditor
- $CONF_EMBED : BxBasePlayerHTML5, BxPlyrPlayer
- $CONF_FULL : BxBaseEditorQuill
- $CONF_LANGS : BxBasePlayerHTML5
- $CONF_MINI : BxBaseEditorQuill, BxBasePlayerHTML5, BxPlyrPlayer
- $CONF_STANDARD : BxBaseEditorQuill, BxBasePlayerHTML5, BxPlyrPlayer
- $CONF_STANDARD_AUDIO : BxBasePlayerHTML5, BxPlyrPlayer
- $h : BxDolImageResize
- $id : BxDolForm, BxDolSearchResult
- $iDesignBoxTemplate : BxBaseSearchResult
- $iPaginatePerPage : BxDolSearchResult
- $name : BxDolHTMLPurifierFilterEmbed, BxDolHTMLPurifierFilterYouTube
- $sBrowseUrl : BxBaseSearchResult
- $sCode : BxBaseFormView
- $sDisplayEmptyMsgKey : BxDolSearchResult
- $sTableSystems : BxDolCmts
- $sUnitTemplate : BxBaseSearchResult
- $sUnitTemplateLiveSearch : BxBaseSearchResult