Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- i -
- icon() : BxBaseModProfileTemplate
- id() : BxDolAccount, BxDolProfile, BxDolProfileUndefined
- ignore() : BxDolRecommendation
- implode_escape() : BxDolDb
- init() : BxAttendantTemplate, BxBaseModGroupsConnectionFans, BxDolConnection, BxDolLanguages, BxDolModuleTemplate, BxTimelineTemplate
- initChecker() : BxDolForm
- initDb() : BxDolMModule
- initSEDb() : BxSEMigModule
- insert() : BxCnvFormEntry, BxDolForm
- insertEvent() : BxTimelineDb
- insertProfile() : BxDolProfileQuery
- isActAsProfile() : BxDolProfile
- isActive() : BxDolFileHandler, BxDolProfile, BxDolProfileUndefined
- isAdmin() : BxDolCmts
- isAllowed() : BxDolWiki
- isAllowedActionByRole() : BxBaseModGroupsModule
- isAllowedCreate() : BxDolAccount
- isAllowedCreateMultiple() : BxDolAccount
- isAllowedDelete() : BxDolAccount, BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedEdit() : BxDolAccount, BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedFavorite() : BxDolFavorite, BxOrgsFavorite, BxPersonsFavorite
- isAllowedFeature() : BxDolFeature
- isAllowedPin() : BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedPost() : BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedReaction() : BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedReactionView() : BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedReport() : BxDolReport, BxOrgsReport, BxPersonsReport, BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedRepost() : BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedScore() : BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedSend() : BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedStick() : BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedView() : BxDolView
- isAllowedViewCounter() : BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedVote() : BxBaseModTextVotePollAnswers, BxDolScore, BxDolVote, BxMarketScore, BxMarketVoteReactions, BxMarketVoteStars, BxPollsModule, BxPollsVoteSubentries, BxTimelineModule
- isAllowedVoteView() : BxTimelineModule
- isAutoApprove() : BxBaseModGeneralConfig
- isAvailable() : BxDolCache, BxDolCacheAPC, BxDolCacheMemcache, BxDolCacheXCache, BxDolCaptcha, BxDolStorage, BxDolUploader
- isConfigInstalled() : BxDolMDb, BxSEMigDb
- isConfirmed() : BxDolAccount
- isConfirmedEmail() : BxDolAccount
- isConfirmedPhone() : BxDolAccount
- isConnected() : BxDolConnection
- isConnectedNotMutual() : BxDolConnection
- isCover() : BxDolCover
- isDynamicGroupMember() : BxBaseModGroupsPrivacy, BxBaseModGroupsPrivacyPost, BxDolPrivacy, BxMarketPrivacy
- isEmailExisting() : BxBaseModConnectDb
- isEnabled() : BxCnvCmts, BxDolCover, BxDolModule, BxDolRelation
- isEntryActive() : BxAdsModule, BxBaseModGeneralModule
- isEntryAuthor() : BxBaseModGeneralModule
- isFeatured() : BxDolStudioWidgets
- isField() : BxDolStudioFormsField
- isFieldExist() : BxBaseModConnectDb, BxDolForm
- isFilePrivate() : BxDolStorage
- isFileReady() : BxDolTranscoder, BxDolTranscoderImage
- isFilterAvail() : BxDolLogs, BxDolLogsStorageFolder, BxDolLogsStoragePHPLog, BxDolLogsStorageSTDErr
- isGetAvail() : BxDolLogs, BxDolLogsStorageFolder, BxDolLogsStoragePHPLog, BxDolLogsStorageSTDErr
- isInstalled() : BxDolCache, BxDolCacheAPC, BxDolCacheMemcache, BxDolCacheXCache, BxDolStorage, BxDolUploader
- isIpBlocked() : BxAntispamIP
- isIpWhitelisted() : BxAntispamIP
- isItemExisted() : BxDolMData
- isKeyExists() : BxDolKey
- isKeyPreKeyExits() : BxDolMData
- isLogged() : BxDolModule
- isMemberLevelInSet() : BxDolAcl
- isMimeTypeSupported() : BxDolTranscoder, BxDolTranscoderAudio, BxDolTranscoderImage, BxDolTranscoderProxy, BxDolTranscoderVideo
- isModeNio() : BxFdbConfig
- isModuleContentTransferred() : BxDolMData
- isModulePendingUninstall() : BxDolInstallerUtils
- isNeedChangePassword() : BxDolAccount
- isNextAvail() : BxDolPaginate
- isOnline() : BxDolAccount, BxDolAccountQuery, BxDolProfile, BxDolProfileQuery, BxDolProfileUndefined
- isPage() : BxDolPage
- isPageCover() : BxBasePage
- isPaidJoinByProfile() : BxBaseModGroupsModule
- isPaidJoinByProfileForProfile() : BxBaseModGroupsModule
- isPaymentProvider() : BxDolPayments
- isPluginInstalled() : BxDolMDb, BxSEMigDb
- isPollPerformed() : BxBaseModTextDb
- isPostAllowed() : BxBaseModProfileCmts
- isPostAllowedCustom() : BxDolCmtsReviews
- isPrevAvail() : BxDolPaginate
- isProfileContent() : BxDolConnection
- isProfileInitiator() : BxDolConnection
- isProfilesLimitReached() : BxDolAccount
- isQueuedFilesForDeletion() : BxDolStorage
- isReplyAllowed() : BxDolCmts, BxDolCmtsReviews
- isSelectGroupCustomMemberships() : BxBaseModProfilePrivacy, BxBaseModProfilePrivacyContact, BxBaseModProfilePrivacyPost, BxDolPrivacy
- isSelectGroupCustomUsers() : BxBaseModProfilePrivacy, BxBaseModProfilePrivacyContact, BxBaseModProfilePrivacyPost, BxDolPrivacy
- isSerializedService() : BxDolService
- isSpammer() : BxAntispamStopForumSpam
- isTrackFieldChanged() : BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry
- isUndo() : BxDolFavorite, BxDolFeature, BxDolReport, BxDolScore, BxDolVote
- isValid() : BxBaseFormAccount
- isVisible() : BxBaseMenuManage, BxBaseMenuSubmenu, BxDolForm, BxDolMenu
- items2array() : BxDolStudioCart