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BxBaseServiceProfiles Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxBaseServiceProfiles:
BxDol BxTemplServiceProfiles BxTemplServiceProfiles

Public Member Functions

 serviceGetProfileTypes ()
 serviceProfileAvatar ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceProfileMenu ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceProfileFollowings ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceBefriend ($sParams)
 serviceProfileStats ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceGetMenuAddonProfileEdit ($iProfileId=0, $sCaption='')
 serviceGetMenuAddonProfileConnections ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceProfileMembership ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceProfileMembershipStats ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceProfileNotifications ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceGetCountOnlineProfiles ()
 serviceGetProfilesModules ($bForceActAsProfile=true)
 serviceProfilesFriends ($iLimit=20)
 serviceProfilesSearch ($sTerm, $mixedParems=[])
 serviceProfilesSearchByLocation ($aLocation, $iRadius, $mixedParems=[])
 serviceProfilesList ($iAccountId=0)
 serviceBrowseFriends ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceProfileFriendsRequestsCount ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceProfileSentFriendsRequestsCount ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceProfileFriendsCount ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceProfileFollowersCount ($iProfileId=0)
 serviceProfileFollowingCount ($iProfileId=0, $bProfilesOnly=false)
 serviceProfileRecommendationFollowingCount ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceProfileRecommendationFriendsCount ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceBrowseFriendRequests ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceBrowseFriendRequested ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceBrowseSubscriptions ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceBrowseSubscribedMe ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceBrowseMembers ($iProfileId, $sObject, $aParams=[])
 serviceBrowseConnections ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceBrowseRecommendationsFriends ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceSetMembership ($mixedProfileId, $iAclLevelId, $iAclLevelDuration=0)
 serviceBrowseRecommendationsSubscriptions ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[])
 serviceAccountProfileSwitcher ($iAccountId=false, $iActiveProfileId=null, $sUrlProfileAction='', $bShowAll=0, $sButtonTitle='', $sProfileTemplate='')
 serviceAccountProfileSwitcherAll ($iAccountId=false, $iActiveProfileId=null, $sUrlProfileAction='', $bShowAll=true, $sButtonTitle='', $sProfileTemplate='')
 serviceProfileSettingsCfilter ($iProfileId=false)
 serviceIsAllowedCfilter ($sAction, $iValue, $aProfileInfo)
 serviceIsEnabledCfilter ()
 serviceProfileCounters ()
 serviceProfileInfo ()
 serviceUpdateSettings ($iProfileId=false, $sSettings='')

Protected Member Functions

 _getIcon ($sIcon)
 _getLatestModuleTimestamp ()
 _getProfilesModules ($bForceActAsProfile=true)
 _serviceBrowseConnections ($sMode, $aParams=[], $iDesignBox=BX_DB_PADDING_DEF, $bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true)

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

System service for profiles handling functionality.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

BxBaseServiceProfiles::__construct ( )

Reimplemented from BxDol.

Member Function Documentation

◆ serviceAccountProfileSwitcher()

BxBaseServiceProfiles::serviceAccountProfileSwitcher ( $iAccountId = false,
$iActiveProfileId = null,
$sUrlProfileAction = '',
$bShowAll = 0,
$sButtonTitle = '',
$sProfileTemplate = '' )


'system', 'account_profile_switcher' - hook to get account profile switcher

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals account_profile_switcher
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • account_id - [int] account id
    • active_profile_id - [int] by ref, current profile id, can be overridden in hook processing
    • url_profile_action - [string] url profile action
    • show_all - [bool] by ref, show all profiles or not, can be overridden in hook processing
    • button_title - [string] by ref, title for button, can be overridden in hook processing
    • profile_template - [string] by ref, profile template, can be overridden in hook processing
    • profiles - [array] by ref, array of profiles info , can be overridden in hook processing
      'system', 'account_profile_switcher' - hook to get account profile switcher

◆ serviceGetCountOnlineProfiles()

BxBaseServiceProfiles::serviceGetCountOnlineProfiles ( )

◆ serviceGetMenuAddonProfileEdit()

BxBaseServiceProfiles::serviceGetMenuAddonProfileEdit ( $iProfileId = 0,
$sCaption = '' )


◆ serviceProfileMembership()

BxBaseServiceProfiles::serviceProfileMembership ( $iProfileId = 0)

◆ serviceProfileNotifications()

BxBaseServiceProfiles::serviceProfileNotifications ( $iProfileId = 0)

◆ serviceProfilesSearch()

BxBaseServiceProfiles::serviceProfilesSearch ( $sTerm,
$mixedParems = [] )


'system', 'profiles_search_by_location' - hook on serach profiles by location

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals profiles_search_by_location
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • term - [string] term for searching
    • result - [array] by ref, array of results, can be overridden in hook processing

◆ serviceProfilesSearchByLocation()

BxBaseServiceProfiles::serviceProfilesSearchByLocation ( $aLocation,
$mixedParems = [] )


'system', 'profiles_search_by_location' - hook on serach profiles by location

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals profiles_search_by_location
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • module - [string] module name
    • location - [array] location's info
    • radius - [int] radius for search
    • result - [array] by ref, array of results, can be overridden in hook processing

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: