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BxDolCron Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxDolCron:
BxDol BxAdsCronOffers BxAdsCronPruning BxAntispamCronPruning BxAntispamCronUpdateDisposableEmailDomains BxBaseModGroupsCronPruning BxBaseModGroupsCronPublishing BxChartsCron BxClssCronPublishing BxCreditsCronClearing BxDolCronAccount BxDolCronAcl BxDolCronAudit BxDolCronBackgroundJobs BxDolCronProfile BxDolCronPruning BxDolCronQueueEmail BxDolCronQueuePush BxDolCronStorage BxDolCronTranscoder BxDolCronUpgradeCheck BxDolCronUpgradeModulesCheck BxEventsCronProcessReminders BxFilesCronProcessData BxMarketCronPruning BxMassMailerCron BxNtfsCronClean BxNtfsCronNotify BxNtfsCronQueue BxPaymentCronCommissions BxPaymentCronCurrency BxPaymentCronTimeTracker BxPostsCronPublishing BxRemindersCron BxStrmCronPublishing BxStrmCronRecordings BxTasksCronExpiring BxTasksCronPublishing BxTimelineCronClean BxTimelineCronHot BxTimelineCronPublishing

Public Member Functions

 processing ()

Detailed Description

BxDolCron is parent class for all cron jobs, except the cases when the code is evaluated directly.

periodic/cron.php file is used for cron jobs. It is started every minute and run cron jobs. The file runs jobs at regular intervals, the jobs are listed in sys_cron_jobs table.

Fields shark_cron_jobs table: id - key for the table name - job name to be executed time - format of entries are five fields of numbers specifying the minute, hour, day of the month, month and day of the week that a task must be executed.

* * * * *
| | | | |
| | | | +--- day of week(0-6 with 0=Sunday)
| | | +----- month(1-12)
| | +------- day of month(1-31)
| +--------- hour(0-23)
+----------- minute(0-59)

class - class name which will run file - path to class file service_call - serialized service call which will be run

The time numbers can be given as a comma separated list of simple numbers, ranges("2-5" is the same as "2,3,4,5"). A single "*" can be used in a field to indicate all valid numbers in that field, so it translates to "always". If a given time is valid in all five fields then a module function is executed. Here are a few examples that illustrate the possibilities:

will run at 16:10:
10 16
will run at 2:00 on saturday:
0 2 * * 6
will run at midnight on new years:
0 0 1 1 0
will run every 15 minutes:
will run at 22:00 on work weekdays:
0 22 * * 1-5
will run each 23 minutes, 2:00, 4:00 ..., everyday
23 0-23/2

Example add new cron job:

  1. Create new class inherited from "BxDolCron" and add method "processing"
class BxDolCronMy extends BxDolCron {
function processing()
// insert code
Definition BxDolCron.php:83
  1. Add record in sys_cron_jobs table
See also
an example of BxDolCronPruning, BxDolCronStorage.

Memberships/ACL: Doesn't depend on user's membership.

Alerts: no alerts available

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

BxDolCron::__construct ( )

Reimplemented from BxDol.

Member Function Documentation

◆ processing()

BxDolCron::processing ( )

Reimplemented in BxMarketCronPruning, and BxRemindersCron.

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