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BxNtfsTemplate Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxNtfsTemplate:
BxBaseModNotificationsTemplate BxBaseModGeneralTemplate BxDolModuleTemplate

Public Member Functions

 __construct (&$oConfig, &$oDb)
 getInclude ($bIncludeCss=true, $mixedIncludeJs=false)
 getViewBlock ($aParams)
 getSettingsBlock ($sDeliveryType, $aParams=array())
 getPosts ($aParams)
 getPost (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 getNotificationEmail ($iRecipient, &$aEvent)
 getNotificationPush ($iRecipient, &$aEvent)
 getEmpty ($bVisible=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModNotificationsTemplate
 addLocationBase ()
 getAddedCss ($sType='', $bDynamic=false)
 getAddedJs ($sType='', $bDynamic=false)
 getCssJs ($sType='', $bDynamic=false)
 getJsCode ($sType, $aParams=array(), $bWrap=true, $bDynamic=false)
 getUnit (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 unit ($aData, $isCheckPrivateContent=true, $sTemplateName='unit.html')
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralTemplate
 getJsCode ($sType, $aParams=array(), $mixedWrap=true)
 getTitleAuto ($aData, $iMaxLen=20, $sEllipsisSign='...')
 getTitle ($aData, $mixedProcessOutput=BX_DATA_TEXT)
 getAbstract ($aData, $mixedProcessOutput=BX_DATA_TEXT)
 getText ($aData, $mixedProcessOutput=BX_DATA_HTML)
 getProfileLink ($mixedProfile)
 getLink ($sTemplate, $aParams)
 getContextAddon ($aData, $oProfile)
 getContextDesc ($aData)
 getTmplVarsText ($aData)
 entryBreadcrumb ($aContentInfo, $aTmplVarsItems=array())
 entryText ($aData, $sTemplateName='entry-text.html')
 entryLocation ($iContentId)
 entryInfo ($aData, $aValues=array())
 getFavoriteList ($oProfile, $iStart, $iPerPage, $aParams)
 getFavoritesListInfo ($aList, $oProfile)
 getBrowsingFilters ($aParams)
 entryAllActions ($sActions)
 entryAttachments ($aData, $aParams=array())
 entryAttachmentsByStorage ($mixedStorage, $aData, $aParams=array())
 entryContext ($aData, $iProfileId=false, $sFuncContextDesc='getContextDesc', $sTemplateName='context.html', $sFuncContextAddon='getContextAddon')
 getAttachmentsData ($sStorage, $aData, $aParams=array())
 embedVideo ($iFileId)
 embedSound ($iFileId)
 _getImageSettings ($sSettings)
 _prepareImage ($aData, $sUniqId, $aUploaders, $sStorage, $sField, $bAllowTweak, $bAllowMultiple=false)
 addCssJs ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolModuleTemplate
 __construct (&$oConfig, &$oDb, $sRootPath=BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT, $sRootUrl=BX_DOL_URL_ROOT)
 getModule ()
 init ()
 addCssSystem ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false)
 addCss ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false)
 addJsSystem ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false)
 addJs ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false)
 addJsTranslation ($mixedKey, $bDynamic=false)
 addStudioCss ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true)
 addStudioCssSystem ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true)
 addStudioJs ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true)
 addStudioJsSystem ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true)
 addStudioJsTranslation ($mixedKey)
 _addFiles ($oTemplate, $sFuncAddFiles, $sFuncIsLocation, $sFuncAddLocation, $sFuncRemoveLocation, $sPath, $mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true, $aLocations=array())
 addStudioInjection ($sKey, $sType, $sData, $iReplace=0)
 pageStart ()
 pageEnd ($isGetContent=true)
 isMethodExists ($s)

Protected Member Functions

 _processContent (&$aEvent)
 _getContent (&$aEvent)
 _getContentLangKey (&$aEvent)
 _parseContentLangKey ($sLangKey, &$aEvent)
 _getContentLink (&$aEvent)
 _getLink ($sLink)
 _isInContext (&$aEvent)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralTemplate
 getSummary ($aData, $sTitle='', $sText='', $sUrl='')
 getAttachmentsImagesTranscoders ($sStorage='')
 getAttachmentsVideoTranscoders ($sStorage='')
 getAttachments ($sStorage, $aData, $aParams=array())
 _embedChecks ($sStorageKey, $iFileId)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BxBaseModGeneralTemplate
 $aMethodsToCallAddJsCss = array('entry', 'unit')
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseModGeneralTemplate
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolModuleTemplate
 $_bObStarted = 0

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

BxNtfsTemplate::__construct ( & $oConfig,
& $oDb )

Reimplemented from BxBaseModNotificationsTemplate.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _processContent()

BxNtfsTemplate::_processContent ( & $aEvent)


'bx_notifications', 'get_content' - hook to override notification content

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals get_content
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:

◆ getPost()

BxNtfsTemplate::getPost ( & $aEvent,
$aBrowseParams = array() )


'bx_notifications', 'get_notification' - hook to override notification or even cancel it

  • $unit_name - equals bx_notifications
  • $action - equals get_notification
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • browse_params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • event - [array] by ref, event data array, can be overridden in hook processing
    • event_parsed - [boolean] by ref, if event was already parsed (ready to display), can be overridden in hook processing
    • event_canceled - [boolean] by ref, if event was canceled, can be overridden in hook processing
    • owner - [object] by ref, an instance of owner profile,
      See also
      BxDolProfile, can be overridden in hook processing
    • owner_unit - [string] by ref, profile unit HTML code, can be overridden in hook processing
      'bx_notifications', 'get_notification' - hook to override notification or even cancel it

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: