| __construct ($aModule) |
| init (&$oDb) |
| isCreditsOnly () |
| getPayAttemptsMax () |
| getPayAttemptsInterval () |
| getPrice ($sType, $aItem, $iPrecision=2) |
| getTrial ($sType, $aItem) |
| getModuleId ($mixedId) |
| a2s ($a) |
| s2a ($s) |
| urlEncode ($s) |
| urlDecode ($s) |
| descriptorA2S ($a) |
| descriptorS2A ($s) |
| descriptorsA2S ($a) |
| descriptorsM2A ($mixed) |
| putCustom ($mDsc, $aCustom, &$aCustoms) |
| getCustom ($mDsc, &$aCustoms) |
| pullCustom ($mDsc, &$aCustoms) |
| http2https ($s) |
| sortByColumn ($sColumn, &$aValues) |
| getDefaultCurrencySign () |
| getDefaultCurrencyCode () |
| getSiteAdmin () |
| isSiteAdmin ($iProfileId=0) |
| isSingleSeller () |
| getInvoiceIssueDay () |
| getInvoiceLifetime () |
| getInvoiceExpirationNotify () |
| getKey ($sType) |
| getUrl ($sType, $aParams=array(), $bSsl=false) |
| getDivider ($sType) |
| getPerPage ($sType='default') |
| getHtmlIds ($sType, $sKey='') |
| getAnimationEffect () |
| getAnimationSpeed () |
| getLicense () |
| formatDate ($iTs) |
| formatDateTime ($iTs) |
| retrieveCurrencySign ($sCode) |
| getCNF () |
| getObject ($sType='') |
| getPrefix ($sType='') |
| getJsClass ($sType) |
| getJsObject ($sType) |
| getGridObject ($sType) |
| isAutoApprove () |
| isAutoApproveEnabled () |
| isEqualUrls ($sUrl1, $sUrl2) |
| getViewEntryUrl ($mixedData) |
| getImageUrl ($iId, $aTranscoders) |
| getDpnTime () |
| getId () |
| getName () |
| getClassPrefix () |
| getDbPrefix () |
| getDirectory () |
| getHomePath () |
| getClassPath () |
| getUri () |
| getBaseUri () |
| getHomeUrl () |
| $_bCreditsOnly |
| $_iPayAttemptsMax |
| $_iPayAttemptsInterval |
| $_oDb |
| $_sCurrencySign |
| $_sCurrencyCode |
| $_iSiteAdmin |
| $_bSingleSeller |
| $_aPerPage |
| $_aHtmlIds |
| $_sAnimationEffect |
| $_iAnimationSpeed |
| $_aObjects |
| $_aPrefixes |
| $_aJsClasses |
| $_aJsObjects |
| $_aHtmlIds |
| $_aGridObjects |
| $_bIsApi |
| $_iDpnTime |
| $_iId |
| $_sName |
| $_sVendor |
| $_sClassPrefix |
| $_sDbPrefix |
| $_sDirectory |
| $_sUri |
| $_sHomePath |
| $_sClassPath |
| $_sHomeUrl |
◆ __construct()
BxPaymentConfig::__construct |
( |
| $aModule | ) |
◆ descriptorsM2A()
BxPaymentConfig::descriptorsM2A |
( |
| $mixed | ) |
Conver items to array with necessary structure.
- Parameters
string/array | $mixed - string with cart items divided with (:) or an array of cart items. |
- Returns
- array with items.
◆ init()
BxPaymentConfig::init |
( |
& | $oDb | ) |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- modules/boonex/payment/classes/BxPaymentConfig.php