Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($aModule) | |
getId () | |
getName () | |
getClassPrefix () | |
getDbPrefix () | |
getDirectory () | |
getHomePath () | |
getClassPath () | |
getUri () | |
getBaseUri () | |
getHomeUrl () | |
Protected Attributes | |
$_iId | |
$_sName | |
$_sVendor | |
$_sClassPrefix | |
$_sDbPrefix | |
$_sDirectory | |
$_sUri | |
$_sHomePath | |
$_sClassPath | |
$_sHomeUrl | |
Base class for Config classes in modules engine.
The object of the class contains different basic configuration settings which are necessary for all modules.
Example of usage: refer to any BoonEx module
Memberships/ACL: Doesn't depend on user's membership.
Alerts: no alerts available
BxDolModuleConfig::__construct | ( | $aModule | ) |
Reimplemented in BxAccntConfig, BxAclConfig, BxAdsConfig, BxAlbumsConfig, BxAnalyticsConfig, BxAnonFollowConfig, BxAntispamConfig, BxApiConfig, BxArtificerConfig, BxAttendantConfig, BxAzrB2CConfig, BxAzrConConfig, BxBaseModConnectConfig, BxBaseModGeneralConfig, BxBaseModGroupsConfig, BxBaseModNotificationsConfig, BxBaseModPaymentConfig, BxBaseModProfileConfig, BxBaseModTemplateConfig, BxBaseModTextConfig, BxCASConfig, BxChartsConfig, BxChatPlusConfig, BxClssConfig, BxCnlConfig, BxCnvConfig, BxContactConfig, BxCoursesConfig, BxCreditsConfig, BxDataFoxConfig, BxDecorousConfig, BxDevConfig, BxDolConConfig, BxDolMConfig, BxDonationsConfig, BxDrupalConfig, BxEditorConfig, BxElsConfig, BxEventsConfig, BxFaceBookConnectConfig, BxFdbConfig, BxFilesConfig, BxFontAwesomeConfig, BxForumConfig, BxFroalaConfig, BxGlsrConfig, BxGoogleConConfig, BxGoogleTagManConfig, BxGroupsConfig, BxHelpToursConfig, BxIntercomConfig, BxInvConfig, BxJobsConfig, BxLinkedinConfig, BxLucidConfig, BxMailchimpConfig, BxMapShowConfig, BxMarkerIoConfig, BxMarketConfig, BxMassMailerConfig, BxNewCommentsConfig, BxNexusConfig, BxNtfsConfig, BxOAuthConfig, BxOceanConfig, BxOktaConConfig, BxOpencvConfig, BxOrgsConfig, BxPaymentConfig, BxPersonsConfig, BxPhotosConfig, BxPlyrConfig, BxPollsConfig, BxPostsConfig, BxProfilerConfig, BxProteanConfig, BxQuoteOfDayConfig, BxRemindersConfig, BxReputationConfig, BxReviewsConfig, BxSEMigConfig, BxShopifyConfig, BxSMTPConfig, BxSnipcartConfig, BxSpacesConfig, BxStoriesConfig, BxStripeConnectConfig, BxStrmConfig, BxTasksConfig, BxTimelineConfig, BxTwitterConfig, BxUnaConConfig, BxVideosConfig, BxWikiConfig, and BxXeroConfig.
BxDolModuleConfig::getBaseUri | ( | ) |
Get base URI which depends on the Permalinks mechanism.
example /modules/?r=module_uri or /m/module_uri
BxDolModuleConfig::getHomeUrl | ( | ) |
Get full URL.
BxDolModuleConfig::getUri | ( | ) |
Get unique URI.