| __construct ($aModule) |
| getCNF () |
| getObject ($sType='') |
| getPrefix ($sType='') |
| getJsClass ($sType) |
| getJsObject ($sType) |
| getGridObject ($sType) |
| isAutoApprove () |
| isAutoApproveEnabled () |
| isEqualUrls ($sUrl1, $sUrl2) |
| getViewEntryUrl ($mixedData) |
| getImageUrl ($iId, $aTranscoders) |
| getDpnTime () |
| getId () |
| getName () |
| getClassPrefix () |
| getDbPrefix () |
| getDirectory () |
| getHomePath () |
| getClassPath () |
| getUri () |
| getBaseUri () |
| getHomeUrl () |
| $_aObjects |
| $_aPrefixes |
| $_aJsClasses |
| $_aJsObjects |
| $_aHtmlIds |
| $_aGridObjects |
| $_bIsApi |
| $_iDpnTime |
| $_iId |
| $_sName |
| $_sVendor |
| $_sClassPrefix |
| $_sDbPrefix |
| $_sDirectory |
| $_sUri |
| $_sHomePath |
| $_sClassPath |
| $_sHomeUrl |
◆ __construct()
BxBaseModGeneralConfig::__construct |
( |
| $aModule | ) |
Reimplemented from BxDolModuleConfig.
Reimplemented in BxAccntConfig, BxAclConfig, BxAdsConfig, BxAlbumsConfig, BxAnalyticsConfig, BxArtificerConfig, BxAttendantConfig, BxAzrB2CConfig, BxAzrConConfig, BxBaseModConnectConfig, BxBaseModGroupsConfig, BxBaseModNotificationsConfig, BxBaseModPaymentConfig, BxBaseModProfileConfig, BxBaseModTemplateConfig, BxBaseModTextConfig, BxCASConfig, BxChartsConfig, BxClssConfig, BxCnlConfig, BxCnvConfig, BxContactConfig, BxCoursesConfig, BxCreditsConfig, BxDecorousConfig, BxDevConfig, BxDolConConfig, BxDolMConfig, BxDonationsConfig, BxDrupalConfig, BxElsConfig, BxEventsConfig, BxFaceBookConnectConfig, BxFdbConfig, BxFilesConfig, BxForumConfig, BxGlsrConfig, BxGoogleConConfig, BxGroupsConfig, BxHelpToursConfig, BxInvConfig, BxJobsConfig, BxLinkedinConfig, BxLucidConfig, BxMapShowConfig, BxMarkerIoConfig, BxMarketConfig, BxMassMailerConfig, BxNtfsConfig, BxOceanConfig, BxOktaConConfig, BxOrgsConfig, BxPaymentConfig, BxPersonsConfig, BxPhotosConfig, BxPollsConfig, BxPostsConfig, BxProteanConfig, BxRemindersConfig, BxReputationConfig, BxReviewsConfig, BxSEMigConfig, BxShopifyConfig, BxSnipcartConfig, BxSpacesConfig, BxStoriesConfig, BxStripeConnectConfig, BxStrmConfig, BxTasksConfig, BxTimelineConfig, BxTwitterConfig, BxUnaConConfig, BxVideosConfig, BxWikiConfig, and BxXeroConfig.
◆ getCNF()
BxBaseModGeneralConfig::getCNF |
( |
| ) |
'{module_name}', 'get_cnf' - hook to override module's configuration array
- $unit_name - module name
- $action - equals
- $object_id - not used
- $sender_id - not used
- $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
◆ isAutoApprove()
BxBaseModGeneralConfig::isAutoApprove |
( |
| ) |
Is Auto Approve mode is available.
◆ $_iDpnTime
BxBaseModGeneralConfig::$_iDpnTime |
protected |
Delayed Publishing Notification Time (in seconds) If video transcoding takes more than specified amount of time then author will be notified about publishing (failure).
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- modules/base/general/classes/BxBaseModGeneralConfig.php