| __construct ($aDbConf=false) |
| connect () |
| res ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null) |
| ping () |
| pdoQuery ($sQuery) |
| pdoExec ($sQuery) |
| getOne ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iIndex=0) |
| prepare ($sQuery) |
| getRow ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) |
| query ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null) |
| getAll ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) |
| getPairs ($oStatement, $sFieldKey, $sFieldValue, $aBindings=array()) |
| getFirstRow ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) |
| getNextRow ($iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) |
| isTableExists ($sTable) |
| getSEParam ($sTable, $sName) |
| $_bPdoPersistent |
| $_iPdoFetchType |
| $_iPdoErrorMode |
| $_bErrorChecking |
| $_aError |
| $_sHost |
| $_sPort |
| $_sSocket |
| $_sDbname |
| $_sUser |
| $_sPassword |
| $_sCharset |
| $_sStorageEngine |
| $_oStatement = null |
| $_oDbCacheObject = null |
static | $_rLink |
static | $_aDbCacheData |
static | $_sErrorKey = 'bx_db_error' |
static | $_aErrors |
| executeStatement ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null) |
| executeStatementException ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null) |
| executeStatementSilent ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null) |
BxSEDb Class duplicate for connecting with Social Engine database It allows to create two connections for different databases
◆ $_aErrors
Initial value:= array(
BX_DB_ERR_CONNECT_FAILD => 'Database connect failed',
BX_DB_ERR_QUERY_ERROR => 'Database query error',
BX_DB_ERR_ESCAPE => 'Escape string error'
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- modules/boonex/se_migration/classes/BxSEDb.php