No Matches
BxTimelineTemplate Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxTimelineTemplate:
BxBaseModNotificationsTemplate BxBaseModGeneralTemplate BxDolModuleTemplate

Public Member Functions

 __construct (&$oConfig, &$oDb)
 init ()
 getAddedCss ($sType='', $bDynamic=false)
 getAddedJs ($sType='', $bDynamic=false)
 getJsCodeView ($aParams=[], $bWrap=true, $bDynamic=false)
 getJsCodePost ($iOwnerId, $aParams=array(), $bWrap=true, $bDynamic=false)
 getPostBlock ($iOwnerId, $aParams=array())
 getViewsBlock ($aParams)
 getViewsDbBlock ($aParams)
 getViewFilters ($aParams)
 getViewBlock ($aParams)
 getSearchBlock ($sContent)
 getItemBlock ($mixedId, $aBrowseParams=array())
 getItemBlockContent ($iId, $sMode)
 getItemBlockInfo ($iId)
 getItemBlockComments ($iId)
 getUnit (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 getPost (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 getPostApi ($aEvent, $aParams=[])
 getPosts ($aParams)
 getEmpty ($bVisible)
 getSizer ($aParams)
 getBack ($aParams)
 getLoadMore ($aParams, $bEnabled, $bVisible=true)
 getLoadMoreAuto ($aParams, $bEnabled, $bVisible=true)
 getJumpTo ($aParams)
 getComments ($sSystem, $iId, $aBrowseParams=array())
 getRepostElement ($iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId, $aParams=[])
 getRepostCounter ($aEvent, $aParams=[])
 getRepostCounterLabel ($iCount, $aParams=[])
 getRepostedBy ($iId)
 getRepostWith ($oForm)
 getRepostWithFieldReposted ($oForm, $aInput)
 getRepostTo ($oForm)
 getRepostToFieldList ($oForm, $aInput)
 getRepostJsScript ($bDynamicMode=false)
 getRepostJsClick ($iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId)
 getRepostWithJsClick ($iReposterId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId)
 getRepostToJsClick ($iReposterId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId)
 getAttachLinkForm ($iEventId=0)
 getAttachLinkField ($iUserId, $iEventId=0)
 getAttachLinkItem ($iUserId, $mixedLink)
 getData (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 getDataCached ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 getVideo ($aEvent, $aVideo)
 getLiveUpdate ($aBrowseParams, $iProfileId, $iCountOld=0, $iCountNew=0)
 getLiveUpdates ($aBrowseParams, $iProfileId, $iCountOld=0, $iCountNew=0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModNotificationsTemplate
 addLocationBase ()
 getCssJs ($sType='', $bDynamic=false)
 getJsCode ($sType, $aParams=array(), $bWrap=true, $bDynamic=false)
 unit ($aData, $isCheckPrivateContent=true, $sTemplateName='unit.html')
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralTemplate
 getJsCode ($sType, $aParams=array(), $mixedWrap=true)
 getTitleAuto ($aData, $iMaxLen=20, $sEllipsisSign='...')
 getTitle ($aData, $mixedProcessOutput=BX_DATA_TEXT)
 getAbstract ($aData, $mixedProcessOutput=BX_DATA_TEXT)
 getText ($aData, $mixedProcessOutput=BX_DATA_HTML)
 getProfileLink ($mixedProfile)
 getLink ($sTemplate, $aParams)
 getContextAddon ($aData, $oProfile)
 getContextDesc ($aData)
 getTmplVarsText ($aData)
 entryBreadcrumb ($aContentInfo, $aTmplVarsItems=array())
 entryText ($aData, $sTemplateName='entry-text.html')
 entryLocation ($iContentId)
 entryInfo ($aData, $aValues=array())
 getFavoriteList ($oProfile, $iStart, $iPerPage, $aParams)
 getFavoritesListInfo ($aList, $oProfile)
 getBrowsingFilters ($aParams)
 entryAllActions ($sActions)
 entryAttachments ($aData, $aParams=array())
 entryAttachmentsByStorage ($mixedStorage, $aData, $aParams=array())
 entryContext ($aData, $iProfileId=false, $sFuncContextDesc='getContextDesc', $sTemplateName='context.html', $sFuncContextAddon='getContextAddon')
 getAttachmentsData ($sStorage, $aData, $aParams=array())
 embedVideo ($iFileId)
 embedSound ($iFileId)
 _getImageSettings ($sSettings)
 _prepareImage ($aData, $sUniqId, $aUploaders, $sStorage, $sField, $bAllowTweak, $bAllowMultiple=false)
 addCssJs ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolModuleTemplate
 __construct (&$oConfig, &$oDb, $sRootPath=BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT, $sRootUrl=BX_DOL_URL_ROOT)
 getModule ()
 addCssSystem ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false)
 addCss ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false)
 addJsSystem ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false)
 addJs ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false)
 addJsTranslation ($mixedKey, $bDynamic=false)
 addStudioCss ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true)
 addStudioCssSystem ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true)
 addStudioJs ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true)
 addStudioJsSystem ($mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true)
 addStudioJsTranslation ($mixedKey)
 _addFiles ($oTemplate, $sFuncAddFiles, $sFuncIsLocation, $sFuncAddLocation, $sFuncRemoveLocation, $sPath, $mixedFiles, $bDynamic=false, $bSearchInModule=true, $aLocations=array())
 addStudioInjection ($sKey, $sType, $sData, $iReplace=0)
 pageStart ()
 pageEnd ($isGetContent=true)
 isMethodExists ($s)

Protected Member Functions

 _getPost ($sType, $aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getPostApi (&$aEvent, $aParams=[])
 _getContent ($sType, $aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getComments ($aComments, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getShowMore ($aParams)
 _getImagePopup ($aParams)
 _getRepostJsClick ($iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId)
 _getRepostWithJsClick ($iReposterId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId)
 _getRepostToJsClick ($iReposterId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId)
 _getJumpToList ($aParams)
 _getJumpToCaledar ($aParams)
 _getTmplVarsMenuItemActions (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getTmplVarsManage (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getTmplVarsMenuItemCounters (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getTmplVarsMenuItemMeta (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getTmplVarsTimelineOwner (&$aEvent)
 _getTmplVarsContentPost (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getTmplVarsContentRepost (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getTmplVarsNote (&$aEvent)
 _getTmplVarsOwnerActions (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getTmplVarsImages ($aImages, $mixedLayout, &$aEvent, &$aBrowseParams)
 _getTmplVarsVideos ($aVideos, $mixedLayout, &$aEvent, &$aBrowseParams)
 _getTmplVarsFiles ($aFiles, &$aEvent, &$aBrowseParams)
 _getSystemData (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getCommonData (&$aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array())
 _getFirst ($aEvents, $aParams=array())
 _preparetDataActions ($bCommon, &$aEvent, &$aResult)
 _prepareTextForOutputBriefCard ($s, $iEventId=0)
 _prepareTextForOutput ($s, $iEventId=0)
 _preparePrivacy ($sKey, $aEvent, $aEventData)
 _getCounterIcon ($aParams=array())
 _getCounterLabel ($iCount, $aParams=array())
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralTemplate
 getSummary ($aData, $sTitle='', $sText='', $sUrl='')
 getAttachmentsImagesTranscoders ($sStorage='')
 getAttachmentsVideoTranscoders ($sStorage='')
 getAttachments ($sStorage, $aData, $aParams=array())
 _embedChecks ($sStorageKey, $iFileId)

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseModGeneralTemplate
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolModuleTemplate
 $_bObStarted = 0

Static Protected Attributes

static $_aMemoryCacheItems
static $_aMemoryCacheItemsData
static $_sMemoryCacheItemsKeyMask
static $_sTmplContentItemItem
static $_sTmplContentItemOutline
static $_sTmplContentItemOutlineSample
static $_sTmplContentItemTimeline
static $_sTmplContentItemTimelineSample
static $_sTmplContentItemSearch
static $_sTmplContentTypePost
static $_sTmplContentTypeRepost

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from BxBaseModGeneralTemplate
 $aMethodsToCallAddJsCss = array('entry', 'unit')

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

BxTimelineTemplate::__construct ( & $oConfig,
& $oDb )

Reimplemented from BxBaseModNotificationsTemplate.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _getContent()

BxTimelineTemplate::_getContent ( $sType,
$aBrowseParams = array() )


'bx_timeline', 'get_post_content' - hook to override a post's content before output

It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'get_post' - hook to override a post (event) before output

'bx_timeline', 'get_post_content' - hook to override a post's content before output

◆ _getPost()

BxTimelineTemplate::_getPost ( $sType,
$aBrowseParams = array() )


'bx_timeline', 'get_post' - hook to override a post (event) before output

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_post
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • type - [string] post type: post or repost
    • event - [array] event data array as key&value pairs
    • browse_params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • tmpl_code - [string] by ref, template HTML code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • tmpl_vars - [array] by ref, template parsable variables as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
      'bx_timeline', 'get_post' - hook to override a post (event) before output

◆ _getPostApi()

BxTimelineTemplate::_getPostApi ( & $aEvent,
$aParams = [] )

Disabled because it filter out non-standard fields, like price from Ads or dates from Events.

$aEvent['content'] = array_intersect_key($aEvent['content'], array_flip([ 'object_id', 'title', 'text', 'links', 'images', 'images_attach', 'videos', 'videos_attach', 'files', 'files_attach', 'parse_type', 'owner_name', 'embed' ]));

◆ getAddedCss()

BxTimelineTemplate::getAddedCss ( $sType = '',
$bDynamic = false )

Reimplemented from BxBaseModNotificationsTemplate.

◆ getAddedJs()

BxTimelineTemplate::getAddedJs ( $sType = '',
$bDynamic = false )

Reimplemented from BxBaseModNotificationsTemplate.

◆ getDataCached()

BxTimelineTemplate::getDataCached ( $aEvent,
$aBrowseParams = array() )

For now parameters from $aBrowseParams array aren't used during data retrieving. If they will then the cache should be created depending on their values.

◆ getItemBlockContent()

BxTimelineTemplate::getItemBlockContent ( $iId,
$sMode )

Get event's content.

integer$iId- event ID.
string$sMode- 'file'/'photo'/'video' are available for now. But only images will be shown.

◆ getJumpTo()

BxTimelineTemplate::getJumpTo ( $aParams)

Note. For now both List and Caledar based Jump To elements are available. Calendar based element is used by default. List based one can be removed later if it won't be used completely.

◆ getPost()

BxTimelineTemplate::getPost ( & $aEvent,
$aBrowseParams = array() )

Add all items in memory cache even if they are empty.

◆ getPosts()

BxTimelineTemplate::getPosts ( $aParams)


'bx_timeline', 'get_external_post' - hook to override (add) external post(s) in timeline

◆ getRepostedBy()

BxTimelineTemplate::getRepostedBy ( $iId)


'bx_timeline', 'get_reposted_by' - hook to override a list of users reposted a content

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_reposted_by
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:

◆ getUnit()

BxTimelineTemplate::getUnit ( & $aEvent,
$aBrowseParams = array() )

Reimplemented from BxBaseModNotificationsTemplate.

◆ getViewBlock()

BxTimelineTemplate::getViewBlock ( $aParams)


'bx_timeline', 'add_live_update' - hook to override params and/or code for live updates

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals add_live_update
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:


'bx_timeline', 'get_view' - hook to override elements of view timeline block

  • $unit_name - equals bx_timeline
  • $action - equals get_view
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • params - [array] browse params array as key&value pairs
    • event_first - [int] the first event id
    • back - [string] by ref, back link code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • empty - [string] by ref, empty message code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content_before - [string] by ref, code for before content section, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content - [string] by ref, content itself, can be overridden in hook processing
    • content_after - [string] by ref, code for after content section, can be overridden in hook processing
    • load_more - [string] by ref, load more link code, can be overridden in hook processing
    • js_content - [string] by ref, JavaScript code, can be overridden in hook processing
      'bx_timeline', 'get_view' - hook to override elements of view timeline block

◆ init()

BxTimelineTemplate::init ( )

Initialize module template engine. Note. The method is executed with the system, you shouldn't execute it in your subclasses.

Reimplemented from BxDolModuleTemplate.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: