| __construct ($aObject, $sStorageObject, $sUniqId, $oTemplate) |
| getUploaderJs ($mixedGhostTemplate, $isMultiple=true, $aParams=array(), $bDynamic=false) |
| getUploaderButtonTitle ($mixed=false) |
| getUploaderButton ($aParams=array()) |
| getUploaderJsParams () |
| getUploaderForm ($isMultiple=true, $iContentId=false, $isPrivate=true) |
| handleUploads ($iProfileId, $mixedFiles, $isMultiple=true, $iContentId=false, $bPrivate=true) |
| isAvailable () |
| isInstalled () |
| getNameJsInstanceUploader () |
| getIdContainerResult () |
| getIdContainerUploadInProgress () |
| getIdContainerPopup () |
| getIdContainerErrors () |
| getUploadErrorMessages ($sFormat='HTML') |
| addCssJs ($bDynamic=false) |
| addJs ($mixedFile) |
| addCss ($mixedFile) |
| getGhosts ($iProfileId, $sFormat, $sImagesTranscoder=false, $iContentId=false) |
| getGhostsWithOrder ($iProfileId, $sFormat, $sImagesTranscoder=false, $iContentId=false, $isLatestOnly=false) |
| reorderGhosts ($iProfileId, $sFormat, $aGhosts, $iContentId=false) |
| deleteGhost ($iFileId, $iProfileId) |
| deleteGhostsForProfile ($iProfileId, $iContentId=false) |
| appendUploadErrorMessage ($s) |
Upload files using AJAX uploader with multiple files selection support (without flash), it works in Firefox and WebKit(Safari, Chrome) browsers only, but has fallback for other browsers (IE, Opera).
- See also
- BxDolUploader