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BxCoursesFormContentNode Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxCoursesFormContentNode:
BxTemplFormView BxBaseFormView BxBaseFormView BxDolForm BxDolForm BxDol iBxDolReplaceable BxDol iBxDolReplaceable

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($aInfo, $oTemplate=false)
 setData ($iParentId, $iLevel=0)
 initChecker ($aValues=[], $aSpecificValues=[])
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxTemplFormView
 genInputSwitcher (&$aInput)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView
 performActionGetHelp ()
 performActionChangePrivacyGroup ()
 performActionGetPrivacyGroupChooser ()
 setShowEmptySections ($b)
 setAjaxMode ($bAjaxMode)
 isAjaxMode ()
 setAbsoluteActionUrl ($sUrl)
 getCode ($bDynamicMode=false)
 getCodeAPI ()
 getJsClassName ()
 getJsObjectName ()
 getJsScript ($bWrap=false)
 genForm ()
 genRows ()
 genRow (&$aInput)
 isInputVisible ($mixedInput)
 genViewRow (&$aInput)
 genViewRowWrapped (&$aInput)
 genViewRowWrappedHtml (&$aInput)
 genViewRowValue (&$aInput)
 genViewRowValueForSelect (&$aInput)
 genRowStandard (&$aInput, $isOneLine=false)
 genWrapperInput ($aInput, $sContent)
 genRowCustom (&$aInput, $sCustomMethod)
 genRowBlockHeader (&$aInput)
 genBlockEnd ()
 genInput (&$aInput)
 getInputId (&$aInput)
 genInputStandard (&$aInput)
 genInputCheckbox (&$aInput, $bWrapped=false)
 genInputButton (&$aInput)
 genInputTextarea (&$aInput)
 isHtmlEditor ($iViewMode, &$aInput)
 addHtmlEditor ($iViewMode, &$aInput, $sUniq)
 getHtmlEditorQueryParams ($aInput)
 genInputSelectBox (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='')
 genInputFile (&$aInput)
 genInputFiles (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='')
 genInputSelect (&$aInput)
 genInputSelectRgb (&$aInput)
 genInputSelectMultiple (&$aInput)
 genInputCheckboxSet (&$aInput)
 genInputRadioSet (&$aInput)
 _isSelected ($sValue, $sCurValue)
 _isSelectedMultiple ($sValue, $aCurValues)
 _genInputSelect (&$aInput, $isMultiple, $mixedCurrentVal, $sIsSelectedFunc)
 _genInputsSet (&$aInput, $sType, $mixedCurrentVal, $sIsCheckedFunc, $sNameAppend='')
 genInputLocation (&$aInput)
 setLocationVals ($aInput, $aVals)
 setLocationVal ($aInput, $sIndex, $sVal)
 genInputPassword (&$aInput)
 genInputPrice (&$aInput)
 genInputNestedForm (&$aInput)
 genNestedForm (&$aInput)
 genInputCaptcha (&$aInput)
 genLabel (&$aInput)
 genPrivacyGroupChooser (&$aInput, $sPrivacyObject='')
 genFiledItemInfoWrapper ($sInput, $sInfoValue)
 genInfoIcon ($sInfo)
 genErrorIcon ( $sError='')
 getOpenSection ($aAttrs=[], $sTitle='', $aWrapperAttrs=[])
 getCloseSection ()
 getOpenSectionViewMode ($aAttrs=array(), $sTitle='', $aWrapperAttrs=[])
 getCloseSectionViewMode ()
 addCssJsUi ()
 addCssJsUiSortable ()
 addCssJsTimepicker ()
 addCssJsMinicolors ()
 addCssJsViewMode ()
 addCssJsCore ()
 addCssJs ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm
 getKeyValuesPair ()
 insert ($aValsToAdd=array(), $isIgnore=false)
 update ($val, $aValsToAdd=array(), &$aTrackTextFieldsChanges=null)
 isStatusFieldSupported ()
 autoSetToPending (&$aValsToAdd)
 delete ($val)
 generateUri ()
 getCleanValue ($sName)
 isSubmitted ()
 getTemplate ()
 getId ()
 getName ()
 setId ($sId)
 setName ($sName)
 setAction ($sAction)
 setForceSetToPending ($isValid)
 setValid ($isValid)
 isValid ()
 isSubmittedAndValid ()
 getSpecificValues ()
 setSpecificValue ($sName, $sVal)
 getAuthorId ()
 setAuthorId ($iAuthorId)
 isFieldExist ($sName, $bCheckAllFields=false)
 _initCheckerNestedForms ()
 addMarkers ($a)
 getFormErrors ()

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseFormView
 $bEnableErrorIcon = true
 $_sCodeAdd = ''
 $_isSectionOpened = false
 $_sDivider = '<span class="bx-def-margin-left"></span>'
 $_sDividerAlt = '<div class="bx-form-input-dv-nl"></div>'
 $_bDynamicMode = false
 $_bAjaxMode = false
 $_bAbsoluteActionUrl = false
 $_bViewMode = false
 $_bShowEmptySections = false
 $_sSectionClose = 'getCloseSection'
 $_sSectionOpen = 'getOpenSection'
 $_aJs = array()
 $_aCss = array()
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolForm
 $_aMarkers = array ()
 $_isValid = true
 $_bForceSetToPending = false
 $_aFieldsCheckForSpam = array()
 $_aFieldsExcludeFromCheckForSpam = array()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView
static getJsCalendarLangs ()
static getCssJsCalendar ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm
static getObjectInstance ($sObject, $sDisplayName, $oTemplate=false, $sParam='')
static unSetObjectInstance ($sObject, $sDisplayName, $oTemplate=false, $sParam='')
static getDataItems ($sKey, $isUseForSet=false, $sUseValues=BX_DATA_VALUES_DEFAULT)
static getSubmittedValue ($sKey, $sMethod, &$aSpecificValues=false)
static setSubmittedValue ($sKey, $mixedValue, $sMethod, &$aSpecificValues=false)
static genCsrfToken ($bReturn=false)
static getCsrfToken ()
static isCsrfTokenValid ($s, $bDeleteToken=true)
static onModuleUninstall ($sModuleName)
static isVisible ($aInput)
- Public Attributes inherited from BxDolForm
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BxDolForm
static $TYPES_SKIP = array('files' => 1, 'location' => 1, 'nested_form' => 1)
static $TYPES_CHECKBOX = array('checkbox' => 1, 'switcher' => 1)
static $TYPES_TEXT = array('text' => 1, 'textarea' => 1)
static $TYPES_FILE = array('file' => 1)
static $FUNC_SKIP_DOMAIN_CHECK = array('email' => 1, 'emails' => 1, 'emailexist' => 1, 'emailuniq' => 1, 'emailexistorempty' => 1, 'hostdomain' => 1, 'hostdomainchat' => 1, 'emailorempty' => 1)
static $FUNC_SKIP_MACROS_CHECK = array()
static $LOCATION_INDEXES = array ('lat', 'lng', 'country', 'state', 'city', 'zip', 'street', 'street_number')
static $LOCATION_INDEXES_MANDATORY = array ('lat', 'lng')
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView
 _isInputVisibleByPrivacy ($aInput)
 _genViewRowWrapped (&$aInput, $aParams=[])
 genCustomRowBirthday (&$aInput)
 genCustomRowCf (&$aInput)
 genCustomViewRowValueBirthday (&$aInput)
 _genWrapperInputAttrs (&$aInput)
 _genInputStandardAttrs (&$aInput)
 _genInputButtonAttrs (&$aInput)
 _genInputTextareaAttrs (&$aInput)
 genGhostTemplate (&$aInput)
 genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestions ($aInput)
 _genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestionsAttrs (&$aInput, $bDisabled=false)
 _genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestionsTextAttrs (&$aInput, $bDisabled=false)
 genCustomViewRowValueLabels ($aInput)
 genCustomInputLabels (&$aInput)
 _genInputSelectAttrs (&$aInput, $isMultiple)
 _genInputSelectOptionAttrs (&$aOption)
 _parseInputSelect ($sTmplName, $aTmplVars)
 getLocationVal ($aInput, $sIndex)
 _processCssJs ()
 _addJs ($mixed, $sJsCondition)
 _addCss ($mixed)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm
 _genMethodName ($s)
 _replaceMarkers ($a)
 _getPrivacyIcon ($mixedPrivacy)
 _getPrivacyGroup ($sPrivacyObject, $iInputId, $iAuthorId=false)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseFormView
static $_isToggleJsAdded = false
static $_isCssJsAdded = false
static $_isCssJsUiAdded = false
static $_isCssJsUiSortableAdded = false
static $_isCssJsMinicolorsAdded = false
static $_isCssJsLabelsAdded = false
static $_isCssJsTimepickerAdded = false
static $_isCssJsAddedViewMode = false

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

BxCoursesFormContentNode::__construct ( $aInfo,
$oTemplate = false )


array$aInfoForm contents

$aInfo['params'] = array( 'remove_form' => true|false, );


Reimplemented from BxTemplFormView.

Member Function Documentation

◆ initChecker()

BxCoursesFormContentNode::initChecker ( $aValues = [],
$aSpecificValues = [] )

Reimplemented from BxDolForm.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: