Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($sMode='', $aParams=false) | |
getAlterOrder () | |
_getPseud () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGroupsSearchResult | |
displaySearchBox ($sContent, $sPaginate='') | |
processingAPI () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModProfileSearchResult | |
getRssUnitImage (&$a, $sField) | |
getItemPerPageInShowCase () | |
displayResultBlock () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult | |
getMain () | |
getContentInfoObject () | |
getFieldsOwn () | |
getFieldsJoin ($sJoin) | |
getRssUnitLink (&$a) | |
getRssPageUrl () | |
rss () | |
showPagination ($bAdmin=false, $bChangePage=true, $bPageReload=true) | |
applyContainerId () | |
decodeDataAPI ($a) | |
_getPseudFromParam () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxTemplSearchResult | |
__construct ($oFunctions=false) | |
applyContainerClass () | |
__construct ($oFunctions=false) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseSearchResult | |
displayResultBlockEmpty () | |
displaySearchUnit ($aData) | |
setUnitTemplate ($s) | |
getDesignBoxMenu () | |
showAdminActionsPanel ($sWrapperId, $aButtons, $sCheckboxName='entry', $bSelectAll=true, $bSelectAllChecked=false, $sCustomHtml='') | |
showAdminFilterPanel ($sFilterValue, $sInputId='filter_input_id', $sCheckboxId='filter_checkbox_id', $sFilterName='filter', $sOnApply='') | |
clearFilters ($aPassParams=array(), $aPassJoins=array()) | |
fillFilters ($aParams) | |
fillFiltersByObjects ($aParams) | |
setDesignBoxTemplateId ($i) | |
setCenterContentUnitSelector ($s) | |
addContainerClass ($mixed) | |
removeContainerClass ($mixed) | |
addContainerAttribute ($aAttributes) | |
removeContainerAttribute ($mixedName) | |
setUnitParams ($aParamsAdd=array(), $aParamsRemove=array()) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolSearchResult | |
__construct () | |
getId () | |
setId ($sId) | |
getModuleName () | |
getContentInfoName () | |
setAjaxPaginate ($b=true) | |
setPaginatePerPage ($iPerPage) | |
setSingleSearch ($bSingleSearch) | |
setLiveSearch ($bLiveSearch) | |
setMetaType ($s) | |
isMetaEnabled ($s) | |
setCategoryObject ($s) | |
setCustomSearchCondition ($a) | |
setCustomCurrentCondition ($a) | |
setCategoriesCondition ($sKeyword) | |
setDisplayEmptyMsg ($b, $sLangKey='') | |
setProcessPrivateContent ($b) | |
processingRaw () | |
processing () | |
addCustomParts () | |
outputRSS () | |
setFieldUnit ($sFieldName, $sTableName, $sOperator='', $bRenameMode=true) | |
getSearchData () | |
getSearchQuery ($sObject, $aParams=[]) | |
getJoins ($bRenameMode=true) | |
getSearchDataByParams ($aParams='') | |
setConditionParams () | |
getNum () | |
getTotal () | |
getRestriction () | |
getLimit ($isAddPlusOne=false) | |
setSorting () | |
getSorting ($sSortType='last') | |
setPaginate () | |
unsetPaginate () | |
getSearchFieldsCond ($aFields, $sKeyword, $sPseud='') | |
getMultiValues ($aValues) | |
addMarkers ($a) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Attributes inherited from BxBaseSearchResult | |
$isError | |
Public Attributes inherited from BxDolSearchResult | |
$aCurrent | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGroupsSearchResult | |
addConditionsForPrivateContent ($CNF, $oProfile, $aCustomGroup=array()) | |
addConditionsForAuthorStatus ($CNF) | |
addConditionsForCf ($CNF) | |
_setAuthorConditions ($sMode, $aParams, &$oProfileAuthor) | |
_setFavoriteConditions ($sMode, $aParams, &$oProfileAuthor) | |
_updateCurrentForContext ($sMode, $aParams, &$oProfileContext) | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModProfileSearchResult | |
_setAccountConfirmationConditions ($aParams) | |
_setConnectionsConditions ($aParams) | |
_setFamiliarConnectionsConditions ($aParams) | |
_setConditionsForRecommended () | |
_setAclConditions ($aParams) | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult | |
addCustomConditions ($CNF, $oProfile, $sMode, $aParams) | |
addConditionsForFilter ($CNF, $sMode, $aParams) | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseSearchResult | |
addPageRssLink () | |
getCurrentUrl ($aAdditionalParams=array(), $bReplacePagesParams=true) | |
getCurrentOnclick ($aAdditionalParams=array(), $bReplacePagesParams=true) | |
addAdditionalUrlParams ($sUrl, $aAdditionalParams, $bReplacePagesParams, $bAddPaginateParams=true) | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxDolSearchResult | |
_replaceMarkers ($mixed) | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseModProfileSearchResult | |
$bRecommendedView = false | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseModGeneralSearchResult | |
$oModule | |
$sFilterName | |
$bShowcaseView = false | |
$aUnitViews = array() | |
$sUnitViewDefault = 'gallery' | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxTemplSearchResult | |
$_sModule | |
$_oModule | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseSearchResult | |
$oFunctions | |
$sBrowseUrl | |
$sUnitTemplate = 'unit.html' | |
$sUnitTemplateLiveSearch = 'unit_live_search.html' | |
$aGetParams = array() | |
$iDesignBoxTemplate = 11 | |
$aConstants | |
$sCenterContentUnitSelector = false | |
$aContainerAttrs = array() | |
$aContainerClasses = array('bx-search-result-block', 'bx-clearfix') | |
$aUnitParams = array() | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolSearchResult | |
$aPseud | |
$id | |
$bDisplayEmptyMsg = false | |
$sDisplayEmptyMsgKey = '' | |
$bProcessPrivateContent = true | |
$aPrivateConditionsIndexes = array('restriction' => array(), 'join' => array()) | |
$bForceAjaxPaginate = false | |
$_bIsApi | |
$_bSingleSearch = true | |
$_bLiveSearch = false | |
$_sMetaType = '' | |
$_sMode = '' | |
$_aParams = [] | |
$_sCategoryObject = '' | |
$_aCustomSearchCondition = array() | |
$_bValidate = false | |
$_aMarkers = array () | |
BxGroupsSearchResult::__construct | ( | $sMode = '', | |
$aParams = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGroupsSearchResult.
BxGroupsSearchResult::_getPseud | ( | ) |
System method for filling aPseud array. Fill field aPseud for current class (if you will use own getSearchUnit methods then not necessary to redeclare).
Reimplemented from BxDolSearchResult.
BxGroupsSearchResult::getAlterOrder | ( | ) |
Return own varaint for sorting (redeclare if necessary) return array of sql elements
Reimplemented from BxDolSearchResult.