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BxTemplStudioMenuAccountPopup Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxTemplStudioMenuAccountPopup:
BxBaseStudioMenuAccountPopup BxDolStudioMenuAccountPopup BxTemplStudioMenu BxBaseStudioMenu BxDolStudioMenu BxBaseMenu BxDolMenu BxDolFactory iBxDolFactoryObject iBxDolReplaceable

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($aObject, $oTemplate=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseStudioMenu
 setInlineIcons ($bInlineIcons)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseMenu
 getDisplayAddons ()
 setDisplayAddons ($b)
 getCode ()
 getCodeAPI ()
 getCodeItem ($sName)
 getMenuItems ()
 getMenuItem ($sName)
 getMenuIconHtml ($sIcon)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolMenu
 isVisible ()
 getTemplateId ()
 getTemplateName ($sName='')
 setTemplateById ($iTemplateId)
 setSelected ($sModule, $sName)
 setDynamicMode ($bDynamicMode)
 getMarkers ()
 addMarkers ($a)
 removeMarker ($s)
 performActionSetCollapsed ($mixedValue)
 performActionSetCollapsedSubmenu ($sMenuItem, $mixedValue)
 getUserChoiceCollapsed ($sObject='')
 getUserChoiceCollapsedSubmenu ($mixedItem, $sObject='')

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolMenu
static getObjectInstance ($sObject, $oTemplate=false)
static setSelectedGlobal ($sModule, $sName)
static processMenuTrigger ($sMenuTriggerName)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from iBxDolFactoryObject
static getObjectInstance ($sObject)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxDolStudioMenuAccountPopup
 _isVisible ($a)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseStudioMenu
 _getMenuItem ($aItem)
 _isSelected ($a)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseMenu
 _getCode ($sTmplName, $aTmplVars)
 _getTemplateVars ()
 getMenuItemsRaw ()
 _getMenuIcon ($a)
 _getMenuAddon ($aMenuItem)
 _getMenuMarkers ($aMenuItem)
 _getMenuAttrs ($aMenuItem)
 _addJsCss ()
 _getTmplVarsAddon ($mixedAddon, $aMenuItem)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxDolMenu
 __construct ($aObject)
 _setCollapsed ($sName, $mixedValue)
 _isActive ($a)
 _getVisibilityClass ($a)
 _replaceMarkers ($a)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseStudioMenu
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseMenu
 $_aOptionalParams = array('target' => '', 'onclick' => '')
 $_bDisplayAddons = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolMenu
 $_aMarkers = array()
 $_bMultilevel = false
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolMenu
static $SEL_MODULE = ''
static $SEL_NAME = ''

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

BxTemplStudioMenuAccountPopup::__construct ( $aObject,
$oTemplate = false )

Reimplemented from BxBaseStudioMenuAccountPopup.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: