Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($sSystem, $iId, $iInit=true, $oTemplate=false) | |
actionGetCmt () | |
getPageJsObject () | |
getCommentsBlock ($aBp=[], $aDp=[]) | |
getComment ($mixedCmt, $aBp=[], $aDp=[]) | |
isAttachImageEnabled () | |
isAllowDelete () | |
setAllowDelete ($bAllow) | |
addAuto ($aValues, $bUnsetForm=false) | |
onPostAfter ($iCmtId, $aDp=[]) | |
![]() | |
addCssJs ($aBp=[], $aDp=[]) | |
getJsObjectName () | |
getJsScript ($aBp=[], $aDp=[]) | |
getCommentsBlockAPI ($aParams, $aBp=[], $aDp=['in_designbox'=> false, 'show_empty'=> false]) | |
getComments ($aBp=[], $aDp=[]) | |
getCommentsPinned ($aBp=[], $aDp=[]) | |
getCommentsByStructure ($aBp=array(), $aDp=array()) | |
getCommentBlock ($iCmtId=0, $aBp=array(), $aDp=array()) | |
getCommentStructure ($iCmtId, $aBp=array(), $aDp=array()) | |
getCommentSearch ($iCmtId, &$sAddon) | |
getCommentLiveSearch ($mixedCmt, $aParams=array()) | |
getFormBoxPost ($aBp=array(), $aDp=array()) | |
getFormBoxEdit ($aBp=array(), $aDp=array()) | |
getFormPost ($iCmtParentId=0, $aDp=array()) | |
getFormEdit ($iCmtId, $aDp=array()) | |
getControlsBox () | |
getLiveUpdate ($iCountOld=0, $iCountNew=0) | |
getLiveUpdateButton ($iCommentId=0) | |
getLiveUpdates ($iCountOld=0, $iCountNew=0) | |
getElementBlock ($aParams=array()) | |
getElementInline ($aParams=array()) | |
getElement ($aParams=array()) | |
getElementAPI ($aParams=[]) | |
getCounter ($aParams=[]) | |
getCounterApi ($aParams=[]) | |
![]() | |
init ($iId) | |
setParam ($sName, $sValue) | |
isParam ($sName) | |
getParam ($sName) | |
getId () | |
isEnabled () | |
getSystemId () | |
getSystemName () | |
getSystemInfo () | |
getStorageObjectName () | |
getTranscoderPreviewName () | |
getFormObject () | |
getTableNameImages () | |
getTableNameImages2Entries () | |
getLanguageKey ($sIndex) | |
getMaxLevel () | |
getOrder () | |
getPerView ($iCmtParentId=0) | |
getStatusAdmin () | |
getViewUrl ($iCmtId, $bAbsolute=true) | |
getViewText ($mixedItem) | |
getBaseUrl () | |
getListUrl () | |
getItemUrl ($iItemId) | |
getListAnchor ($bWithHash=false) | |
getItemAnchor ($iItemId, $bWithHash=false) | |
getAttachments ($iCmtId) | |
getConnectionObject ($sType) | |
getVoteObject ($iEniqId) | |
getReactionObject ($iEniqId) | |
getScoreObject ($iEniqId) | |
getReportObject ($iEniqId) | |
getNotificationId () | |
getSocketName () | |
setTableNameFiles ($sTable) | |
setTableNameFiles2Entries ($sTable) | |
isHtml () | |
isRatable () | |
isAutoApprove () | |
setId ($iId) | |
addMarkers ($a) | |
getQueryObject () | |
getCommentsTableName () | |
getObjectAuthorId ($iObjectId=0) | |
getObjectTitle ($iObjectId=0) | |
getObjectPrivacyView ($iObjectId=0) | |
getObjectContentFilter () | |
getCommentsCountAll ($iObjectId=0, $bForceCalculate=false) | |
getCommentsCount ($iObjectId=0, $iCmtVParentId=-1, $sFilter='') | |
getCommentsArray ($iVParentId, $sFilter, $aOrder, $iStart=0, $iCount=-1) | |
getCommentsBy ($aParams=[]) | |
getCommentUniqId ($iCmtId, $iAuthorId=0) | |
getCommentSimple ($iCmtId) | |
getCommentRow ($iCmtId) | |
getCommentParents ($mixedCmt, $iDepthMax=0) | |
onObjectDelete ($iObjectId=0) | |
deleteVotes ($mixedCmtId) | |
deleteReactions ($mixedCmtId) | |
deleteScores ($mixedCmtId) | |
deleteReports ($mixedCmtId) | |
deleteMetaInfo ($mixedCmtId) | |
deleteUniqueIds ($mixedCmtId) | |
isAdmin ($iCmtAuthorId) | |
checkAction ($sAction, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkActionErrorMsg ($sAction) | |
isViewAllowed ($isPerformAction=false) | |
isVoteAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
isScoreAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
isReportAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
isPostAllowed ($isPerformAction=false) | |
msgErrPostAllowed () | |
isReplyAllowed ($mixedCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
msgErrReplyAllowed () | |
isQuoteAllowed ($mixedCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
msgErrQuoteAllowed () | |
isPinAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
msgErrPinAllowed () | |
isUnpinAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
msgErrUnpinAllowed () | |
isEditAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
msgErrEditAllowed () | |
isEditAllowedAll ($isPerformAction=false) | |
isRemoveAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
isRemoveAllowedAll ($isPerformAction=false) | |
msgErrRemoveAllowed () | |
isMoreAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false) | |
isModerator ($isPerformAction=false) | |
actionPin () | |
actionGetFormPost () | |
actionGetFormEdit () | |
actionGetCmts () | |
actionSubmitPostForm () | |
actionSubmitEditForm () | |
actionRemove () | |
remove ($iCmtId) | |
add ($aValues) | |
actionResumeLiveUpdate () | |
actionPauseLiveUpdate () | |
actionGetSiblingFiles () | |
onEditAfter ($iCmtId, $aDp=[]) | |
serviceGetAuthor ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateAdded ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateChanged ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLink ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetTitle ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetText ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetThumb ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetInfo ($iContentId, $bSearchableFieldsOnly=true) | |
serviceGetInfoApi ($iContentId, $bExtendedUnits=false) | |
serviceGetSearchResultUnit ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='') | |
serviceGetAll ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
registerTranscoders () | |
unregisterTranscoders () | |
serviceGetSearchResultExtended ($aParams, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $bFilterMode=false) | |
getAuthorInfo ($iAuthorId=0) | |
getParams (&$aBp, &$aDp) | |
prepareParams (&$aBp, &$aDp) | |
_getStructure ($mixedItem, $aBp, &$iLevel, &$aStructure) | |
_getStructureAPI ($mixedItem, $aBp, &$iLevel, &$aStructure) | |
getDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[]) | |
Protected Member Functions | |
_getActionsBox (&$aCmt, $aBp=[], $aDp=[]) | |
_getCountersBox (&$aCmt, $aBp=[], $aDp=[]) | |
_getFormBox ($sType, $aBp, $aDp) | |
_getForm ($sAction, $iId, $aDp=[]) | |
_getTmplVarsText ($aCmt) | |
_getAiData () | |
_isShowAnswerLoad ($aCmt) | |
_isShowAnswerRetrieve ($aCmt) | |
![]() | |
_getCounterItems ($iCmtsLimit, $iCmtsStart=0) | |
_getLabelDo ($aParams=[]) | |
_getCounterLabel ($iCount, $aParams=[]) | |
_getTmplElementBlock () | |
_getTmplElementInline () | |
_getTmplLabelDo () | |
_getTmplCounter () | |
_isShowContent ($aCmt) | |
_getContentBefore ($aBp=array(), $aDp=array()) | |
_getContentAfter ($aBp=array(), $aDp=array()) | |
_getControlsBox () | |
_getFormAdd ($aValues) | |
_getFormPost ($iCmtParentId=0, $aDp=[]) | |
_getFormEdit ($iCmtId, $aDp=[]) | |
_getContent ($aCmt, $aBp=[], $aDp=[]) | |
_getMoreLink ($sCmts, $aBp=array(), $aDp=array()) | |
_getEmpty ($aDp=array()) | |
_getAttachments ($aCmt) | |
_getTmplVarsNotes ($aCmt) | |
_getTmplVarsAuthor ($aCmt) | |
_getDoComment ($aParams=[], $isAllowedComment=true) | |
![]() | |
_getAuthorId () | |
_getAuthorPassword () | |
_getAuthorIp () | |
_getAuthorInfo ($iAuthorId=0) | |
_getAuthorObject ($iAuthorId=0) | |
_getFormObject ($sAction=BX_CMT_ACTION_POST) | |
_unsetFormObject ($sAction=BX_CMT_ACTION_POST) | |
_getParams (&$aBp, &$aDp) | |
_prepareAlertParams ($aCmt) | |
_prepareAlertParamsReply ($aCmt, $aCmtPrnt) | |
_prepareAuditParams ($iId, $aData) | |
_prepareTextForOutput ($s, $iCmtId=0) | |
_prepareStructureBp ($sDType, &$aBp) | |
_prepareParams (&$aBp, &$aDp) | |
_triggerComment () | |
_replaceMarkers ($mixed) | |
_getUserChoice () | |
_setUserChoice ($sDp, $sBpType, $sBpFilter) | |
_sendNotificationEmail ($iCmtId, $iCmtParentId) | |
_isShowDoComment ($aParams, $isAllowedComment, $bCount) | |
_isShowCounter ($aParams, $isAllowedComment, $bCount) | |
_getImageDo () | |
_getIconDo () | |
_getTitleDo () | |
_getParents ($aCmt, $iDepthMax, &$iDepth, &$aParents) | |
Protected Attributes | |
$_oQueryAgents | |
$_oAI | |
$_iProfileIdAi | |
$_iAssistantId | |
$_sAssistantUrl | |
$_bAuto | |
![]() | |
$_sTmplNameItem | |
$_sTmplNameItemContent | |
$_sJsObjClass | |
$_sJsObjName | |
$_sStylePrefix | |
$_aHtmlIds | |
$_aAclId2Name | |
![]() | |
$_sTableImages = 'sys_cmts_images' | |
$_sTableImages2Entries = 'sys_cmts_images2entries' | |
$_aElementDefaults | |
$_aElementDefaultsApi | |
$_aElementParamsApi | |
$_bIsApi | |
$_sType | |
$_oQuery = null | |
$_oTemplate = null | |
$_bPostQuote | |
$_bMinPostForm | |
$_sFormObject | |
$_sFormDisplayPost | |
$_sFormDisplayEdit | |
$_sConnObjFriends | |
$_sConnObjSubscriptions | |
$_sMenuObjManage | |
$_sMenuObjActions | |
$_sMenuObjCounters | |
$_sMenuObjMeta | |
$_sMetatagsObj | |
$_sViewUrl = '' | |
$_sBaseUrl = '' | |
$_sListAnchor = '' | |
$_sItemAnchor = '' | |
$_aSystems = [] | |
$_sSystem = 'profile' | |
$_aSystem = [] | |
$_iId = 0 | |
$_iAuthorId = 0 | |
$_aParams = [] | |
$_aT = [] | |
$_aMarkers = [] | |
$_sDisplayType = '' | |
$_sDpSessionKey = '' | |
$_iDpMaxLevel = 0 | |
$_sBrowseType = '' | |
$_bBrowseFilter = false | |
$_sBrowseFilter = '' | |
$_sBpSessionKeyType = '' | |
$_sBpSessionKeyFilter = '' | |
$_aOrder = array() | |
$_sSnippetLenthLiveSearch = 50 | |
$_iRememberTime = 2592000 | |
$_bLiveUpdates = true | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static | $_sPrefixLoad = '#-#' |
static | $_sPrefixRetrieve = '|-|' |
static | $_sParamAllowDelete = 'allow_delete' |
![]() | |
static | $_sTmplContentElementBlock |
static | $_sTmplContentElementInline |
static | $_sTmplContentDoCommentLabel |
static | $_sTmplContentCounter |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | getObjectInstance ($sSys, $iId, $iInit=true, $oTemplate=false) |
static | getObjectInstanceByUniqId ($iUniqId, $iInit=true, $oTemplate=false) |
static & | getSystems () |
static | getGlobalInfo ($iUniqueId) |
static | getGlobalNumByParams ($aParams=[]) |
static | onAuthorDelete ($iAuthorId) |
static | onModuleEnable ($sModuleName) |
static | onModuleDisable ($sModuleName) |
static | onModuleUninstall ($sModuleName, &$iFiles=null) |
![]() | |
static | $sTableSystems = 'sys_objects_cmts' |
static | $sTableIds = 'sys_cmts_ids' |
BxDolStudioAgentsAsstChatsCmts::__construct | ( | $sSystem, | |
$iId, | |||
$iInit = true, | |||
$oTemplate = false ) |
Constructor $sSystem - comments system name $iId - obect id to be commented
Reimplemented from BxTemplCmts.
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseCmts.
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseCmts.
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseCmts.
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseCmts.
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseCmts.
BxDolStudioAgentsAsstChatsCmts::actionGetCmt | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxDolCmts.
BxDolStudioAgentsAsstChatsCmts::getComment | ( | $mixedCmt, | |
$aBp = [], | |||
$aDp = [] ) |
get one just posted comment
int | $iCmtId | - comment id |
- [array] comment's datasystem
- [string] comment's system nametmpl_name
- [string] template file pathtmpl_vars
- [string] params for template file parsingoverride_result
- [string] by ref, if account confirmed = true, otherwise false, can be overridden in hook processing
Reimplemented from BxBaseCmts.
BxDolStudioAgentsAsstChatsCmts::getCommentsBlock | ( | $aBp = [], | |
$aDp = [] ) |
get full comments block with initializations
$extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
- [object] an instance of comments, system
- [string] comments object nameid
- [int] commented content idparams_browse
- [array] browse params array as key&value pairsparams_display
- [array] display params array as key&value pairspost_form_top
- [string] by ref, post form code for top section, can be overridden in hook processingcontent_before
- [string] by ref, a code to be displayed before comments list, can be overridden in hook processingcomments
- [string] by ref, a comments list code, can be overridden in hook processingcomments_pinned
- [string] by ref, a pinned comments list code, can be overridden in hook processingcontent_after
- [string] by ref, a code to be displayed after comments list, can be overridden in hook processingpost_form_bottom
- [string] by ref, post form code for bottom section, can be overridden in hook processingjs_content
- [string] by ref, comments JavaScript code, can be overridden in hook processingblock_title
- [string] by ref, block title, can be overridden in hook processingblock_menu
- [string] by ref, block submenu, can be overridden in hook processingReimplemented from BxBaseCmts.
BxDolStudioAgentsAsstChatsCmts::isAttachImageEnabled | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxDolCmts.
BxDolStudioAgentsAsstChatsCmts::onPostAfter | ( | $iCmtId, | |
$aDp = [] ) |
Reimplemented from BxDolCmts.