Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($aInfo, $oTemplate=false) | |
getCode ($bDynamicMode=false) | |
initChecker ($aValues=array(), $aSpecificValues=array()) | |
update ($iContentId, $aValsToAdd=array(), &$aTrackTextFieldsChanges=null) | |
processPolls ($sFieldPoll, $iContentId=0) | |
processLinks ($sFieldLink, $iContentId=0) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry | |
genInputNestedForm (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='') | |
genNestedForm (&$aInput) | |
getNestedFormObject (&$aInput, $bViewMode=false) | |
addTrackFields ($mixedFields, $mixedContent) | |
isTrackFieldChanged ($sField, $bReturnValues=false) | |
insert ($aValsToAdd=array(), $isIgnore=false) | |
getHtmlEditorQueryParams ($aInput) | |
delete ($iContentId, $aContentInfo=array()) | |
processFiles ($sFieldFile, $iContentId=0, $isAssociateWithContent=false) | |
_deleteFile ($iFileId, $sStorage='') | |
addCssJs () | |
genViewRowValue (&$aInput) | |
genViewRowWrapped (&$aInput) | |
setMetatagsKeywordsData ($iId, $a, $o) | |
getContentOwnerProfileId ($iContentId) | |
_addCssJsPrivacyField ($sField, $sPrivacyObject, $bDynamicMode=false) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxTemplFormView | |
genInputSwitcher (&$aInput) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView | |
performActionGetHelp () | |
performActionChangePrivacyGroup () | |
performActionGetPrivacyGroupChooser () | |
setShowEmptySections ($b) | |
setAjaxMode ($bAjaxMode) | |
isAjaxMode () | |
setAbsoluteActionUrl ($sUrl) | |
getCodeAPI () | |
getJsClassName () | |
getJsObjectName () | |
getJsScript ($bWrap=false) | |
genForm () | |
genRows () | |
genRow (&$aInput) | |
isInputVisible ($mixedInput) | |
genViewRow (&$aInput) | |
genViewRowWrappedHtml (&$aInput) | |
genViewRowValueForSelect (&$aInput) | |
genRowStandard (&$aInput, $isOneLine=false) | |
genWrapperInput ($aInput, $sContent) | |
genRowCustom (&$aInput, $sCustomMethod) | |
genRowBlockHeader (&$aInput) | |
genBlockEnd () | |
genInput (&$aInput) | |
getInputId (&$aInput) | |
genInputStandard (&$aInput) | |
genInputCheckbox (&$aInput, $bWrapped=false) | |
genInputButton (&$aInput) | |
genInputTextarea (&$aInput) | |
isHtmlEditor ($iViewMode, &$aInput) | |
addHtmlEditor ($iViewMode, &$aInput, $sUniq) | |
genInputSelectBox (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='') | |
genInputFile (&$aInput) | |
genInputFiles (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='') | |
genInputSelect (&$aInput) | |
genInputSelectRgb (&$aInput) | |
genInputSelectMultiple (&$aInput) | |
genInputCheckboxSet (&$aInput) | |
genInputRadioSet (&$aInput) | |
_isSelected ($sValue, $sCurValue) | |
_isSelectedMultiple ($sValue, $aCurValues) | |
_genInputSelect (&$aInput, $isMultiple, $mixedCurrentVal, $sIsSelectedFunc) | |
_genInputsSet (&$aInput, $sType, $mixedCurrentVal, $sIsCheckedFunc, $sNameAppend='') | |
genInputLocation (&$aInput) | |
setLocationVals ($aInput, $aVals) | |
setLocationVal ($aInput, $sIndex, $sVal) | |
genInputPassword (&$aInput) | |
genInputPrice (&$aInput) | |
genInputNestedForm (&$aInput) | |
genInputCaptcha (&$aInput) | |
genLabel (&$aInput) | |
genPrivacyGroupChooser (&$aInput, $sPrivacyObject='') | |
genFiledItemInfoWrapper ($sInput, $sInfoValue) | |
genInfoIcon ($sInfo) | |
genErrorIcon ( $sError='') | |
getOpenSection ($aAttrs=[], $sTitle='', $aWrapperAttrs=[]) | |
getCloseSection () | |
getOpenSectionViewMode ($aAttrs=array(), $sTitle='', $aWrapperAttrs=[]) | |
getCloseSectionViewMode () | |
addCssJsUi () | |
addCssJsUiSortable () | |
addCssJsTimepicker () | |
addCssJsMinicolors () | |
addCssJsViewMode () | |
addCssJsCore () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm | |
getKeyValuesPair () | |
isStatusFieldSupported () | |
autoSetToPending (&$aValsToAdd) | |
delete ($val) | |
generateUri () | |
getCleanValue ($sName) | |
isSubmitted () | |
getTemplate () | |
getId () | |
getName () | |
setId ($sId) | |
setName ($sName) | |
setAction ($sAction) | |
setForceSetToPending ($isValid) | |
setValid ($isValid) | |
isValid () | |
isSubmittedAndValid () | |
getSpecificValues () | |
setSpecificValue ($sName, $sVal) | |
getAuthorId () | |
setAuthorId ($iAuthorId) | |
isFieldExist ($sName, $bCheckAllFields=false) | |
_initCheckerNestedForms () | |
addMarkers ($a) | |
getFormErrors () | |
Protected Member Functions | |
genCustomInputAttachments ($aInput) | |
genCustomInputPolls ($aInput) | |
_getVideoGhostTmplVars ($aContentInfo=array()) | |
_getSoundGhostTmplVars ($aContentInfo=array()) | |
_getFileGhostTmplVars ($aContentInfo=array()) | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry | |
_isChangeUserForAdmins ($sDisplay) | |
genGhostTemplateForInputNestedForm (&$aInput) | |
_associalFileWithContent ($oStorage, $iFileId, $iProfileId, $iContentId, $sPictureField='') | |
_getPhotoGhostTmplVars ($aContentInfo=array()) | |
_isAdmin ($iContentId=0) | |
_processTrackFields ($mixedContent) | |
_processMetas (&$aValsToAdd) | |
_getPrivacyFields ($aKeysF2O=array()) | |
_preparePrivacyField ($sField, $sPrivacyObject) | |
_preloadPrivacyField ($sField, $sPrivacyObject, $aValues) | |
_validatePrivacyField ($sField, $sPrivacyObject, $aValues) | |
_processContextBeforeAdd () | |
_processContextAfterAdd ($iContentId, $iContextNid, $iContextUsage=0) | |
processMulticatBefore ($sFieldName, &$aValsToAdd) | |
processMulticatAfter ($sFieldName, $iContentId) | |
genCustomViewRowValueMulticat (&$aInput) | |
genCustomInputMulticat (&$aInput) | |
genCustomInputMulticatSelect ($aInput, $aValues, $mixedValue='') | |
genCustomInputMulticatInput ($aInput) | |
genCustomInputMulticatButton ($aInput) | |
genCustomInputMulticatButtonNew ($aInput) | |
genCustomInputAuthor ($aInput) | |
_isMulticatEnabled () | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView | |
_isInputVisibleByPrivacy ($aInput) | |
_genViewRowWrapped (&$aInput, $aParams=[]) | |
genCustomRowBirthday (&$aInput) | |
genCustomRowCf (&$aInput) | |
genCustomViewRowValueBirthday (&$aInput) | |
_genWrapperInputAttrs (&$aInput) | |
_genInputStandardAttrs (&$aInput) | |
_genInputButtonAttrs (&$aInput) | |
_genInputTextareaAttrs (&$aInput) | |
genGhostTemplate (&$aInput) | |
genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestions ($aInput) | |
_genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestionsAttrs (&$aInput, $bDisabled=false) | |
_genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestionsTextAttrs (&$aInput, $bDisabled=false) | |
genCustomViewRowValueLabels ($aInput) | |
genCustomInputLabels (&$aInput) | |
_genInputSelectAttrs (&$aInput, $isMultiple) | |
_genInputSelectOptionAttrs (&$aOption) | |
_parseInputSelect ($sTmplName, $aTmplVars) | |
getLocationVal ($aInput, $sIndex) | |
_processCssJs () | |
_addJs ($mixed, $sJsCondition) | |
_addCss ($mixed) | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm | |
_genMethodName ($s) | |
_replaceMarkers ($a) | |
_getPrivacyIcon ($mixedPrivacy) | |
_getPrivacyGroup ($sPrivacyObject, $iInputId, $iAuthorId=false) | |
Protected Attributes | |
$_sGhostTemplateVideo = 'form_ghost_template_video.html' | |
$_sGhostTemplateSound = 'form_ghost_template_sound.html' | |
$_sGhostTemplateFile = 'form_ghost_template_file.html' | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry | |
$_oModule | |
$_aMetatagsFieldsWithKeywords = array() | |
$_oMetatagsObject = null | |
$_oMetatagsContentId = 0 | |
$_sGhostTemplate = 'form_ghost_template.html' | |
$_aTrackFieldsChanges | |
$_iContentId | |
$_bAllowChangeUserForAdmins | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseFormView | |
$bEnableErrorIcon = true | |
$sCode | |
$_sCodeAdd = '' | |
$_isSectionOpened = false | |
$_sDivider = '<span class="bx-def-margin-left"></span>' | |
$_sDividerAlt = '<div class="bx-form-input-dv-nl"></div>' | |
$_bDynamicMode = false | |
$_bAjaxMode = false | |
$_bAbsoluteActionUrl = false | |
$_bViewMode = false | |
$_bShowEmptySections = false | |
$_sSectionClose = 'getCloseSection' | |
$_sSectionOpen = 'getOpenSection' | |
$_aJs = array() | |
$_aCss = array() | |
$_sJsClassName | |
$_sJsObjectName | |
$_aHtmlIds | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolForm | |
$_bIsApi | |
$_aMarkers = array () | |
$oTemplate | |
$_isValid = true | |
$_bForceSetToPending = false | |
$_sChecker | |
$_sCheckerHelper | |
$_aSpecificValues | |
$_aFieldsCheckForSpam = array() | |
$_aFieldsExcludeFromCheckForSpam = array() | |
$_iAuthorId | |
$_sAuthorKey | |
$_sPrivacyObjectView | |
$_sPrivacyGroupDefault | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView | |
static | getJsCalendarLangs () |
static | getCssJsCalendar () |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm | |
static | getObjectInstance ($sObject, $sDisplayName, $oTemplate=false, $sParam='') |
static | unSetObjectInstance ($sObject, $sDisplayName, $oTemplate=false, $sParam='') |
static | getDataItems ($sKey, $isUseForSet=false, $sUseValues=BX_DATA_VALUES_DEFAULT) |
static | getSubmittedValue ($sKey, $sMethod, &$aSpecificValues=false) |
static | setSubmittedValue ($sKey, $mixedValue, $sMethod, &$aSpecificValues=false) |
static | genCsrfToken ($bReturn=false) |
static | getCsrfToken () |
static | isCsrfTokenValid ($s, $bDeleteToken=true) |
static | onModuleUninstall ($sModuleName) |
static | isVisible ($aInput) |
Public Attributes inherited from BxDolForm | |
$aFormAttrs | |
$aInputs | |
$aParams | |
$id | |
Static Public Attributes inherited from BxDolForm | |
static | $TYPES_SKIP = array('files' => 1, 'location' => 1, 'nested_form' => 1) |
static | $TYPES_CHECKBOX = array('checkbox' => 1, 'switcher' => 1) |
static | $TYPES_TEXT = array('text' => 1, 'textarea' => 1) |
static | $TYPES_FILE = array('file' => 1) |
static | $FUNC_SKIP_DOMAIN_CHECK = array('email' => 1, 'emails' => 1, 'emailexist' => 1, 'emailuniq' => 1, 'emailexistorempty' => 1, 'hostdomain' => 1, 'hostdomainchat' => 1, 'emailorempty' => 1) |
static | $FUNC_SKIP_MACROS_CHECK = array() |
static | $LOCATION_INDEXES = array ('lat', 'lng', 'country', 'state', 'city', 'zip', 'street', 'street_number') |
static | $LOCATION_INDEXES_MANDATORY = array ('lat', 'lng') |
Static Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry | |
static | $_isCssJsGeneralModuleAdded = false |
Static Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseFormView | |
static | $_isToggleJsAdded = false |
static | $_isCssJsAdded = false |
static | $_isCssJsUiAdded = false |
static | $_isCssJsUiSortableAdded = false |
static | $_isCssJsMinicolorsAdded = false |
static | $_isCssJsLabelsAdded = false |
static | $_isCssJsTimepickerAdded = false |
static | $_isCssJsAddedViewMode = false |
Create/Edit entry form
BxBaseModTextFormEntry::__construct | ( | $aInfo, | |
$oTemplate = false ) |
array | $aInfo | Form contents |
$aInfo['params'] = array( 'remove_form' => true|false, );
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry.
Reimplemented in BxAdsFormEntry, BxAlbumsFormEntry, BxBaseModFilesFormEntry, BxBaseModFilesFormUpload, BxClssFormEntry, BxCnvFormEntry, BxFilesFormEntry, BxFilesFormUpload, BxForumFormEntry, BxGlsrFormEntry, BxMarketFormEntry, BxMassMailerFormEntry, BxPhotosFormEntry, BxPhotosFormUpload, BxPollsFormEntry, BxPostsFormEntry, BxReviewsFormEntry, BxShopifyFormEntry, BxSnipcartFormEntry, BxStoriesFormEntry, BxStrmFormEntry, BxTasksFormEntry, and BxVideosFormEntry.
BxBaseModTextFormEntry::getCode | ( | $bDynamicMode = false | ) |
Return Form code
$bDynamicMode | - set it to true if form is added via JS/AJAX call, for example form in AJAX popup. |
- [boolean] is dynamic modeobject
- [object] by ref, an instance of form class, code
- [boolean] or [string] by ref, when false the default generation mechanism will be used, can be overridden in hook processinginclude
- [string] by ref, additional data to be attached to output, can be overridden in hook processing
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry.
Reimplemented in BxAdsFormEntry, BxClssFormEntry, BxMarketFormEntry, BxMassMailerFormEntry, BxPollsFormEntry, and BxTasksFormEntry.
BxBaseModTextFormEntry::initChecker | ( | $aValues = array (), | |
$aSpecificValues = array() ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry.
BxBaseModTextFormEntry::update | ( | $iContentId, | |
$aValsToAdd = array(), | |||
& | $aTrackTextFieldsChanges = null ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry.