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BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry:
BxTemplFormView BxBaseFormView BxBaseFormView BxDolForm BxDolForm BxDol iBxDolReplaceable BxDol iBxDolReplaceable BxBaseModProfileFormEntry BxBaseModTextFormEntry BxTimelineFormPost BxBaseModGroupsFormEntry BxPersonsFormEntry BxAdsFormEntry BxAlbumsFormEntry BxBaseModFilesFormEntry BxBaseModFilesFormUpload BxClssFormEntry BxCnvFormEntry BxForumFormEntry BxGlsrFormEntry BxMarketFormEntry BxMassMailerFormEntry BxPollsFormEntry BxPostsFormEntry BxReviewsFormEntry BxShopifyFormEntry BxSnipcartFormEntry BxStoriesFormEntry BxStrmFormEntry BxTasksFormEntry BxVideosFormEntry

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($aInfo, $oTemplate=false)
 getCode ($bDynamicMode=false)
 genInputNestedForm (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='')
 genNestedForm (&$aInput)
 getNestedFormObject (&$aInput, $bViewMode=false)
 addTrackFields ($mixedFields, $mixedContent)
 isTrackFieldChanged ($sField, $bReturnValues=false)
 initChecker ($aValues=array(), $aSpecificValues=array())
 insert ($aValsToAdd=array(), $isIgnore=false)
 update ($iContentId, $aValsToAdd=array(), &$aTrackTextFieldsChanges=null)
 getHtmlEditorQueryParams ($aInput)
 delete ($iContentId, $aContentInfo=array())
 processFiles ($sFieldFile, $iContentId=0, $isAssociateWithContent=false)
 _deleteFile ($iFileId, $sStorage='')
 addCssJs ()
 genViewRowValue (&$aInput)
 genViewRowWrapped (&$aInput)
 setMetatagsKeywordsData ($iId, $a, $o)
 getContentOwnerProfileId ($iContentId)
 _addCssJsPrivacyField ($sField, $sPrivacyObject, $bDynamicMode=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxTemplFormView
 genInputSwitcher (&$aInput)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView
 performActionGetHelp ()
 performActionChangePrivacyGroup ()
 performActionGetPrivacyGroupChooser ()
 setShowEmptySections ($b)
 setAjaxMode ($bAjaxMode)
 isAjaxMode ()
 setAbsoluteActionUrl ($sUrl)
 getCodeAPI ()
 getJsClassName ()
 getJsObjectName ()
 getJsScript ($bWrap=false)
 genForm ()
 genRows ()
 genRow (&$aInput)
 isInputVisible ($mixedInput)
 genViewRow (&$aInput)
 genViewRowWrappedHtml (&$aInput)
 genViewRowValueForSelect (&$aInput)
 genRowStandard (&$aInput, $isOneLine=false)
 genWrapperInput ($aInput, $sContent)
 genRowCustom (&$aInput, $sCustomMethod)
 genRowBlockHeader (&$aInput)
 genBlockEnd ()
 genInput (&$aInput)
 getInputId (&$aInput)
 genInputStandard (&$aInput)
 genInputCheckbox (&$aInput, $bWrapped=false)
 genInputButton (&$aInput)
 genInputTextarea (&$aInput)
 isHtmlEditor ($iViewMode, &$aInput)
 addHtmlEditor ($iViewMode, &$aInput, $sUniq)
 genInputSelectBox (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='')
 genInputFile (&$aInput)
 genInputFiles (&$aInput, $sInfo='', $sError='')
 genInputSelect (&$aInput)
 genInputSelectRgb (&$aInput)
 genInputSelectMultiple (&$aInput)
 genInputCheckboxSet (&$aInput)
 genInputRadioSet (&$aInput)
 _isSelected ($sValue, $sCurValue)
 _isSelectedMultiple ($sValue, $aCurValues)
 _genInputSelect (&$aInput, $isMultiple, $mixedCurrentVal, $sIsSelectedFunc)
 _genInputsSet (&$aInput, $sType, $mixedCurrentVal, $sIsCheckedFunc, $sNameAppend='')
 genInputLocation (&$aInput)
 setLocationVals ($aInput, $aVals)
 setLocationVal ($aInput, $sIndex, $sVal)
 genInputPassword (&$aInput)
 genInputPrice (&$aInput)
 genInputNestedForm (&$aInput)
 genInputCaptcha (&$aInput)
 genLabel (&$aInput)
 genPrivacyGroupChooser (&$aInput, $sPrivacyObject='')
 genFiledItemInfoWrapper ($sInput, $sInfoValue)
 genInfoIcon ($sInfo)
 genErrorIcon ( $sError='')
 getOpenSection ($aAttrs=[], $sTitle='', $aWrapperAttrs=[])
 getCloseSection ()
 getOpenSectionViewMode ($aAttrs=array(), $sTitle='', $aWrapperAttrs=[])
 getCloseSectionViewMode ()
 addCssJsUi ()
 addCssJsUiSortable ()
 addCssJsTimepicker ()
 addCssJsMinicolors ()
 addCssJsViewMode ()
 addCssJsCore ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm
 getKeyValuesPair ()
 isStatusFieldSupported ()
 autoSetToPending (&$aValsToAdd)
 delete ($val)
 generateUri ()
 getCleanValue ($sName)
 isSubmitted ()
 getTemplate ()
 getId ()
 getName ()
 setId ($sId)
 setName ($sName)
 setAction ($sAction)
 setForceSetToPending ($isValid)
 setValid ($isValid)
 isValid ()
 isSubmittedAndValid ()
 getSpecificValues ()
 setSpecificValue ($sName, $sVal)
 getAuthorId ()
 setAuthorId ($iAuthorId)
 isFieldExist ($sName, $bCheckAllFields=false)
 _initCheckerNestedForms ()
 addMarkers ($a)
 getFormErrors ()

Protected Member Functions

 _isChangeUserForAdmins ($sDisplay)
 genGhostTemplateForInputNestedForm (&$aInput)
 _associalFileWithContent ($oStorage, $iFileId, $iProfileId, $iContentId, $sPictureField='')
 _getPhotoGhostTmplVars ($aContentInfo=array())
 _isAdmin ($iContentId=0)
 _processTrackFields ($mixedContent)
 _processMetas (&$aValsToAdd)
 _getPrivacyFields ($aKeysF2O=array())
 _preparePrivacyField ($sField, $sPrivacyObject)
 _preloadPrivacyField ($sField, $sPrivacyObject, $aValues)
 _validatePrivacyField ($sField, $sPrivacyObject, $aValues)
 _processContextBeforeAdd ()
 _processContextAfterAdd ($iContentId, $iContextNid, $iContextUsage=0)
 processMulticatBefore ($sFieldName, &$aValsToAdd)
 processMulticatAfter ($sFieldName, $iContentId)
 genCustomViewRowValueMulticat (&$aInput)
 genCustomInputMulticat (&$aInput)
 genCustomInputMulticatSelect ($aInput, $aValues, $mixedValue='')
 genCustomInputMulticatInput ($aInput)
 genCustomInputMulticatButton ($aInput)
 genCustomInputMulticatButtonNew ($aInput)
 genCustomInputAuthor ($aInput)
 _isMulticatEnabled ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView
 _isInputVisibleByPrivacy ($aInput)
 _genViewRowWrapped (&$aInput, $aParams=[])
 genCustomRowBirthday (&$aInput)
 genCustomRowCf (&$aInput)
 genCustomViewRowValueBirthday (&$aInput)
 _genWrapperInputAttrs (&$aInput)
 _genInputStandardAttrs (&$aInput)
 _genInputButtonAttrs (&$aInput)
 _genInputTextareaAttrs (&$aInput)
 genGhostTemplate (&$aInput)
 genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestions ($aInput)
 _genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestionsAttrs (&$aInput, $bDisabled=false)
 _genCustomInputUsernamesSuggestionsTextAttrs (&$aInput, $bDisabled=false)
 genCustomViewRowValueLabels ($aInput)
 genCustomInputLabels (&$aInput)
 _genInputSelectAttrs (&$aInput, $isMultiple)
 _genInputSelectOptionAttrs (&$aOption)
 _parseInputSelect ($sTmplName, $aTmplVars)
 getLocationVal ($aInput, $sIndex)
 _processCssJs ()
 _addJs ($mixed, $sJsCondition)
 _addCss ($mixed)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm
 _genMethodName ($s)
 _replaceMarkers ($a)
 _getPrivacyIcon ($mixedPrivacy)
 _getPrivacyGroup ($sPrivacyObject, $iInputId, $iAuthorId=false)

Protected Attributes

 $_aMetatagsFieldsWithKeywords = array()
 $_oMetatagsObject = null
 $_oMetatagsContentId = 0
 $_sGhostTemplate = 'form_ghost_template.html'
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseFormView
 $bEnableErrorIcon = true
 $_sCodeAdd = ''
 $_isSectionOpened = false
 $_sDivider = '<span class="bx-def-margin-left"></span>'
 $_sDividerAlt = '<div class="bx-form-input-dv-nl"></div>'
 $_bDynamicMode = false
 $_bAjaxMode = false
 $_bAbsoluteActionUrl = false
 $_bViewMode = false
 $_bShowEmptySections = false
 $_sSectionClose = 'getCloseSection'
 $_sSectionOpen = 'getOpenSection'
 $_aJs = array()
 $_aCss = array()
- Protected Attributes inherited from BxDolForm
 $_aMarkers = array ()
 $_isValid = true
 $_bForceSetToPending = false
 $_aFieldsCheckForSpam = array()
 $_aFieldsExcludeFromCheckForSpam = array()

Static Protected Attributes

static $_isCssJsGeneralModuleAdded = false
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseFormView
static $_isToggleJsAdded = false
static $_isCssJsAdded = false
static $_isCssJsUiAdded = false
static $_isCssJsUiSortableAdded = false
static $_isCssJsMinicolorsAdded = false
static $_isCssJsLabelsAdded = false
static $_isCssJsTimepickerAdded = false
static $_isCssJsAddedViewMode = false

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseFormView
static getJsCalendarLangs ()
static getCssJsCalendar ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolForm
static getObjectInstance ($sObject, $sDisplayName, $oTemplate=false, $sParam='')
static unSetObjectInstance ($sObject, $sDisplayName, $oTemplate=false, $sParam='')
static getDataItems ($sKey, $isUseForSet=false, $sUseValues=BX_DATA_VALUES_DEFAULT)
static getSubmittedValue ($sKey, $sMethod, &$aSpecificValues=false)
static setSubmittedValue ($sKey, $mixedValue, $sMethod, &$aSpecificValues=false)
static genCsrfToken ($bReturn=false)
static getCsrfToken ()
static isCsrfTokenValid ($s, $bDeleteToken=true)
static onModuleUninstall ($sModuleName)
static isVisible ($aInput)
- Public Attributes inherited from BxDolForm
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BxDolForm
static $TYPES_SKIP = array('files' => 1, 'location' => 1, 'nested_form' => 1)
static $TYPES_CHECKBOX = array('checkbox' => 1, 'switcher' => 1)
static $TYPES_TEXT = array('text' => 1, 'textarea' => 1)
static $TYPES_FILE = array('file' => 1)
static $FUNC_SKIP_DOMAIN_CHECK = array('email' => 1, 'emails' => 1, 'emailexist' => 1, 'emailuniq' => 1, 'emailexistorempty' => 1, 'hostdomain' => 1, 'hostdomainchat' => 1, 'emailorempty' => 1)
static $FUNC_SKIP_MACROS_CHECK = array()
static $LOCATION_INDEXES = array ('lat', 'lng', 'country', 'state', 'city', 'zip', 'street', 'street_number')
static $LOCATION_INDEXES_MANDATORY = array ('lat', 'lng')

Detailed Description

Create/edit entry form

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

Member Function Documentation

◆ _associalFileWithContent()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::_associalFileWithContent ( $oStorage,
$sPictureField = '' )

Reimplemented in BxAlbumsFormEntry, and BxStoriesFormEntry.

◆ _preparePrivacyField()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::_preparePrivacyField ( $sField,
$sPrivacyObject )

Reimplemented in BxTimelineFormPost.

◆ addCssJs()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::addCssJs ( )

Reimplemented from BxBaseFormView.

◆ addTrackFields()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::addTrackFields ( $mixedFields,
$mixedContent )

Add field(s) which will be tracked during content update.

◆ genInputNestedForm()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::genInputNestedForm ( & $aInput,
$sInfo = '',
$sError = '' )

Nested forms processing

◆ genNestedForm()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::genNestedForm ( & $aInput)

Reimplemented from BxBaseFormView.

◆ genViewRowValue()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::genViewRowValue ( & $aInput)

Generate value for view mode row


Reimplemented from BxBaseFormView.

Reimplemented in BxEventsFormEntry.

◆ genViewRowWrapped()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::genViewRowWrapped ( & $aInput)

Generate complete wrapped row for view mode form


Reimplemented from BxBaseFormView.

◆ getCode()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::getCode ( $bDynamicMode = false)

Return Form code

$bDynamicMode- set it to true if form is added via JS/AJAX call, for example form in AJAX popup.


'system', 'form_output' - hook to override form object and/or code to be output

  • $unit_name - equals system
  • $action - equals form_output
  • $object_id - not used
  • $sender_id - not used
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • dynamic - [boolean] is dynamic mode
    • object - [object] by ref, an instance of form class,
      See also
      BxDolForm, can be overridden in hook processing
    • code - [boolean] or [string] by ref, when false the default generation mechanism will be used, can be overridden in hook processing
    • include - [string] by ref, additional data to be attached to output, can be overridden in hook processing
      'system', 'form_output' - hook to override form object and/or code to be output

Reimplemented from BxBaseFormView.

Reimplemented in BxAdsFormEntry, BxBaseModTextFormEntry, BxClssFormEntry, BxEventsFormEntry, BxMarketFormEntry, BxMassMailerFormEntry, BxPollsFormEntry, and BxTasksFormEntry.

◆ getHtmlEditorQueryParams()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::getHtmlEditorQueryParams ( $aInput)


'system', 'editor_query_params' - hook to override http(s) request's query params, which is used in HTML editor

Reimplemented from BxBaseFormView.

◆ initChecker()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::initChecker ( $aValues = array (),
$aSpecificValues = array() )

Reimplemented from BxDolForm.

◆ insert()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::insert ( $aValsToAdd = array(),
$isIgnore = false )

Reimplemented from BxDolForm.

Reimplemented in BxCnvFormEntry.

◆ isTrackFieldChanged()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::isTrackFieldChanged ( $sField,
$bReturnValues = false )

Checks if the field was changed.

◆ processFiles()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::processFiles ( $sFieldFile,
$iContentId = 0,
$isAssociateWithContent = false )

Reimplemented in BxAlbumsFormEntry, and BxStoriesFormEntry.

◆ processMulticatBefore()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::processMulticatBefore ( $sFieldName,
& $aValsToAdd )

MultiCategories related methods.

◆ update()

BxBaseModGeneralFormEntry::update ( $iContentId,
$aValsToAdd = array(),
& $aTrackTextFieldsChanges = null )

Reimplemented from BxDolForm.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: