No Matches
BxDolCmts Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BxDolCmts:
BxDolFactory iBxDolReplaceable iBxDolContentInfoService BxBaseCmts BxTemplCmts BxAlbumsCmtsMedia BxBaseModProfileCmts BxCnvCmts BxDolCmtsNotes BxDolCmtsReviews BxDolStudioAgentsAutomatorsCmts BxForumCmts BxMarketCmts BxTimelineCmts

Public Member Functions

 init ($iId)
 getId ()
 isEnabled ()
 getSystemId ()
 getSystemName ()
 getSystemInfo ()
 getStorageObjectName ()
 getTranscoderPreviewName ()
 getFormObject ()
 getTableNameImages ()
 getTableNameImages2Entries ()
 getLanguageKey ($sIndex)
 getMaxLevel ()
 getOrder ()
 getPerView ($iCmtParentId=0)
 getStatusAdmin ()
 getViewUrl ($iCmtId, $bAbsolute=true)
 getViewText ($mixedItem)
 getBaseUrl ()
 getListUrl ()
 getItemUrl ($iItemId)
 getListAnchor ($bWithHash=false)
 getItemAnchor ($iItemId, $bWithHash=false)
 getAttachments ($iCmtId)
 getConnectionObject ($sType)
 getVoteObject ($iEniqId)
 getReactionObject ($iEniqId)
 getScoreObject ($iEniqId)
 getReportObject ($iEniqId)
 getNotificationId ()
 getSocketName ()
 setTableNameFiles ($sTable)
 setTableNameFiles2Entries ($sTable)
 isHtml ()
 isRatable ()
 isAttachImageEnabled ()
 isAutoApprove ()
 setId ($iId)
 addMarkers ($a)
 getQueryObject ()
 getCommentsTableName ()
 getObjectAuthorId ($iObjectId=0)
 getObjectTitle ($iObjectId=0)
 getObjectPrivacyView ($iObjectId=0)
 getObjectContentFilter ()
 getCommentsCountAll ($iObjectId=0, $bForceCalculate=false)
 getCommentsCount ($iObjectId=0, $iCmtVParentId=-1, $sFilter='')
 getCommentsArray ($iVParentId, $sFilter, $aOrder, $iStart=0, $iCount=-1)
 getCommentsBy ($aParams=[])
 getCommentUniqId ($iCmtId, $iAuthorId=0)
 getCommentSimple ($iCmtId)
 getCommentRow ($iCmtId)
 onObjectDelete ($iObjectId=0)
 deleteVotes ($mixedCmtId)
 deleteReactions ($mixedCmtId)
 deleteScores ($mixedCmtId)
 deleteReports ($mixedCmtId)
 deleteMetaInfo ($mixedCmtId)
 deleteUniqueIds ($mixedCmtId)
 isAdmin ($iCmtAuthorId)
 checkAction ($sAction, $isPerformAction=false)
 checkActionErrorMsg ($sAction)
 isViewAllowed ($isPerformAction=false)
 isVoteAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 isScoreAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 isReportAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 isPostAllowed ($isPerformAction=false)
 msgErrPostAllowed ()
 isReplyAllowed ($mixedCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 msgErrReplyAllowed ()
 isQuoteAllowed ($mixedCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 msgErrQuoteAllowed ()
 isPinAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 msgErrPinAllowed ()
 isUnpinAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 msgErrUnpinAllowed ()
 isEditAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 msgErrEditAllowed ()
 isEditAllowedAll ($isPerformAction=false)
 isRemoveAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 isRemoveAllowedAll ($isPerformAction=false)
 msgErrRemoveAllowed ()
 isMoreAllowed ($aCmt, $isPerformAction=false)
 isModerator ($isPerformAction=false)
 actionPin ()
 actionGetFormPost ()
 actionGetFormEdit ()
 actionGetCmt ()
 actionGetCmts ()
 actionSubmitPostForm ()
 actionSubmitEditForm ()
 actionRemove ()
 remove ($iCmtId)
 add ($aValues)
 actionResumeLiveUpdate ()
 actionPauseLiveUpdate ()
 actionGetSiblingFiles ()
 onPostAfter ($iCmtId, $aDp=[])
 onEditAfter ($iCmtId, $aDp=[])
 serviceGetAuthor ($iContentId)
 serviceGetDateAdded ($iContentId)
 serviceGetDateChanged ($iContentId)
 serviceGetLink ($iContentId)
 serviceGetTitle ($iContentId)
 serviceGetText ($iContentId)
 serviceGetThumb ($iContentId)
 serviceGetInfo ($iContentId, $bSearchableFieldsOnly=true)
 serviceGetInfoApi ($iContentId, $bExtendedUnits=false)
 serviceGetSearchResultUnit ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='')
 serviceGetAll ($aParams=array())
 serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array())
 registerTranscoders ()
 unregisterTranscoders ()
 serviceGetSearchResultExtended ($aParams, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $bFilterMode=false)
 getAuthorInfo ($iAuthorId=0)
 getParams (&$aBp, &$aDp)
 prepareParams (&$aBp, &$aDp)
 _getStructure ($mixedItem, $aBp, &$iLevel, &$aStructure)
 _getStructureAPI ($mixedItem, $aBp, &$iLevel, &$aStructure)
 getDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[])

Static Public Member Functions

static getObjectInstance ($sSys, $iId, $iInit=true, $oTemplate=false)
static getObjectInstanceByUniqId ($iUniqId, $iInit=true, $oTemplate=false)
static & getSystems ()
static getGlobalInfo ($iUniqueId)
static getGlobalNumByParams ($aParams=[])
static onAuthorDelete ($iAuthorId)
static onModuleEnable ($sModuleName)
static onModuleDisable ($sModuleName)
static onModuleUninstall ($sModuleName, &$iFiles=null)

Static Public Attributes

static $sTableSystems = 'sys_objects_cmts'
static $sTableIds = 'sys_cmts_ids'

Protected Member Functions

 __construct ($sSystem, $iId, $iInit=true, $oTemplate=false)
 _getAuthorId ()
 _getAuthorPassword ()
 _getAuthorIp ()
 _getAuthorInfo ($iAuthorId=0)
 _getAuthorObject ($iAuthorId=0)
 _getFormObject ($sAction=BX_CMT_ACTION_POST)
 _unsetFormObject ($sAction=BX_CMT_ACTION_POST)
 _getParams (&$aBp, &$aDp)
 _prepareAlertParams ($aCmt)
 _prepareAlertParamsReply ($aCmt, $aCmtPrnt)
 _prepareAuditParams ($iId, $aData)
 _prepareTextForOutput ($s, $iCmtId=0)
 _prepareStructureBp ($sDType, &$aBp)
 _prepareParams (&$aBp, &$aDp)
 _triggerComment ()
 _replaceMarkers ($mixed)
 _getUserChoice ()
 _setUserChoice ($sDp, $sBpType, $sBpFilter)
 _sendNotificationEmail ($iCmtId, $iCmtParentId)
 _isShowDoComment ($aParams, $isAllowedComment, $bCount)
 _isShowCounter ($aParams, $isAllowedComment, $bCount)
 _getImageDo ()
 _getIconDo ()
 _getTitleDo ()

Protected Attributes

 $_sTableImages = 'sys_cmts_images'
 $_sTableImages2Entries = 'sys_cmts_images2entries'
 $_oQuery = null
 $_oTemplate = null
 $_sViewUrl = ''
 $_sBaseUrl = ''
 $_sListAnchor = ''
 $_sItemAnchor = ''
 $_aSystems = []
 $_sSystem = 'profile'
 $_aSystem = []
 $_iId = 0
 $_iAuthorId = 0
 $_aT = array ()
 $_aMarkers = array ()
 $_sDisplayType = ''
 $_sDpSessionKey = ''
 $_iDpMaxLevel = 0
 $_sBrowseType = ''
 $_bBrowseFilter = false
 $_sBrowseFilter = ''
 $_sBpSessionKeyType = ''
 $_sBpSessionKeyFilter = ''
 $_aOrder = array()
 $_sSnippetLenthLiveSearch = 50
 $_iRememberTime = 2592000
 $_bLiveUpdates = true

Detailed Description

Comments for any content

Related classes:

AJAX comments for any content. Self moderated - users rate all comments, and if comment is below viewing treshold it is hidden by default.

To add comments section to your module you need to add a record to 'sys_objects_cmts' table:

  • ID - autoincremented id for internal usage
  • ObjectName - your unique module name, with vendor prefix, lowercase and spaces are underscored
  • TableCmts - table name where comments are stored
  • Html - 0 - convert new lines to
    on saving, 1 - standard(default) visual editor, 2 - full visual editor, 3 - mini visual editor.
  • PerView - number of comments on a page
  • IsRatable - 0 or 1 allow to rate comments or not
  • ViewingThreshold - comment viewing treshost, if comment is below this number it is hidden by default
  • IsOn - is this comment object enabled
  • RootStylePrefix - toot comments style prefix, if you need root comments look different\
  • ObjectVote - Vote object name to process comments' votes. May be empty if Comment Vote is not needed.
  • TriggerTable - table to be updated upon each comment
  • TriggerFieldId - TriggerTable table field with unique record id of
  • TriggerFieldComments - TriggerTable table field with comments count, it will be updated automatically upon eaech comment
  • ClassName - your custom class name if you need to override default class, this class must have the same constructor arguments
  • ClassFile - file where your ClassName is stored.

You can refer to BoonEx modules for sample record in this table.

Example of usage

After filling in the table you can show comments section in any place, using the following code:

$o = new BxTemplCmts('value of ObjectName field', $iYourEntryId);
if ($o->isEnabled())
echo $o->getCommentsBlock ();
Definition BxTemplCmts.php:14

Please note that you never need to use BxDolCmts class directly, use BxTemplCmts instead. Also if you override comments class with your own then make it child of BxTemplCmts class.


  • comments post
  • comments edit own
  • comments remove own
  • comments edit all


Alerts type/unit - every module has own type/unit, it equals to ObjectName.

The following alerts are rised

  • commentPost - comment was posted
    • $iObjectId - entry id
    • $iSenderId - author of comment
    • $aExtra['comment_id'] - just added comment id
  • commentRemoved - comments was removed
    • $iObjectId - entry id
    • $iSenderId - comment deleter id
    • $aExtra['comment_id'] - removed comment id
  • commentUpdated - comments was updated
    • $iObjectId - entry id
    • $iSenderId - comment deleter id
    • $aExtra['comment_id'] - updated comment id
  • commentRated - comments was rated
    • $iObjectId - entry id
    • $iSenderId - comment rater id
    • $aExtra['comment_id'] - rated comment id
    • $aExtra['rate'] - comment rate 1 or -1

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

BxDolCmts::__construct ( $sSystem,
$iInit = true,
$oTemplate = false )

Constructor $sSystem - comments system name $iId - obect id to be commented

Reimplemented in BxBaseCmts, BxBaseCmtsNotes, BxBaseCmtsReviews, BxCnvCmts, BxDolCmtsNotes, BxDolCmtsReviews, BxDolStudioAgentsAutomatorsCmts, BxTemplCmts, BxTemplCmtsNotes, and BxTemplCmtsReviews.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _getAuthorId()

BxDolCmts::_getAuthorId ( )

Internal functions

◆ _getImageDo()

BxDolCmts::_getImageDo ( )

Note. By default image based controls aren't used. Therefore it can be overwritten in custom template.

◆ _replaceMarkers()

BxDolCmts::_replaceMarkers ( $mixed)

Replace provided markers in a string

$mixedstring or array to replace markers in
string where all occured markers are replaced

◆ actionPin()

BxDolCmts::actionPin ( )

Actions functions

◆ addMarkers()

BxDolCmts::addMarkers ( $a)

Add replace markers.

$aarray of markers as key => value
true on success or false on error

Implements iBxDolReplaceable.

◆ getCommentRow()

BxDolCmts::getCommentRow ( $iCmtId)

Get comment's full info.

◆ getCommentSimple()

BxDolCmts::getCommentSimple ( $iCmtId)

Get comment's short info.

◆ getCommentUniqId()

BxDolCmts::getCommentUniqId ( $iCmtId,
$iAuthorId = 0 )

Get comment's unique id.

◆ getDataAPI()

BxDolCmts::getDataAPI ( $aData,
$aParams = [] )


'system', 'decode_comment_data_api' - hook to override comment data prepared for sending in API response


'{object_name}', 'decode_comment_data_api' - hook to override comment data prepared for sending in API response

It's equivalent to 'system', 'decode_comment_data_api' - hook to override comment data prepared for sending in API response

'{object_name}', 'decode_comment_data_api' - hook to override comment data prepared for sending in API response

◆ getNotificationId()

BxDolCmts::getNotificationId ( )

Is used as:

  1. Live Update's session key.
  2. HTML ID for Live Update's 'New Content' button.
    string with ID.

◆ getObjectInstance()

static BxDolCmts::getObjectInstance ( $sSys,
$iInit = true,
$oTemplate = false )

get comments object instanse

$sSyscomments object name
$iIdassociated content id, where comments are postred in
$iInitperform initialization
null on error, or ready to use class instance

◆ getObjectInstanceByUniqId()

static BxDolCmts::getObjectInstanceByUniqId ( $iUniqId,
$iInit = true,
$oTemplate = false )

get comments object instanse

$iUniqIdunique comment id
null on error, or ready to use class instance

◆ getQueryObject()

BxDolCmts::getQueryObject ( )

Database functions

◆ isAdmin()

BxDolCmts::isAdmin ( $iCmtAuthorId)

Permissions functions

◆ isEnabled()

BxDolCmts::isEnabled ( )

Reimplemented in BxCnvCmts.

◆ isPostAllowed()

BxDolCmts::isPostAllowed ( $isPerformAction = false)

Reimplemented in BxBaseModProfileCmts.

◆ isReplyAllowed()

BxDolCmts::isReplyAllowed ( $mixedCmt,
$isPerformAction = false )

Determines whether a 'reply' action allowed or not.

integeror array $mixedCmt - ID or an array which describes the comment to be replied

Reimplemented in BxDolCmtsReviews.

◆ onEditAfter()

BxDolCmts::onEditAfter ( $iCmtId,
$aDp = [] )


'{object_name}', 'commentUpdated' - hook after a comment was updated (edited)

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals commentUpdated
  • $object_id - commented object id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] comment's audience filter value
      '{object_name}', 'commentUpdated' - hook after a comment was updated (edited)


'comment', 'edited' - hook after a comment was updated (edited)

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'commentUpdated' - hook after a comment was updated (edited) except 'comment id' is provided in $object_id

'comment', 'edited' - hook after a comment was updated (edited)

◆ onPostAfter()

BxDolCmts::onPostAfter ( $iCmtId,
$aDp = [] )


'{object_name}', 'commentPost' - hook after a comment was added

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals commentPost
  • $object_id - commented object id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] comment's audience filter value
      '{object_name}', 'commentPost' - hook after a comment was added


'comment', 'added' - hook after a comment was added

It's equivalent to

'{object_name}', 'commentPost' - hook after a comment was added except 'comment id' is provided in $object_id
'comment', 'added' - hook after a comment was added


'{object_name}', 'replyPost' - hook after a reply was added

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals replyPost
  • $object_id - parent comment id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • parent_id - [int] parent comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • parent_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique parent comment id
    • parent_author_id - [int] parent comment author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also
      '{object_name}', 'replyPost' - hook after a reply was added


'comment', 'replied' - hook after a reply was added

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'replyPost' - hook after a reply was added except 'comment id' is provided in $object_id

'comment', 'replied' - hook after a reply was added

◆ registerTranscoders()

BxDolCmts::registerTranscoders ( )

Overwrite this method and register transcoder(s) if comments object uses custom transcoder(s), which differs from default one 'sys_cmts_images_preview'

Reimplemented in BxForumCmts.

◆ remove()

BxDolCmts::remove ( $iCmtId)


'{object_name}', 'commentRemoved' - hook after a comment was removed

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals commentRemoved
  • $object_id - commented object id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also
    • cf - [int] comment's audience filter value
      '{object_name}', 'commentRemoved' - hook after a comment was removed


'comment', 'deleted' - hook after a comment was removed

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'commentRemoved' - hook after a comment was removed except 'comment id' is provided in $object_id

'comment', 'deleted' - hook after a comment was removed


'{object_name}', 'replyRemoved' - hook after a reply was removed

  • $unit_name - comment object name
  • $action - equals replyRemoved
  • $object_id - commented object id
  • $sender_id - profile id who performed the action
  • $extra_params - array of additional params with the following array keys:
    • source - [string] unique comment source string
    • object_system - [string] comment object name
    • object_id - [int] commented object id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • object_author_id - [int] commented object author profile id
    • parent_id - [int] parent comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • parent_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique parent comment id
    • parent_author_id - [int] parent comment author profile id
    • comment_id - [int] comment id unique in the comment object scope
    • comment_uniq_id - [int] system wide unique comment id
    • comment_author_id - [int] comment author profile id
    • comment_text - [string] comment text
    • privacy_view - [int] or [string] privacy for view comment action,
      See also
      '{object_name}', 'replyRemoved' - hook after a reply was removed


'reply', 'deleted' - hook after a reply was removed

It's equivalent to '{object_name}', 'replyRemoved' - hook after a reply was removed except 'comment id' is provided in $object_id

'reply', 'deleted' - hook after a reply was removed

◆ serviceGetAll()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetAll ( $aParams = array())

◆ serviceGetAuthor()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetAuthor ( $iContentId)

◆ serviceGetDateAdded()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetDateAdded ( $iContentId)

◆ serviceGetDateChanged()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetDateChanged ( $iContentId)

◆ serviceGetInfo()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetInfo ( $iContentId,
$bSearchableFieldsOnly = true )

◆ serviceGetLink()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetLink ( $iContentId)

◆ serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended ( $aInputsAdd = array())

◆ serviceGetSearchResultExtended()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetSearchResultExtended ( $aParams,
$iStart = 0,
$iPerPage = 0,
$bFilterMode = false )

◆ serviceGetSearchResultUnit()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetSearchResultUnit ( $iContentId,
$sUnitTemplate = '' )

◆ serviceGetText()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetText ( $iContentId)

◆ serviceGetThumb()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetThumb ( $iContentId)

◆ serviceGetTitle()

BxDolCmts::serviceGetTitle ( $iContentId)

◆ setId()

BxDolCmts::setId ( $iId)

set id to operate with votes

◆ setTableNameFiles()

BxDolCmts::setTableNameFiles ( $sTable)

◆ setTableNameFiles2Entries()

BxDolCmts::setTableNameFiles2Entries ( $sTable)

◆ unregisterTranscoders()

BxDolCmts::unregisterTranscoders ( )

Overwrite this method and unregister transcoder(s) if comments object uses custom transcoder(s), which differs from default one 'sys_cmts_images_preview'

Reimplemented in BxForumCmts.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $_sTableImages

BxDolCmts::$_sTableImages = 'sys_cmts_images'

System tables which are used by default and can be overwritten in comment systems.

See also
BxDolCmts\getTableNameImages and BxDolCmts\getTableNameImages2Entries

◆ $sTableSystems

BxDolCmts::$sTableSystems = 'sys_objects_cmts'

System tables which are UNITED for all comment systems and cannot be overwritten.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: