Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($aModule) | |
actionGetContexts ($iLimit=20) | |
actionVideo ($iEventId, $iVideoId) | |
actionPost () | |
actionEdit ($iId) | |
actionPin () | |
actionStick () | |
actionPromote () | |
actionMarkAsRead () | |
actionMute () | |
actionDelete () | |
actionRepost () | |
actionRepostWith () | |
actionRepostTo () | |
actionGetView () | |
actionGetViewFilters () | |
actionGetPost () | |
actionGetPosts () | |
serviceGetPosts ($aParams) | |
actionGetPostForm () | |
actionGetEditForm ($iId) | |
serviceGetEditForm ($iId) | |
actionGetComments () | |
actionDeleteAttachLinks () | |
actionAutoAttachInsertion () | |
actionGetRepostedBy () | |
actionGetItemBrief () | |
actionGetJumpTo () | |
actionResumeLiveUpdate () | |
actionPauseLiveUpdate () | |
actionRss () | |
serviceGetSafeServices () | |
serviceGetHotSourcesChecklist () | |
serviceGetForYouSourcesChecklist () | |
serviceManageTools ($sType='common') | |
serviceFeedsMenuAdd ($mixedModule=false) | |
serviceFeedsMenuDelete ($mixedModule=false) | |
serviceGetContentOwnerProfileId ($mixedEvent) | |
serviceGetCreatePostForm ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetObjectForm ($sType, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
serviceGetTimelinePostAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetAuthor ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateChanged ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLink ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetThumb ($iContentId, $sTranscoder='') | |
serviceGetInfo ($iContentId, $bSearchableFieldsOnly=true) | |
serviceGetTitle ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetText ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetSearchResultUnit ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='') | |
serviceGetSearchableFields ($aInputsAdd=[]) | |
serviceGetBlockPost ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceGetBlockPostProfile ($sProfileModule='bx_persons', $iProfileContentId=0) | |
serviceGetBlockPostHome () | |
serviceGetBlockPostAccount () | |
serviceGetBlockPostCustom ($aParams) | |
serviceGetBlockView ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceGetBlockViewOutline ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceGetBlockViewProfile ($sProfileModule='bx_persons', $iProfileContentId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array(), $iTimeline=-1) | |
serviceGetBlockViewProfileOutline ($sProfileModule='bx_persons', $iProfileContentId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array(), $iTimeline=-1) | |
serviceGetBlockViewsCustom ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetBlockViewsTimeline ($sType=BX_BASE_MOD_NTFS_TYPE_PUBLIC, $iProfileId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $iTimeline=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array()) | |
serviceGetBlockViewsOutline ($sType=BX_BASE_MOD_NTFS_TYPE_PUBLIC, $iProfileId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $iTimeline=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array()) | |
serviceGetBlockViewHome ($iProfileId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $iTimeline=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array()) | |
serviceGetBlockViewHomeOutline ($iProfileId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $iTimeline=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array()) | |
serviceGetBlockViewHot ($iProfileId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $iTimeline=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array()) | |
serviceGetBlockViewHotOutline ($iProfileId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $iTimeline=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array()) | |
serviceGetBlockViewAccount ($iProfileId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $iTimeline=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array()) | |
serviceGetBlockViewAccountOutline ($iProfileId=0, $iStart=-1, $iPerPage=-1, $iTimeline=-1, $sFilter='', $aModules=array()) | |
serviceGetBlockViewCustom ($aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetBlockViewChannels ($sView='timeline') | |
serviceGetBlockViewFeedAndHot ($sView='timeline') | |
serviceGetBlockViewContexts ($sView='timeline', $sContextModule='bx_groups') | |
serviceGetBlockViewMedia ($sView='timeline', $mixedMedia=['files', 'images', 'videos']) | |
serviceGetBlockViewMediaFiles ($sView='timeline') | |
serviceGetBlockViewMediaImages ($sView='timeline') | |
serviceGetBlockViewMediaVideos ($sView='timeline') | |
serviceGetBlockMenuDb ($aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetBlockViewsDb ($aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetBlockItem () | |
serviceGetBlockItemContent () | |
serviceGetBlockItemInfo () | |
serviceGetBlockItemComments () | |
serviceGetBlockMuted ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceGetPost ($mixedEvent, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetTimelineRepostAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetReputationData () | |
serviceGetNotificationsData () | |
serviceGetNotificationsRepost ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPost ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsComment ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsReply ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsVote ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsReaction ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsScoreUp ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsScoreDown ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetRepostElementBlock ($iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetRepostElementBlockApi ($iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetRepostCounter ($sType, $sAction, $iObjectId, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetRepostJsScript () | |
serviceGetRepostJsClick ($iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId) | |
serviceGetRepostWithJsClick ($iReposterId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId) | |
serviceGetRepostToJsClick ($iReposterId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId) | |
serviceRepost ($iAuthorId, $iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId, $bForce=false) | |
serviceRepostWith ($iAuthorId, $iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId, $mixedData=false, $bForce=false) | |
serviceRepostById ($iAuthorId, $iOwnerId, $iEventId, $bForce=false) | |
isReposted ($iAuthorId, $iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId) | |
repost ($iAuthorId, $iOwnerId, $sType, $sAction, $iObjectId, $mixedData=false, $bForce=false) | |
serviceUpdate ($iEventId, $aSet) | |
serviceDelete ($iId) | |
serviceGetMenuItemAddonComment ($sSystem, $iObjectId, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
serviceGetSettingsCheckerHelper () | |
serviceGetOptionsVideosPreload () | |
serviceGetOptionsVideosAutoplay () | |
serviceGetOptionsAttachmentsLayout () | |
serviceGetLiveUpdate ($aBrowseParams, $iProfileId, $iValue=0, $iInit=0) | |
serviceGetLiveUpdates ($aBrowseParams, $iProfileId, $iCount=0, $iInit=0) | |
serviceGetMenuAddonManageTools () | |
serviceGetMenuAddonProfileStats ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceGet ($aParams) | |
serviceAdd ($aValues) | |
serviceEdit ($iId, $aValues) | |
serviceDeleteEntity ($iContentId, $sFuncDelete='deleteData') | |
serviceGetEvents ($aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetEventsByDescriptor ($sType, $sAction, $iObjectId) | |
getStatusAdmin () | |
getItemData ($iId, $aParams=array()) | |
hideEvent ($aEvent) | |
deleteEvent ($aEvent) | |
getFormPost ($aParams=[]) | |
getFormEdit ($iId, $aParams=[], $aBrowseParams=[]) | |
getFormPostObject ($aParams) | |
getCmtsObject ($sSystem, $iId) | |
getViewObject ($sSystem, $iId) | |
getVoteObject ($sSystem, $iId) | |
getReactionObject ($sSystem, $iId) | |
getScoreObject ($sSystem, $iId) | |
getReportObject ($sSystem, $iId) | |
getAttachmentsMenuObject () | |
getManageMenuObject () | |
getCacheItemObject () | |
getConnectionMuteObject () | |
serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
isModerator () | |
isModeratorForProfile ($iUserId) | |
isAllowedPost ($bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedView ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedEdit ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedDelete ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedComment ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedViewCounter ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedVote ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedVoteView ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedReaction ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedReactionView ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedScore ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedReport ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedRepost ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedSend ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedMute ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedUnmute ($iAuthor, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedPin ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedUnpin ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedStick ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedUnstick ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedPromote ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedUnpromote ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedNotes ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
isAllowedMore ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
checkAllowedView ($aContentInfo, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedDelete (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedCommentsView ($aContentInfo, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedCommentsPost ($aContentInfo, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEditAnyEntryForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntryForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
onPost ($iContentId) | |
onEdit ($iContentId) | |
onPublished ($iContentId) | |
onFailed ($iContentId) | |
onRepost ($iContentId, $aReposted=array()) | |
onHide ($aEvent) | |
onUnhide ($aEvent) | |
onDelete ($aEvent) | |
getParams ($sView='', $sType='', $iOwnerId=0, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $sFilter=BX_TIMELINE_FILTER_ALL, $aModules=array(), $iTimeline=0) | |
getParamsExt ($aParams=array()) | |
getViewsData (&$aViews) | |
getVotesData (&$aVotes) | |
getReactionsData (&$aReactions) | |
getScoresData (&$aScores) | |
getReportsData (&$aReports) | |
getCommentsData (&$aComments) | |
getEventLinks ($iEventId) | |
getEventImages ($iEventId) | |
getEventVideos ($iEventId) | |
getEventFiles ($iEventId) | |
hasMedia ($iEventId, $iProfileId=0) | |
deleteLinksUnused ($iProfileId) | |
deleteCacheItem ($iEventId) | |
rebuildSlice () | |
serviceGetUserPosts ($iProfileId=0, $sPage='home', $sTab='hot', $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModNotificationsModule | |
__construct (&$aModule) | |
serviceAddHandlers ($sModuleUri) | |
serviceDeleteHandlers ($sModuleUri) | |
serviceDeleteModuleEvents ($sModuleUri) | |
serviceGetActionsChecklist () | |
getOwnerId () | |
getSilentMode ($aExtras) | |
getObjectPrivacyView ($aData) | |
getObjectCf ($aData) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralModule | |
isEntryActive ($aContentInfo) | |
isEntryAuthor ($aContentInfo, $iProfileId=0) | |
actionUpdateImage ($sFiledName, $iContentId, $sValue) | |
actionUpdateImagePosition ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sH, $sV) | |
actionApprove () | |
serviceSetStatus ($iId, $sValue, $sStatus='') | |
actionGetAttachLinkForm () | |
actionSubmitAttachLinkForm () | |
actionAddAttachLink () | |
actionDeleteAttachLink () | |
actionGetCreatePostForm () | |
actionGetNotes () | |
actionNested () | |
actionEmbed ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='', $sAddCode='') | |
subactionDelete () | |
actionAjaxGetProfiles () | |
serviceGetProfiles ($sParams) | |
actionGetBrowsingFilters () | |
actionApplyBrowsingFilters () | |
serviceIsAllowedAddContentToContext ($iContextPid) | |
serviceIsBadgesAvaliable () | |
serviceModuleIcon () | |
serviceGetPrivacyView ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateAdded ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLocation ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetEmbed ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetInfoApi ($iContentId, $bExtendedUnits=false) | |
serviceGetView ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetAll ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetAllByAuthor ($iProfileId) | |
serviceGetSortableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchResultExtended ($aParams, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $bFilterMode=false) | |
serviceUpdateImage ($sFiledName, $iContentId, $sValue) | |
serviceUpdateImagePosition ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sH, $sV) | |
serviceGetMenuAddonManageToolsProfileStats ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceBrowse ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseWithCondition ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseFeatured ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true) | |
serviceBrowseFavorite ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseFavoriteLists ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseCategory ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=true, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceFavoritesListActions () | |
serviceFavoritesListInfo ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseContext ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
_serviceBrowseWithParam ($sParamName, $sParamGet, $sParamVal, $aParams=array()) | |
getFormsHelper () | |
serviceFormsHelper () | |
serviceEntityAdd ($iProfile, $aValues, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceRedirectAfterAdd ($aContentInfo) | |
serviceEntityCreate ($sParams=false) | |
serviceEntityEdit ($iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceEntityDelete ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityTextBlock ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityInfo ($iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceEntityInfoFull ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityInfoExtended ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityLocation ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityComments ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityAttachments ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEditEntity ($iContentId, $aValues) | |
serviceMyEntriesActions ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceEntityAllActions ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceEntityActions ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityReports ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceReportsCountByStatus ($iStatus) | |
serviceEntitySocialSharing ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceEntityContext ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceGetLablesTree () | |
serviceGetLablesBreadcrumbs () | |
serviceBrowseByLabel () | |
serviceBrowseByCategories ($sUnitView, $bEmptyMessage, $bAjaxPaginate, $sMode, $iPerPage) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPendingApproval ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostApproved ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPublishFailed ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPublishSucceeded ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetTimelineData () | |
serviceCheckAllowed ($sAction, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedWithContent ($sAction, $iContentId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedWithContentForProfile ($sAction, $iContentId, $iProfileId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedCommentsView ($iContentId, $sObjectComments) | |
serviceCheckAllowedCommentsPost ($iContentId, $sObjectComments) | |
serviceGetBadges ($iContentId, $bIsSingle=false, $bIsCompact=false) | |
serviceCategoriesMultiList ($bDisplayEmptyCats=true) | |
checkAllowedSetThumb ($iContentId=0) | |
checkAllowedBrowse () | |
checkAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $iProfileId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedAdd ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedApprove ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEdit ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSetMembership (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEditAnyEntry ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntry ($isPerformAction=false) | |
_serviceBrowse ($sMode, $aParams=false, $iDesignBox=BX_DB_PADDING_DEF, $bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $sClassSearchResult='SearchResult') | |
onApprove ($mixedContent) | |
onUpdateImage ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sFiledValue, $iProfileId=0) | |
alertAfterAdd ($aContentInfo) | |
alertAfterEdit ($aContentInfo) | |
alertAfterApprove ($aContentInfo) | |
processMetasAdd ($iContentId) | |
processMetasEdit ($iContentId, $oForm) | |
addAttachLink ($aValues, $sDisplay=false) | |
getFormAttachLink ($iContentId=0) | |
getEntryImageData ($aContentInfo, $sField='FIELD_THUMB', $aTranscoders=array()) | |
getEntryAllActions ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=[]) | |
getProfileId () | |
getProfileInfo ($iUserId=false) | |
getObjectUser ($iUserId=false) | |
getObjectFavorite ($sSystem='', $iId=0) | |
getUserId () | |
getUserIp () | |
getUserInfo ($iUserId=0) | |
getUserInfoWithBadges ($iUserId=0) | |
isMenuItemVisible ($sObject, &$aItem, &$aContentInfo) | |
_isModerator ($isPerformAction=false) | |
_isModeratorForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_isAdministrator ($isPerformAction=false) | |
_isAdministratorForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_prepareAuditParams ($aContentInfo, $bIsSaveData=true, $aOverrideAuditParams=array()) | |
_getFavoriteListUrl ($iListId, $iProfileId) | |
getDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[]) | |
decodeDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[]) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolModule | |
isEnabled () | |
getName () | |
isLogged () | |
getUserPassword () | |
serviceIsSafeService ($s) | |
serviceIsPublicService ($s) | |
serviceGetPublicServices () | |
Public Member Functions inherited from iBxDolContentInfoService | |
serviceGetDateAdded ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetThumb ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetAll ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchResultExtended ($aParams, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $bFilterMode=false) | |
Protected Member Functions | |
_serviceGetNotificationsScore ($sType, $aEvent) | |
_serviceGetBlockView ($iProfileId=0, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_serviceGetBlockViewProfile ($sProfileModule='bx_persons', $iProfileContentId=0, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_serviceGetBlockViews ($aBrowseParams=[]) | |
_serviceGetBlockViewHome ($aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_serviceGetBlockViewHot ($aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_serviceGetBlockViewByType ($aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getBlockPost ($iProfileId, $aParams=array()) | |
_getBlockView ($aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getContentForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_isAllowedRepost ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
_isAllowedMute ($bPerform=false) | |
_isAllowedPin ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
_isAllowedStick ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
_isAllowedPromote ($aEvent, $bPerform=false) | |
_deleteLinks ($iId) | |
_processMetas ($iId, $sText) | |
_checkMedia ($sType, $iContentId, $aItemIds, $iProfileId=0) | |
_saveMedia ($sType, $iContentId, $aItemIds, $iProfileId=0, $isAssociateWithContent=false) | |
_deleteMedia ($sType, $iContentId) | |
_setParamsType ($sType, &$aParams) | |
_prepareParams ($aParams) | |
_prepareParamsGet ($mParams=false) | |
_prepareTextForSave ($s) | |
_prepareFormForAutoSubmit (&$oForm, &$aValues) | |
_getFieldValue ($sField, $iContentId) | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModNotificationsModule | |
_updateModuleData ($sAction, $sModuleUri) | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BxBaseModGeneralModule | |
_prepareBrowsingFiltersParamsGet ($mParams=false) | |
_serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction, $iProfileId) | |
_serviceBrowseQuick ($aProfiles, $iStart=0, $iLimit=4, $aAdditionalParams=array()) | |
_alertParams ($aContentInfo) | |
_addLink (&$oForm) | |
_serviceEntityForm ($sFormMethod, $iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false, $sCheckFunction=false, $bErrorMsg=true) | |
_serviceTemplateFunc ($sFunc, $iContentId, $sFuncGetContent='getContentInfoById') | |
_serviceTemplateFuncEx ($sFunc, $iContentId, $aParams=array()) | |
_getApproveForm ($iContentId, $aContentInfo) | |
_sendApproveMessage ($iContentId, $aContentInfo, &$oForm) | |
_processModerationNotifications ($aContentInfo) | |
_rss ($aArgs, $sClass='SearchResult') | |
_getContent ($iContentId=0, $sFuncGetContent=true) | |
_getImagesForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getImagesForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getVideosForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getVideosForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFilesForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFilesForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_entityComments ($sObject, $iId=0) | |
_getFields ($iContentId) | |
_getFieldValueThumb ($sField, $iContentId, $sTranscoder='') | |
_prepareResponse ($aResponse, $bAsJson=false, $aAdditional=array()) | |
Protected Attributes | |
$_sJsPostObject | |
$_sJsViewObject | |
$_aPostElements | |
$_sJsOutlineObject | |
$_sDividerTemplate | |
$_sBalloonTemplate | |
$_sCmtPostTemplate | |
$_sCmtViewTemplate | |
$_sCmtTemplate | |
Protected Attributes inherited from BxBaseModGeneralModule | |
$_bIsApi | |
$_iProfileId | |
$_aSearchableNamesExcept | |
$_aFormParams | |
$_aBrowsingFiltersKeys | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from BxDolModule | |
static | getInstance ($sName) |
static | getTitle ($sUri) |
static | getTitleKey ($sUri) |
Public Attributes inherited from BxBaseModNotificationsModule | |
$_iOwnerId | |
Public Attributes inherited from BxDolModule | |
$_aModule | |
$_oDb | |
$_oTemplate | |
$_oConfig | |
BxTimelineModule::__construct | ( | $aModule | ) |
Reimplemented from BxDolModule.
protected |
Check attached media for content type (photo, video).
protected |
- [array] browsing params array as key&value pairsmenu
- [array] block submenu items arrayoverride_content
- [string] by ref, block content, can be overridden in hook processing
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
protected |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not
protected |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not
protected |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not
protected |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not
protected |
Protected Methods
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::actionGetContexts | ( | $iLimit = 20 | ) |
BxTimelineModule::actionGetPost | ( | ) |
Note. Disabled for now, because Own posts on Timelines of Following members became visible on posts' author Dashboard Timeline.
$bAfpsLoading = (int)bx_get('afps_loading') === 1; if($bAfpsLoading && $this->_iOwnerId != $aEvent['owner_id']) return echoJson(array('message' => _t('_bx_timeline_txt_msg_posted')));
- [array] browse params array as key&value pairsoverride_result
- [array] by ref, result array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
BxTimelineModule::actionMute | ( | ) |
- [int] owner profile idobject_id
- [int] object idobject_author_id
- [int] object author profile id
BxTimelineModule::actionPromote | ( | ) |
- [int] owner profile idobject_id
- [int] object idobject_author_id
- [int] object author profile id
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'promoted' - hook after an event was promoted
BxTimelineModule::actionRss | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::checkAllowedCommentsPost | ( | $aContentInfo, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Checks if it's allowed to post a comment by checking the availability to post anything in the context. Note. Don't check the related comments object for post action accessibility because this method is called from there.
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::checkAllowedCommentsView | ( | $aContentInfo, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Checks if it's allowed to view a comment by checking the availability to view the content which was commented. Note. Don't check the related comments object for view action accessibility because this method is called from there.
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::checkAllowedDelete | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntryForProfile | ( | $isPerformAction = false, | |
$iProfileId = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::checkAllowedEditAnyEntryForProfile | ( | $isPerformAction = false, | |
$iProfileId = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::checkAllowedView | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::getFormPost | ( | $aParams = [] | ) |
Unset 'text' input because its data was already processed and will be saved via additional values which were passed to BxDolForm\insert method.
BxTimelineModule::getFormPostObject | ( | $aParams | ) |
Note. 'ajax_mode' parameter isn't checked because timeline post form works as Ajax form by default.
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedDelete | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedEdit | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedPin | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
Pin - "Pin here" - pin the post on Profile Timeline for profile owner. Can be done by profile owner for himself or by admin for profile owner to see.
type | $aEvent | |
type | $bPerform |
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedPost | ( | $bPerform = false | ) |
- [array] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing.
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedReaction | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedReactionView | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedReport | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedRepost | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
- [array] content info array as key&value pairsoverride_result
- [string] or [int] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing. Return string with an error if action isn't allowed or CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED, BxTimelineModule::isAllowedScore | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedSend | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_post' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'post in profile' action is allowed or not
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedStick | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
Stick - "Pin for All" - pin the post on Public Timeline for everybody to see. Is available for Administrators/Moderators only.
type | $aEvent | |
type | $bPerform |
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedView | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModNotificationsModule.
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedViewCounter | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
- [boolean] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing.
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedVote | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not
BxTimelineModule::isAllowedVoteView | ( | $aEvent, | |
$bPerform = false ) |
It's equivalent to '{profile_module_name}', 'timeline_view_counter' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view counter' action is allowed or not
BxTimelineModule::onDelete | ( | $aEvent | ) |
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide_repost' - hook after repost was hidden
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide_repost' - hook after repost was hidden
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide' - hook after post (event) was hidden
BxTimelineModule::onFailed | ( | $iContentId | ) |
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::onHide | ( | $aEvent | ) |
- [int] repost id
- [int] repost id
BxTimelineModule::onPost | ( | $iContentId | ) |
- [string] unique sourceowner_id
- [int] owner profile idobject_author_id
- [int] object author profile idprivacy_view
- [int] or [string] privacy for view content action, It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'post_system' - hook after system post was added and published
Note. 0 is used as $iContentId to allow to subscribe on all events at once.
BxTimelineModule::onPublished | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::onRepost | ( | $iContentId, | |
$aReposted = array() ) |
- [int] repost idobject_author_id
- [int] reposted content author profile idprivacy_view
- [int] or [string] privacy for view content action, BxTimelineModule::onUnhide | ( | $aEvent | ) |
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide_repost' - hook after repost was hidden
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide_repost' - hook after repost was hidden
It's equivalent to 'bx_timeline', 'hide' - hook after post (event) was hidden
BxTimelineModule::serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false, | |||
$iProfileId = false ) |
- [string] module namecontent_info
- [array] content info array as key&value pairsprofile_id
- [boolean] or [int] profile id to be checked the availability of the action tooverride_result
- [string] or [int] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing. Return string with an error if action isn't allowed or CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED, system
- [string] module namecontent_info
- [array] content info array as key&value pairsprofile_id
- [boolean] or [int] profile id to be checked the availability of the action tooverride_result
- [string] or [int] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing. Return string with an error if action isn't allowed or CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED, Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceDelete | ( | $iId | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceDeleteEntity | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sFuncDelete = 'deleteData' ) |
Delete content entry
$iContentId | content id |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetAuthor | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockItem | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockPost | ( | $iProfileId = 0 | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockPostAccount | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockPostCustom | ( | $aParams | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockPostHome | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockPostProfile | ( | $sProfileModule = 'bx_persons', | |
$iProfileContentId = 0 ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockView | ( | $iProfileId = 0 | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewAccount | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$iStart = -1, | |||
$iPerPage = -1, | |||
$iTimeline = -1, | |||
$sFilter = '', | |||
$aModules = array() ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewAccountOutline | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$iStart = -1, | |||
$iPerPage = -1, | |||
$iTimeline = -1, | |||
$sFilter = '', | |||
$aModules = array() ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewCustom | ( | $aParams = [] | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewHome | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$iStart = -1, | |||
$iPerPage = -1, | |||
$iTimeline = -1, | |||
$sFilter = '', | |||
$aModules = array() ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewHomeOutline | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$iStart = -1, | |||
$iPerPage = -1, | |||
$iTimeline = -1, | |||
$sFilter = '', | |||
$aModules = array() ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewHot | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$iStart = -1, | |||
$iPerPage = -1, | |||
$iTimeline = -1, | |||
$sFilter = '', | |||
$aModules = array() ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewHotOutline | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$iStart = -1, | |||
$iPerPage = -1, | |||
$iTimeline = -1, | |||
$sFilter = '', | |||
$aModules = array() ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewOutline | ( | $iProfileId = 0 | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewProfile | ( | $sProfileModule = 'bx_persons', | |
$iProfileContentId = 0, | |||
$iStart = -1, | |||
$iPerPage = -1, | |||
$sFilter = '', | |||
$aModules = array(), | |||
$iTimeline = -1 ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetBlockViewProfileOutline | ( | $sProfileModule = 'bx_persons', | |
$iProfileContentId = 0, | |||
$iStart = -1, | |||
$iPerPage = -1, | |||
$sFilter = '', | |||
$aModules = array(), | |||
$iTimeline = -1 ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetContentOwnerProfileId | ( | $mixedEvent | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetCreatePostForm | ( | $aParams = array() | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetDateChanged | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetForYouSourcesChecklist | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetHotSourcesChecklist | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetInfo | ( | $iContentId, | |
$bSearchableFieldsOnly = true ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetLink | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetLiveUpdate | ( | $aBrowseParams, | |
$iProfileId, | |||
$iValue = 0, | |||
$iInit = 0 ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetLiveUpdates | ( | $aBrowseParams, | |
$iProfileId, | |||
$iCount = 0, | |||
$iInit = 0 ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetMenuAddonManageTools | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetMenuAddonProfileStats | ( | $iProfileId = 0 | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetMenuItemAddonComment | ( | $sSystem, | |
$iObjectId, | |||
$aBrowseParams = array() ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetNotificationsComment | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetNotificationsData | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetNotificationsPost | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetNotificationsReaction | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post vote for Notifications module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetNotificationsReply | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetNotificationsRepost | ( | $aEvent | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetNotificationsScoreDown | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetNotificationsScoreUp | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetNotificationsVote | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetObjectForm | ( | $sType, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
- [string] module nametype
- [string] 'add', 'edit', 'view' or 'delete' form display typeparams
- [array] form params array as key&value pairsform
- [object] by ref, an object of create content form, Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetOptionsAttachmentsLayout | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetOptionsVideosAutoplay | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetOptionsVideosPreload | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetRepostCounter | ( | $sType, | |
$sAction, | |||
$iObjectId, | |||
$aParams = [] ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetRepostElementBlock | ( | $iOwnerId, | |
$sType, | |||
$sAction, | |||
$iObjectId, | |||
$aParams = [] ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetRepostElementBlockApi | ( | $iOwnerId, | |
$sType, | |||
$sAction, | |||
$iObjectId, | |||
$aParams = [] ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetRepostJsClick | ( | $iOwnerId, | |
$sType, | |||
$sAction, | |||
$iObjectId ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetRepostJsScript | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetRepostToJsClick | ( | $iReposterId, | |
$sType, | |||
$sAction, | |||
$iObjectId ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetRepostWithJsClick | ( | $iReposterId, | |
$sType, | |||
$sAction, | |||
$iObjectId ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetReputationData | ( | ) |
Data for Reputation module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetSafeServices | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModNotificationsModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetSearchableFields | ( | $aInputsAdd = [] | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetSearchResultUnit | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sUnitTemplate = '' ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetSettingsCheckerHelper | ( | ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetText | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetThumb | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sTranscoder = '' ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetTimelinePost | ( | $aEvent, | |
$aBrowseParams = array() ) |
Entry post for Timeline module
Don't show anonymous posts on the post's owner timeline and don't cache them when they're viewed by their authors.
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetTimelinePostAllowedView | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetTitle | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceGetUserPosts | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$sPage = 'home', | |||
$sTab = 'hot', | |||
$iStart = 0, | |||
$iPerPage = 0 ) |
Returns records for React Jot using OAuth2
int | $iProfileId | |
string | $sPage | |
string | $sTab | |
int | $iStart | |
int | $iPerPage |
BxTimelineModule::serviceManageTools | ( | $sType = 'common' | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxTimelineModule::serviceRepost | ( | $iAuthorId, | |
$iOwnerId, | |||
$sType, | |||
$sAction, | |||
$iObjectId, | |||
$bForce = false ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceRepostById | ( | $iAuthorId, | |
$iOwnerId, | |||
$iEventId, | |||
$bForce = false ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceRepostWith | ( | $iAuthorId, | |
$iOwnerId, | |||
$sType, | |||
$sAction, | |||
$iObjectId, | |||
$mixedData = false, | |||
$bForce = false ) |
BxTimelineModule::serviceUpdate | ( | $iEventId, | |
$aSet ) |