Public Member Functions | |
__construct (&$aModule) | |
isEntryActive ($aContentInfo) | |
isEntryAuthor ($aContentInfo, $iProfileId=0) | |
actionUpdateImage ($sFiledName, $iContentId, $sValue) | |
actionUpdateImagePosition ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sH, $sV) | |
actionApprove () | |
serviceSetStatus ($iId, $sValue, $sStatus='') | |
actionRss () | |
actionGetAttachLinkForm () | |
actionSubmitAttachLinkForm () | |
actionAddAttachLink () | |
actionDeleteAttachLink () | |
actionGetCreatePostForm () | |
actionGetNotes () | |
actionNested () | |
actionEmbed ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='', $sAddCode='') | |
subactionDelete () | |
actionAjaxGetProfiles () | |
serviceGetProfiles ($sParams) | |
actionGetBrowsingFilters () | |
actionApplyBrowsingFilters () | |
serviceIsAllowedAddContentToContext ($iContextPid) | |
serviceIsBadgesAvaliable () | |
serviceGetSafeServices () | |
serviceModuleIcon () | |
serviceGetAuthor ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetPrivacyView ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateAdded ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateChanged ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLink ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetTitle ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetText ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLocation ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetEmbed ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetInfo ($iContentId, $bSearchableFieldsOnly=true) | |
serviceGetInfoApi ($iContentId, $bExtendedUnits=false) | |
serviceGetSearchResultUnit ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='') | |
serviceGetView ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetAll ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetAllByAuthor ($iProfileId) | |
serviceGetSortableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchResultExtended ($aParams, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $bFilterMode=false) | |
serviceGetSearchableFields ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceUpdateImage ($sFiledName, $iContentId, $sValue) | |
serviceUpdateImagePosition ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sH, $sV) | |
serviceManageTools ($sType='common') | |
serviceGetMenuAddonManageTools () | |
serviceGetMenuAddonManageToolsProfileStats ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceBrowse ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseWithCondition ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseFeatured ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true) | |
serviceBrowseFavorite ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseFavoriteLists ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseCategory ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=true, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceFavoritesListActions () | |
serviceFavoritesListInfo ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseContext ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
_serviceBrowseWithParam ($sParamName, $sParamGet, $sParamVal, $aParams=array()) | |
getFormsHelper () | |
serviceFormsHelper () | |
serviceEntityAdd ($iProfile, $aValues, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceRedirectAfterAdd ($aContentInfo) | |
serviceGetObjectForm ($sType, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceEntityCreate ($sParams=false) | |
serviceGetCreatePostForm ($aParams=[]) | |
serviceEntityEdit ($iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceEntityDelete ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityTextBlock ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityInfo ($iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceEntityInfoFull ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityInfoExtended ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityLocation ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityComments ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityAttachments ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceDeleteEntity ($iContentId, $sFuncDelete='deleteData') | |
serviceEditEntity ($iContentId, $aValues) | |
serviceMyEntriesActions ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceEntityAllActions ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceEntityActions ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityReports ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceReportsCountByStatus ($iStatus) | |
serviceEntitySocialSharing ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceEntityContext ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceGetLablesTree () | |
serviceGetLablesBreadcrumbs () | |
serviceBrowseByLabel () | |
serviceBrowseByCategories ($sUnitView, $bEmptyMessage, $bAjaxPaginate, $sMode, $iPerPage) | |
serviceGetNotificationsData () | |
serviceGetNotificationsPost ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPendingApproval ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostApproved ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPublishFailed ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPublishSucceeded ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsComment ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsReply ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsVote ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsReaction ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsScoreUp ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsScoreDown ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetReputationData () | |
serviceGetTimelineData () | |
serviceGetTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
serviceGetTimelinePostAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
serviceCheckAllowed ($sAction, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedWithContent ($sAction, $iContentId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedWithContentForProfile ($sAction, $iContentId, $iProfileId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedCommentsView ($iContentId, $sObjectComments) | |
serviceCheckAllowedCommentsPost ($iContentId, $sObjectComments) | |
serviceGetContentOwnerProfileId ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetBadges ($iContentId, $bIsSingle=false, $bIsCompact=false) | |
serviceCategoriesMultiList ($bDisplayEmptyCats=true) | |
serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
checkAllowedSetThumb ($iContentId=0) | |
checkAllowedBrowse () | |
checkAllowedView ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $iProfileId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedAdd ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedApprove ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEdit ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedDelete (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSetMembership (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEditAnyEntry ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntry ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEditAnyEntryForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntryForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
checkAllowedCommentsView ($aContentInfo, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedCommentsPost ($aContentInfo, $isPerformAction=false) | |
_serviceBrowse ($sMode, $aParams=false, $iDesignBox=BX_DB_PADDING_DEF, $bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $sClassSearchResult='SearchResult') | |
onPublished ($iContentId) | |
onFailed ($iContentId) | |
onApprove ($mixedContent) | |
onUpdateImage ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sFiledValue, $iProfileId=0) | |
alertAfterAdd ($aContentInfo) | |
alertAfterEdit ($aContentInfo) | |
alertAfterApprove ($aContentInfo) | |
processMetasAdd ($iContentId) | |
processMetasEdit ($iContentId, $oForm) | |
addAttachLink ($aValues, $sDisplay=false) | |
getFormAttachLink ($iContentId=0) | |
getEntryImageData ($aContentInfo, $sField='FIELD_THUMB', $aTranscoders=array()) | |
getEntryAllActions ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=[]) | |
getProfileId () | |
getProfileInfo ($iUserId=false) | |
getObjectUser ($iUserId=false) | |
getObjectFavorite ($sSystem='', $iId=0) | |
getUserId () | |
getUserIp () | |
getUserInfo ($iUserId=0) | |
getUserInfoWithBadges ($iUserId=0) | |
isMenuItemVisible ($sObject, &$aItem, &$aContentInfo) | |
_isModerator ($isPerformAction=false) | |
_isModeratorForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_isAdministrator ($isPerformAction=false) | |
_isAdministratorForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_prepareAuditParams ($aContentInfo, $bIsSaveData=true, $aOverrideAuditParams=array()) | |
_getFavoriteListUrl ($iListId, $iProfileId) | |
getDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[]) | |
decodeDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[]) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($aModule) | |
isEnabled () | |
getName () | |
isLogged () | |
getUserPassword () | |
serviceIsSafeService ($s) | |
serviceIsPublicService ($s) | |
serviceGetPublicServices () | |
Protected Member Functions | |
_prepareBrowsingFiltersParamsGet ($mParams=false) | |
_serviceGetNotificationsScore ($sType, $aEvent) | |
_serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction, $iProfileId) | |
_serviceBrowseQuick ($aProfiles, $iStart=0, $iLimit=4, $aAdditionalParams=array()) | |
_alertParams ($aContentInfo) | |
_addLink (&$oForm) | |
_serviceEntityForm ($sFormMethod, $iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false, $sCheckFunction=false, $bErrorMsg=true) | |
_serviceTemplateFunc ($sFunc, $iContentId, $sFuncGetContent='getContentInfoById') | |
_serviceTemplateFuncEx ($sFunc, $iContentId, $aParams=array()) | |
_getApproveForm ($iContentId, $aContentInfo) | |
_sendApproveMessage ($iContentId, $aContentInfo, &$oForm) | |
_processModerationNotifications ($aContentInfo) | |
_rss ($aArgs, $sClass='SearchResult') | |
_getContent ($iContentId=0, $sFuncGetContent=true) | |
_getContentForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getImagesForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getImagesForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getVideosForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getVideosForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFilesForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFilesForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_entityComments ($sObject, $iId=0) | |
_getFields ($iContentId) | |
_getFieldValue ($sField, $iContentId) | |
_getFieldValueThumb ($sField, $iContentId, $sTranscoder='') | |
_prepareResponse ($aResponse, $bAsJson=false, $aAdditional=array()) | |
Protected Attributes | |
$_bIsApi | |
$_iProfileId | |
$_aSearchableNamesExcept | |
$_aFormParams | |
$_aBrowsingFiltersKeys | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | getInstance ($sName) |
static | getTitle ($sUri) |
static | getTitleKey ($sUri) |
![]() | |
$_aModule | |
$_oDb | |
$_oTemplate | |
$_oConfig | |
Base module class.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::__construct | ( | & | $aModule | ) |
Reimplemented in BxFaceBookConnectModule.
protected |
Get array of params to be passed in Add/Edit Alert.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, and BxBaseModTextModule.
protected |
- [int] content idcontent_info
- [array] content info array as key&value pairsoverride_result
- [object] by ref, an instance of approve content form,
protected |
Reimplemented in BxPollsModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::_isModerator | ( | $isPerformAction = false | ) |
Reimplemented in BxCnvModule.
protected |
- [int] admin/moderator profile id
protected |
- [int] content idcontent_info
- [array] content info array as key&value pairsform
- [object] an instance of approve content formemail_template
- [string] by ref, email template name, email_params
- [array] by ref, email template params, can be overridden in hook processing
protected |
Shows a list of profiles.
protected |
Reimplemented in BxRemindersModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::actionAjaxGetProfiles | ( | ) |
Get possible recipients for start conversation form
BxBaseModGeneralModule::alertAfterAdd | ( | $aContentInfo | ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, and BxBaseModTextModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::alertAfterApprove | ( | $aContentInfo | ) |
- [string] uniq string for particular content in the following format {module}_{content}
- [int] content author profile id
BxBaseModGeneralModule::alertAfterEdit | ( | $aContentInfo | ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModProfileModule, and BxBaseModTextModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedAdd | ( | $isPerformAction = false | ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModProfileModule, and BxMassMailerModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedApprove | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModTextModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedBrowse | ( | ) |
It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile except content_info
parameter in $extra_params is missing
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedCommentsPost | ( | $aContentInfo, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedCommentsView | ( | $aContentInfo, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedDelete | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxAccntModule, BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, BxCnvModule, BxMarketModule, BxMassMailerModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntry | ( | $isPerformAction = false | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntryForProfile | ( | $isPerformAction = false, | |
$iProfileId = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxCnvModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedEdit | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, BxCnvModule, and BxMassMailerModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedEditAnyEntry | ( | $isPerformAction = false | ) |
Reimplemented in BxCnvModule, and BxRemindersModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedEditAnyEntryForProfile | ( | $isPerformAction = false, | |
$iProfileId = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxCnvModule, BxMassMailerModule, BxRemindersModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedSetMembership | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedSetThumb | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
Reimplemented in BxAlbumsModule, BxBaseModTextModule, BxCnvModule, BxFilesModule, BxPhotosModule, BxShopifyModule, BxStoriesModule, and BxStrmModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedView | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, BxCnvModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::checkAllowedViewForProfile | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$iProfileId, | |||
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::getDataAPI | ( | $aData, | |
$aParams = [] ) |
- [string] module namedata
- [array] content info array as key&value pairsparams
- [array] params array as key&value pairsdata_api
- [array] by ref, content data prepared for sending in API response, can be overridden in hook processing
It's equivalent to 'system', 'decode_data_api' - hook to override content data prepared for sending in API response
BxBaseModGeneralModule::getUserId | ( | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::isEntryActive | ( | $aContentInfo | ) |
- [int] viewer profile idis_moderator
- [boolean] is viewer has moderator status or notcontent_info
- [array] content info array as key&value pairsoverride_result
- [boolean] by ref, boolean value which determines whether entry (content) active or not, can be overridden in hook processing
Reimplemented in BxAdsModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::isEntryAuthor | ( | $aContentInfo, | |
$iProfileId = 0 ) |
- [int] viewer profile idcontent_info
- [array] content info array as key&value pairsoverride_result
- [boolean] by ref, boolean value which determines whether the viewer is an author of viewed entry (content) or not, can be overridden in hook processing
BxBaseModGeneralModule::onFailed | ( | $iContentId | ) |
- [int] content author profile id
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::onUpdateImage | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sFiledName, | |||
$sFiledValue, | |||
$iProfileId = 0 ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, and BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceBrowse | ( | $aParams = array() | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceBrowseCategory | ( | $sUnitView = false, | |
$bEmptyMessage = true, | |||
$bAjaxPaginate = true, | |||
$aParams = [] ) |
Reimplemented in BxAdsModule, and BxForumModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceBrowseContext | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
Display entries posted into particular context
Reimplemented in BxFilesModule, and BxTasksModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceBrowseFavorite | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceBrowseFavoriteLists | ( | $iProfileId = 0, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceBrowseFeatured | ( | $sUnitView = false, | |
$bEmptyMessage = false, | |||
$bAjaxPaginate = true ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceCategoriesMultiList | ( | $bDisplayEmptyCats = true | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceCheckAllowed | ( | $sAction, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Check particular action permission without content
$sAction | action to check, for example: Browse, Add |
$iContentId | content ID |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false, | |||
$iProfileId = false ) |
- [string] module namecontent_info
- [array] content info array as key&value pairsprofile_id
- [boolean] or [int] profile id to be checked the availability of the action tooverride_result
- [string] or [int] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing. Return string with an error if action isn't allowed or CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED, Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, BxCnvModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceCheckAllowedWithContent | ( | $sAction, | |
$iContentId, | |||
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Check particular action permission with content
$sAction | action to check, for example: View, Edit |
$iContentId | content ID |
Reimplemented in BxRemindersModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceCheckAllowedWithContentForProfile | ( | $sAction, | |
$iContentId, | |||
$iProfileId, | |||
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Check particular action permission with content for specified profile
$sAction | action to check, for example: View, Edit |
$iContentId | content ID |
$iProfileId | profile ID which the permissions to be cheked for |
Reimplemented in BxFdbModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceDeleteEntity | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sFuncDelete = 'deleteData' ) |
Delete content entry
$iContentId | content id |
Reimplemented in BxCnvModule, BxFilesModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEditEntity | ( | $iContentId, | |
$aValues ) |
Edit content entry
$iContentId | content id |
$aValues | key value pairs to update |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityActions | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityAdd | ( | $iProfile, | |
$aValues, | |||
$sDisplay = false ) |
Add entry using provided fields' values.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityAllActions | ( | $mixedContent = false, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
Reimplemented in BxAlbumsModule, BxBaseModGroupsModule, and BxStoriesModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityAttachments | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityComments | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityContext | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
Entry context block
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityCreate | ( | $sParams = false | ) |
Create entry form
Reimplemented in BxAdsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, BxCnvModule, BxMarketModule, BxShopifyModule, and BxSnipcartModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityDelete | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
Reimplemented in BxSpacesModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityEdit | ( | $iContentId = 0, | |
$sDisplay = false ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityInfo | ( | $iContentId = 0, | |
$sDisplay = false ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityInfoExtended | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityInfoFull | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityLocation | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityReports | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntitySocialSharing | ( | $mixedContent = false, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, and BxCnvModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceEntityTextBlock | ( | $iContentId = 0 | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceFavoritesListActions | ( | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceFavoritesListInfo | ( | $aParams = array() | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetAuthor | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetBadges | ( | $iContentId, | |
$bIsSingle = false, | |||
$bIsCompact = false ) |
- [string] module namecontent_id
- [int] content idis_single
- [boolean] only one badge can be used or notis_compact
- [boolean] badge in compact mode or notbadges
- [array] a list of all badges assigned to the contentoverride_result
- [string] or [boolean] by ref, if string is returned then it will be used as resulting badges code, can be overridden in hook processing
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetContentOwnerProfileId | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetCreatePostForm | ( | $aParams = [] | ) |
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetDateChanged | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetInfo | ( | $iContentId, | |
$bSearchableFieldsOnly = true ) |
Reimplemented in BxForumModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetLablesTree | ( | ) |
Blocks for lables tree browsing
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetLink | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetMenuAddonManageTools | ( | ) |
Reimplemented in BxAccntModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetMenuAddonManageToolsProfileStats | ( | $iProfileId = 0 | ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModTextModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetNotificationsComment | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post comment for Notifications module
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetNotificationsData | ( | ) |
Data for Notifications module
Reimplemented in BxAdsModule, BxAlbumsModule, BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, BxCnlModule, BxEventsModule, BxFdbModule, BxRemindersModule, BxTasksModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetNotificationsPost | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post for Notifications module
Reimplemented in BxBaseModProfileModule, BxRemindersModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetNotificationsPostPendingApproval | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Unset Entry Author because the notification is addressed to 'admins'.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetNotificationsReaction | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post vote for Notifications module
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetNotificationsReply | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post reply for Notifications module
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetNotificationsScoreDown | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post score -> vote up for Notifications module
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetNotificationsScoreUp | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post score -> vote up for Notifications module
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetNotificationsVote | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post vote for Notifications module
Reimplemented in BxBaseModProfileModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetObjectForm | ( | $sType, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
Get form object for add, edit, view or delete the content
$sType | 'add', 'edit', 'view' or 'delete' |
$aParams | optional array with parameters(display name, etc) |
- [string] module nametype
- [string] 'add', 'edit', 'view' or 'delete' form display typeparams
- [array] form params array as key&value pairsform
- [object] by ref, an object of create content form, Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetReputationData | ( | ) |
Data for Reputation module
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetSafeServices | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxDolModule.
Reimplemented in BxForumModule, BxMassMailerModule, BxNtfsModule, BxPollsModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetSearchableFields | ( | $aInputsAdd = array() | ) |
Reimplemented in BxForumModule, BxMarketModule, and BxSnipcartModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended | ( | $aInputsAdd = array() | ) |
- [array] a list of searchable fields, can be overridden in hook processing
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetSearchResultUnit | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sUnitTemplate = '' ) |
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, BxOrgsModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetSortableFieldsExtended | ( | $aInputsAdd = array() | ) |
- [array] a list of searchable fields, can be overridden in hook processing
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetText | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetTimelineData | ( | ) |
Data for Timeline module
Reimplemented in BxAlbumsModule, BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxBaseModProfileModule, BxCnlModule, BxFdbModule, BxOrgsModule, BxStoriesModule, and BxTasksModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetTimelinePost | ( | $aEvent, | |
$aBrowseParams = array() ) |
Entry post for Timeline module
Don't show anonymous posts on the post's owner timeline and don't cache them when they're viewed by their authors.
Reimplemented in BxAdsModule, BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxClssModule, BxEventsModule, BxPostsModule, BxReviewsModule, BxStrmModule, BxTasksModule, and BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetTitle | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented in BxTimelineModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceGetView | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Reimplemented in BxPhotosModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceModuleIcon | ( | ) |
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceMyEntriesActions | ( | $iProfileId = 0 | ) |
Reimplemented in BxFilesModule.
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceRedirectAfterAdd | ( | $aContentInfo | ) |
Perform redirect after content creation
BxBaseModGeneralModule::serviceReportsCountByStatus | ( | $iStatus | ) |