Public Member Functions | |
__construct (&$aModule) | |
actionDeleteProfileImg ($iFileId, $iContentId, $sFieldPicture) | |
actionProfileCalendarData () | |
actionEmbed ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='', $sAddCode='') | |
serviceGetSafeServices () | |
serviceGetOptionsRedirectAfterAdd () | |
serviceGetOptionsActivation () | |
serviceGetThumb ($iContentId, $sTranscoder='') | |
serviceGetCover ($iContentId, $sTranscoder='') | |
serviceGetSearchResultUnit ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='') | |
serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceEntityCalendar ($iContentId=0, $sTemplate='calendar.html') | |
servicePrivateProfileMsg () | |
serviceGetContentInfoById ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetContentInfoByProfileId ($iProfileId) | |
serviceGetMenuAddonManageTools () | |
serviceGetMenuAddonManageToolsProfileStats ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceGetMenuAddonFavoritesProfileStats () | |
serviceGetSubmenuObject () | |
serviceGetMenuSetNameForMenuTrigger ($sMenuTriggerName) | |
serviceGetSnippetMenuVars ($iProfileId, $bPublic=null, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetPageObjectForPageTrigger ($sPageTriggerName) | |
serviceProfilesSearch ($sTerm, $iLimit) | |
serviceProfileUnitSafe ($iContentId, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceProfileUnit ($iContentId, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceProfileUnitApi ($iContentId, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceHasImage ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfilePicture ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileAvatar ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileAvatarBig ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileCover ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileUnitCover ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileEditUrl ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileThumb ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileIcon ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileName ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileSettings ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileSettingsSet ($iContentId, $oValue) | |
serviceProfileCreateUrl ($bAbsolute=true) | |
serviceProfileUrl ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetSpaceTitle () | |
serviceGetParticipatingProfiles ($iProfileId, $aConnectionObjects=false) | |
servicePrepareFields ($aFieldsProfile) | |
serviceFormsHelper () | |
serviceEntityCreate ($sDisplay=false) | |
serviceActAsProfile () | |
serviceBrowseRecommended ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true) | |
serviceBrowseRecentProfiles ($bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $sUnitView=false) | |
serviceBrowseActiveProfiles ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=false) | |
serviceBrowseFamiliarProfiles ($sConnection='', $sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=false) | |
serviceBrowseTopProfiles ($bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=false) | |
serviceBrowseOnlineProfiles ($bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=false) | |
serviceBrowseConnections ($iProfileId, $sObjectConnections='sys_profiles_friends', $sConnectionsType='content', $iMutual=false, $iDesignBox=BX_DB_PADDING_DEF, $iProfileId2=0) | |
serviceBrowseRelationsQuick ($iProfileId, $sObjectConnections='sys_profiles_friends', $sConnectionsType='content', $iMutual=false, $iProfileId2=0) | |
serviceBrowseConnectionsQuick ($iProfileId, $sObjectConnections='sys_profiles_friends', $sConnectionsType='content', $iMutual=false, $iProfileId2=0) | |
serviceBrowseConnectionsByType ($aParamsCnn, $aParamsBrs=array()) | |
serviceBrowseByAcl ($mixedLevelId, $iDesignBox=BX_DB_PADDING_DEF) | |
serviceEntityEditCover ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityCover ($iContentId=0, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceEntityCommentsByProfile ($iProfileId) | |
serviceEntitySocialSharing ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceProfileMembership ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceProfileFriends ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceProfileFriendsMutual ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceProfileSubscriptions ($iContentId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceProfileSubscribedMe ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceProfileRelations ($iContentId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceProfileRelatedMe ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceIsEnableProfileActivationLetter () | |
serviceIsEnableRelations () | |
serviceDeleteEntityService ($iContentId, $bDeleteWithContent=false) | |
serviceGetNotificationsData () | |
serviceGetNotificationsPost ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsVote ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsTimelinePostCommon ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetTimelineData () | |
serviceGetTimelineProfilePicture ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams=[]) | |
serviceGetTimelineProfilePictureAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetTimelineProfileCover ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams=[]) | |
serviceGetTimelineProfileCoverAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetMenuItemTitleByConnection ($sConnection, $sAction, $iContentProfileId, $iInitiatorProfileId=0) | |
serviceCheckAllowedProfileView ($iContentId) | |
serviceCheckAllowedProfileContact ($iContentId) | |
serviceCheckAllowedPostInProfile ($iContentId, $sPostModule='') | |
serviceCheckAllowedModuleActionInProfile ($iContentId, $sPostModule, $sActionName) | |
serviceCheckSpacePrivacy ($iContentId) | |
serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedPostForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedContactForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
serviceSetViewProfileCover ($oPage, $aProfileInfo) | |
serviceGetMembers ($sMode='active', $iStart=0, $iPerPage=10) | |
checkAllowedAdd ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedView ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedViewProfileImage ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedViewCoverImage ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedPost ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedContact ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEdit ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedChangeCover ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedDelete (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedViewMoreMenu (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedCompose (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedFriendAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedFriendRemove (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedRelationAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedRelationRemove (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedRelationsView (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSubscribeAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
_modProfileCheckAllowedSubscribeAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSubscribeRemove (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSubscriptionsView (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkMyself ($iContentId) | |
isAllowDeleteOrDisable ($iActorProfileId, $iTargetProfileId) | |
getProfileObject ($iContentId) | |
onUpdateImage ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sFiledValue, $iProfileId=0) | |
alertAfterAdd ($aContentInfo) | |
alertAfterEdit ($aContentInfo) | |
getProfileByCurrentUrl () | |
getEntryImageData ($aContentInfo, $sField='FIELD_PICTURE', $aTranscoders=array()) | |
getProfileName ($aContentInfo) | |
getMenuItemTitleByConnection ($sConnection, $sAction, $iContentProfileId, $iInitiatorProfileId=0) | |
decodeDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[]) | |
![]() | |
isEntryActive ($aContentInfo) | |
isEntryAuthor ($aContentInfo, $iProfileId=0) | |
actionUpdateImage ($sFiledName, $iContentId, $sValue) | |
actionUpdateImagePosition ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sH, $sV) | |
actionApprove () | |
serviceSetStatus ($iId, $sValue, $sStatus='') | |
actionRss () | |
actionGetAttachLinkForm () | |
actionSubmitAttachLinkForm () | |
actionAddAttachLink () | |
actionDeleteAttachLink () | |
actionGetCreatePostForm () | |
actionGetNotes () | |
actionNested () | |
subactionDelete () | |
actionAjaxGetProfiles () | |
serviceGetProfiles ($sParams) | |
actionGetBrowsingFilters () | |
actionApplyBrowsingFilters () | |
serviceIsAllowedAddContentToContext ($iContextPid) | |
serviceIsBadgesAvaliable () | |
serviceModuleIcon () | |
serviceGetAuthor ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetPrivacyView ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateAdded ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateChanged ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLink ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetTitle ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetText ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLocation ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetEmbed ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetInfo ($iContentId, $bSearchableFieldsOnly=true) | |
serviceGetInfoApi ($iContentId, $bExtendedUnits=false) | |
serviceGetView ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetAll ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetAllByAuthor ($iProfileId) | |
serviceGetSortableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchResultExtended ($aParams, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $bFilterMode=false) | |
serviceGetSearchableFields ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceUpdateImage ($sFiledName, $iContentId, $sValue) | |
serviceUpdateImagePosition ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sH, $sV) | |
serviceManageTools ($sType='common') | |
serviceBrowse ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseWithCondition ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseFeatured ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true) | |
serviceBrowseFavorite ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseFavoriteLists ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseCategory ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=true, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceFavoritesListActions () | |
serviceFavoritesListInfo ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseContext ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
_serviceBrowseWithParam ($sParamName, $sParamGet, $sParamVal, $aParams=array()) | |
getFormsHelper () | |
serviceEntityAdd ($iProfile, $aValues, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceRedirectAfterAdd ($aContentInfo) | |
serviceGetObjectForm ($sType, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetCreatePostForm ($aParams=[]) | |
serviceEntityEdit ($iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceEntityDelete ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityTextBlock ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityInfo ($iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceEntityInfoFull ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityInfoExtended ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityLocation ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityComments ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityAttachments ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceDeleteEntity ($iContentId, $sFuncDelete='deleteData') | |
serviceEditEntity ($iContentId, $aValues) | |
serviceMyEntriesActions ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceEntityAllActions ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceEntityActions ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityReports ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceReportsCountByStatus ($iStatus) | |
serviceEntityContext ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceGetLablesTree () | |
serviceGetLablesBreadcrumbs () | |
serviceBrowseByLabel () | |
serviceBrowseByCategories ($sUnitView, $bEmptyMessage, $bAjaxPaginate, $sMode, $iPerPage) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPendingApproval ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostApproved ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPublishFailed ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPublishSucceeded ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsComment ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsReply ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsReaction ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsScoreUp ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsScoreDown ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetReputationData () | |
serviceGetTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
serviceGetTimelinePostAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
serviceCheckAllowed ($sAction, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedWithContent ($sAction, $iContentId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedWithContentForProfile ($sAction, $iContentId, $iProfileId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedCommentsView ($iContentId, $sObjectComments) | |
serviceCheckAllowedCommentsPost ($iContentId, $sObjectComments) | |
serviceGetContentOwnerProfileId ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetBadges ($iContentId, $bIsSingle=false, $bIsCompact=false) | |
serviceCategoriesMultiList ($bDisplayEmptyCats=true) | |
checkAllowedSetThumb ($iContentId=0) | |
checkAllowedBrowse () | |
checkAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $iProfileId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedApprove ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSetMembership (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEditAnyEntry ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntry ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEditAnyEntryForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntryForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
checkAllowedCommentsView ($aContentInfo, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedCommentsPost ($aContentInfo, $isPerformAction=false) | |
_serviceBrowse ($sMode, $aParams=false, $iDesignBox=BX_DB_PADDING_DEF, $bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $sClassSearchResult='SearchResult') | |
onPublished ($iContentId) | |
onFailed ($iContentId) | |
onApprove ($mixedContent) | |
alertAfterApprove ($aContentInfo) | |
processMetasAdd ($iContentId) | |
processMetasEdit ($iContentId, $oForm) | |
addAttachLink ($aValues, $sDisplay=false) | |
getFormAttachLink ($iContentId=0) | |
getEntryAllActions ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=[]) | |
getProfileId () | |
getProfileInfo ($iUserId=false) | |
getObjectUser ($iUserId=false) | |
getObjectFavorite ($sSystem='', $iId=0) | |
getUserId () | |
getUserIp () | |
getUserInfo ($iUserId=0) | |
getUserInfoWithBadges ($iUserId=0) | |
isMenuItemVisible ($sObject, &$aItem, &$aContentInfo) | |
_isModerator ($isPerformAction=false) | |
_isModeratorForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_isAdministrator ($isPerformAction=false) | |
_isAdministratorForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_prepareAuditParams ($aContentInfo, $bIsSaveData=true, $aOverrideAuditParams=array()) | |
_getFavoriteListUrl ($iListId, $iProfileId) | |
getDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[]) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($aModule) | |
isEnabled () | |
getName () | |
isLogged () | |
getUserPassword () | |
serviceIsSafeService ($s) | |
serviceIsPublicService ($s) | |
serviceGetPublicServices () | |
![]() | |
serviceGetAuthor ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateAdded ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateChanged ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLink ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetTitle ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetText ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetThumb ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetInfo ($iContentId, $bSearchableFieldsOnly=true) | |
serviceGetAll ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchResultExtended ($aParams, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $bFilterMode=false) | |
![]() | |
serviceProfileUnit ($iContentId) | |
Protected Member Functions | |
_servicePrepareFields ($aFieldsProfile, $aFieldsDefault, $aMap) | |
_serviceCheckAllowedContactForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_alertParams ($aContentInfo) | |
_getMenuItemTitleProfilesFriends ($sAction, $iContentProfileId, $iInitiatorProfileId, &$oConnection) | |
_getMenuItemTitleProfilesSubscriptions ($sAction, $iContentProfileId, $iInitiatorProfileId, &$oConnection) | |
_checkAllowedConnect (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction, $mixedConnection, $isMutual, $isInvertResult, $isSwap=false) | |
_buildRssParams ($sMode, $aArgs) | |
_serviceGetTimelineProfileImage ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams, $aBuildParams) | |
_serviceGetTimelineProfileImageAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
_getContentForTimelineProfileImage ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams, $aBuildParams, $aContentInfo, $aFileInfo) | |
_entityComments ($sObject, $iId=0) | |
_getContent ($iContentId=0, $sFuncGetContent='getContentInfoById') | |
![]() | |
_prepareBrowsingFiltersParamsGet ($mParams=false) | |
_serviceGetNotificationsScore ($sType, $aEvent) | |
_serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction, $iProfileId) | |
_serviceBrowseQuick ($aProfiles, $iStart=0, $iLimit=4, $aAdditionalParams=array()) | |
_addLink (&$oForm) | |
_serviceEntityForm ($sFormMethod, $iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false, $sCheckFunction=false, $bErrorMsg=true) | |
_serviceTemplateFunc ($sFunc, $iContentId, $sFuncGetContent='getContentInfoById') | |
_serviceTemplateFuncEx ($sFunc, $iContentId, $aParams=array()) | |
_getApproveForm ($iContentId, $aContentInfo) | |
_sendApproveMessage ($iContentId, $aContentInfo, &$oForm) | |
_processModerationNotifications ($aContentInfo) | |
_rss ($aArgs, $sClass='SearchResult') | |
_getContentForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getImagesForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getImagesForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getVideosForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getVideosForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFilesForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFilesForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFields ($iContentId) | |
_getFieldValue ($sField, $iContentId) | |
_getFieldValueThumb ($sField, $iContentId, $sTranscoder='') | |
_prepareResponse ($aResponse, $bAsJson=false, $aAdditional=array()) | |
Protected Attributes | |
$_iAccountId | |
![]() | |
$_bIsApi | |
$_iProfileId | |
$_aSearchableNamesExcept | |
$_aFormParams | |
$_aBrowsingFiltersKeys | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | getInstance ($sName) |
static | getTitle ($sUri) |
static | getTitleKey ($sUri) |
![]() | |
$_aModule | |
$_oDb | |
$_oTemplate | |
$_oConfig | |
Base class for profile modules.
BxBaseModProfileModule::__construct | ( | & | $aModule | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
protected |
Get array of params to be passed in Add/Edit Alert.
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::_modProfileCheckAllowedSubscribeAdd | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Note. Is mainly needed for internal usage. Access level is 'public' to allow outer calls from alerts.
protected |
- [array] original fields array as key&value pairsfields_result
- [array] by ref, resulting fields array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
BxBaseModProfileModule::actionEmbed | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sUnitTemplate = '', | |||
$sAddCode = '' ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::alertAfterAdd | ( | $aContentInfo | ) |
- [string] context statusstatus_admin
- [string] context admin statusprivacy_view
- [int] or [string] privacy for view context action, Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::alertAfterEdit | ( | $aContentInfo | ) |
It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'added' - hook after profile was added
- [int] profile content idmodule
- [string] module name Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedAdd | ( | $isPerformAction = false | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedChangeCover | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Check if user can change cover image
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedCompose | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Compose differs from Contact. For example, a user should NOT be able to start conversation (compose) with himself but he should be able to view conversation page where he is one of the participants.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxCnlModule, and BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedContact | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxCnlModule, and BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedDelete | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedEdit | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedFriendAdd | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedFriendRemove | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedPost | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedRelationAdd | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedRelationRemove | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedSubscribeAdd | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedSubscribeRemove | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedView | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedViewCoverImage | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedViewMoreMenu | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::checkAllowedViewProfileImage | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::decodeDataAPI | ( | $aData, | |
$aParams = [] ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::getEntryImageData | ( | $aContentInfo, | |
$sField = 'FIELD_PICTURE', | |||
$aTranscoders = array() ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::onUpdateImage | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sFiledName, | |||
$sFiledValue, | |||
$iProfileId = 0 ) |
- [int] profile idcontent
- [int] profile content idfield
- [string] field name
It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'profile_picture_changed' - hook after profile picture was changed
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceActAsProfile | ( | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, and BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceBrowseActiveProfiles | ( | $sUnitView = false, | |
$bEmptyMessage = false, | |||
$bAjaxPaginate = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceBrowseByAcl | ( | $mixedLevelId, | |
$iDesignBox = BX_DB_PADDING_DEF ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceBrowseFamiliarProfiles | ( | $sConnection = '', | |
$sUnitView = false, | |||
$bEmptyMessage = false, | |||
$bAjaxPaginate = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceBrowseOnlineProfiles | ( | $bDisplayEmptyMsg = false, | |
$bAjaxPaginate = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceBrowseRecentProfiles | ( | $bDisplayEmptyMsg = false, | |
$bAjaxPaginate = true, | |||
$sUnitView = false ) |
Reimplemented in BxEventsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceBrowseRecommended | ( | $sUnitView = false, | |
$bEmptyMessage = false, | |||
$bAjaxPaginate = true ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceBrowseTopProfiles | ( | $bDisplayEmptyMsg = false, | |
$bAjaxPaginate = false ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceCheckAllowedContactForProfile | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false, | |||
$iProfileId = false ) |
Check if profile can be contacted.
NOTE. This service should be used if it's needed to pass some specific values in $isPerformAction and $iProfileId parameters, otherwise it's recommended to use BxBaseModProfileModule\serviceCheckAllowedProfileContact service method or BxDolProfile\checkAllowedProfileContact method.
type | $aDataEntry | - entry which the action will be performed for |
type | $isPerformAction | - perform or just check the action |
type | $iProfileId | - performer's profile ID |
It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceCheckAllowedModuleActionInProfile | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sPostModule, | |||
$sActionName ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceCheckAllowedPostForProfile | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false, | |||
$iProfileId = false ) |
Check if posting (comment, post in Timeline) is available.
NOTE. This service should be used if it's needed to pass some specific values in $isPerformAction and $iProfileId parameters, otherwise it's recommended to use BxBaseModProfileModule\serviceCheckAllowedPostInProfile service method or BxDolProfile\checkAllowedPostInProfile method.
type | $aDataEntry | - entry which the action will be performed for |
type | $isPerformAction | - perform or just check the action |
type | $iProfileId | - performer's profile ID |
It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceCheckAllowedPostInProfile | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sPostModule = '' ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceCheckAllowedProfileContact | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceCheckAllowedProfileView | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false, | |||
$iProfileId = false ) |
Check if the profile can be viewed.
NOTE. This service should be used if it's needed to pass some specific values in $isPerformAction and $iProfileId parameters, otherwise it's recommended to use BxBaseModProfileModule\serviceCheckAllowedProfileView service method or BxDolProfile\checkAllowedProfileView method.
type | $aDataEntry | - entry which the action will be performed for |
type | $isPerformAction | - perform or just check the action |
type | $iProfileId | - performer's profile ID |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceCheckSpacePrivacy | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceDeleteEntityService | ( | $iContentId, | |
$bDeleteWithContent = false ) |
For internal usage only.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceEntityCalendar | ( | $iContentId = 0, | |
$sTemplate = 'calendar.html' ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceEntityCommentsByProfile | ( | $iProfileId | ) |
Entry comments
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceEntityCover | ( | $iContentId = 0, | |
$aParams = [] ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceEntityCreate | ( | $sDisplay = false | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceEntitySocialSharing | ( | $mixedContent = false, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
Entry social sharing block
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceFormsHelper | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetMembers | ( | $sMode = 'active', | |
$iStart = 0, | |||
$iPerPage = 10 ) |
Returns list of members by mode with limited number of records for React Jot
string | $sMode | |
int | $iStart | |
int | $iPerPage |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetMenuAddonManageTools | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetMenuAddonManageToolsProfileStats | ( | $iProfileId = 0 | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetNotificationsData | ( | ) |
Data for Notifications module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxCnlModule, and BxEventsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetNotificationsPost | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post for Notifications module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetNotificationsTimelinePostCommon | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Notification about new member requst in the group
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetNotificationsVote | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Entry post vote for Notifications module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetParticipatingProfiles | ( | $iProfileId, | |
$aConnectionObjects = false ) |
- [string] module nameprofiles
- [array] by ref, a list of participating profiles ids, can be overridden in hook processing
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, and BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetSafeServices | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended | ( | $aInputsAdd = array() | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetSearchResultUnit | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sUnitTemplate = '' ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, and BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetSpaceTitle | ( | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, and BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetTimelineData | ( | ) |
Data for Timeline module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxCnlModule, and BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceGetTimelineProfilePicture | ( | $aEvent, | |
$aBrowseParams = [] ) |
Entry post for Timeline module
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceIsEnableProfileActivationLetter | ( | ) |
check enabled profile activation letter
BxBaseModProfileModule::servicePrepareFields | ( | $aFieldsProfile | ) |
Prepare fields from some universal set of fields to fields in particular profile module. By default only 'name' and 'description' fields are supported. After fields convertion it can be used in
$aFieldsProfile | fields in soem universal format. |
- [array] original fields array as key&value pairsfields_result
- [array] by ref, resulting fields array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
Reimplemented in BxBaseModGroupsModule, BxOrgsModule, and BxPersonsModule.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfileAvatar | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfileCover | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfileEditUrl | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfileIcon | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfileName | ( | $iContentId | ) |
- [array] profile info array as key&value pairsdisplay_name
- [string] by ref, profile display name, can be overridden in hook processing
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfilePicture | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfilesSearch | ( | $sTerm, | |
$iLimit ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfileThumb | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfileUnitSafe | ( | $iContentId, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
BxBaseModProfileModule::serviceProfileUrl | ( | $iContentId | ) |
Implements iBxDolProfileService.