Public Member Functions | |
__construct (&$aModule) | |
actionAjaxGetInitialMembers () | |
serviceGetInitialMembers ($sParams) | |
actionProcessInvite ($sKey, $iGroupProfileId, $bAccept) | |
actionCheckName () | |
actionGetQuestionnaire () | |
serviceManageTools ($sType='common') | |
decodeDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetMenuAddonManageTools () | |
serviceGetOptionsMembersMode () | |
serviceGetSearchResultUnit ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='') | |
serviceGetSpaceTitle () | |
serviceGetParticipatingProfiles ($iProfileId, $aConnectionObjects=false) | |
serviceGetSafeServices () | |
serviceActAsProfile () | |
serviceIsGroupProfile () | |
serviceIsEnableForContext ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceIsFan ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=false) | |
serviceIsAdmin ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=false) | |
serviceGetAdminRole ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=false) | |
serviceGetAdminsByAction ($iGroupProfileId, $mixedAction) | |
serviceGetAdminsToManageContent ($iGroupProfileId) | |
serviceDeleteProfileFromFansAndAdmins ($iProfileId) | |
serviceReassignEntityAuthor ($iContentId, $iAuthorId=0) | |
serviceEntityAllActions ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceReassignEntitiesByAuthor ($iProfileId, $iAuthorId=0) | |
servicePrepareFields ($aFieldsProfile) | |
serviceOnRemoveConnection ($iGroupProfileId, $iInitiatorId) | |
serviceAddMutualConnection ($iGroupProfileId, $iInitiatorId, $bSendInviteOnly=false) | |
serviceFansTable () | |
serviceInvitesTable () | |
serviceBansTable () | |
serviceFans ($iContentId=0, $bAsArray=false) | |
serviceFansWithoutAdmins ($iContentId=0, $bAsArray=false) | |
serviceAdmins ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceMembersByRole ($iContentId=0, $iRole=BX_BASE_MOD_GROUPS_ROLE_COMMON) | |
serviceBrowseJoinedEntries ($iProfileId=0, $bDisplayEmptyMsg=false) | |
serviceBrowseFollowedEntries ($iProfileId=0, $bDisplayEmptyMsg=false) | |
serviceBrowseCreatedEntries ($iProfileId=0, $bDisplayEmptyMsg=false) | |
serviceBrowseRecommendationsFans ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceBrowseMembers ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceEntityEditQuestionnaire ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceEntityPricing ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceEntityJoin ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceEntityInvite ($iContentId=0, $bErrorMsg=true) | |
serviceEntitySocialSharing ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceIsPricingAvaliable ($iProfileId) | |
serviceIsPaidJoinAvaliable ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=0) | |
serviceIsPaidJoinAvaliableByContent ($iGroupContentId, $iProfileId=0) | |
serviceIsFreeJoinAvaliable ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=0) | |
serviceIsFreeJoinAvaliableByContent ($iGroupContentId, $iProfileId=0) | |
isPaidJoinByProfileForProfile ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=0) | |
isPaidJoinByProfile ($iGroupProfileId) | |
serviceGetPaymentData () | |
serviceGetCartItem ($mixedItemId) | |
serviceGetCartItems ($iSellerId) | |
serviceRegisterCartItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemId, $iItemCount, $sOrder, $sLicense) | |
serviceRegisterSubscriptionItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemId, $iItemCount, $sOrder, $sLicense) | |
serviceReregisterCartItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemIdOld, $iItemIdNew, $sOrder) | |
serviceReregisterSubscriptionItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemIdOld, $iItemIdNew, $sOrder) | |
serviceUnregisterCartItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemId, $iItemCount, $sOrder, $sLicense) | |
serviceUnregisterSubscriptionItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemId, $iItemCount, $sOrder, $sLicense) | |
serviceCancelSubscriptionItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemId, $iItemCount, $sOrder) | |
serviceGetQuestionnaire ($sSource, $sObject, $sAction, $iContentProfileId) | |
serviceGetNotificationsData () | |
serviceGetNotificationsInsertData ($oAlert, $aHandler, $aDataItems) | |
serviceGetNotificationsJoinInvitation ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsJoinRequest ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsFanAdded ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetReputationData () | |
serviceGetTimelineData () | |
serviceGetTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
checkAllowedUsePaidJoin ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedView ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
checkAllowedCompose (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedFanAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
_modGroupsCheckAllowedFanAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedFanRemove (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
isAllowedActionByRole ($mAction, $aDataEntry, $iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId) | |
isAllowedModuleActionByRole ($sModule, $sAction, $iProfileRole) | |
isAllowedModuleActionByProfile ($iContentId, $sPostModule, $sAction, $iProfileId=0) | |
isRole ($iProfileRole, $iRole) | |
serviceIsRole ($iProfileRole, $iRole) | |
checkAllowedManageFans ($mixedDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedManageAdmins ($mixedDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEdit ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedInvite ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedChangeCover ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedDelete (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedJoin (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSubscribeAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
_modGroupsCheckAllowedSubscribeAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
_checkAllowedSubscribeAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
doAudit ($iGroupProfileId, $iFanId, $sAction) | |
onUpdateImage ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sFiledValue, $iProfileId=0) | |
alertAfterAdd ($aContentInfo) | |
addFollower ($iProfileId1, $iProfileId2) | |
isFan ($iContentId, $iProfileId=false) | |
isFanByGroupProfileId ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=false) | |
isInvited ($sKey, $iGroupProfileId) | |
isInvitedByProfileId ($iProfileId, $iGroupProfileId) | |
serviceIsInvited ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=false, $sKey='') | |
serviceIsNotInvited ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=false, $sKey='') | |
serviceGetInvitedKey ($iGroupProfileId, $iProfileId=false) | |
getRole ($iGroupProfileId, $iFanProfileId) | |
setRole ($iGroupProfileId, $iFanProfileId, $mixedRole, $mixedPeriod=false, $sOrder='') | |
onSetRole ($iGroupProfileId, $iFanProfileId, $mixedRole) | |
unsetRole ($iGroupProfileId, $iFanProfileId) | |
onUnsetRole ($iGroupProfileId, $iFanProfileId, $iRole) | |
getGroupsByFan ($iProfileId, $mixedRole=false) | |
getMenuItemTitleByConnection ($sConnection, $sAction, $iContentProfileId, $iInitiatorProfileId=0) | |
![]() | |
actionDeleteProfileImg ($iFileId, $iContentId, $sFieldPicture) | |
actionProfileCalendarData () | |
actionEmbed ($iContentId, $sUnitTemplate='', $sAddCode='') | |
serviceGetOptionsRedirectAfterAdd () | |
serviceGetOptionsActivation () | |
serviceGetThumb ($iContentId, $sTranscoder='') | |
serviceGetCover ($iContentId, $sTranscoder='') | |
serviceGetSearchableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceEntityCalendar ($iContentId=0, $sTemplate='calendar.html') | |
servicePrivateProfileMsg () | |
serviceGetContentInfoById ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetContentInfoByProfileId ($iProfileId) | |
serviceGetMenuAddonManageToolsProfileStats ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceGetMenuAddonFavoritesProfileStats () | |
serviceGetSubmenuObject () | |
serviceGetMenuSetNameForMenuTrigger ($sMenuTriggerName) | |
serviceGetSnippetMenuVars ($iProfileId, $bPublic=null, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceGetPageObjectForPageTrigger ($sPageTriggerName) | |
serviceProfilesSearch ($sTerm, $iLimit) | |
serviceProfileUnitSafe ($iContentId, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceProfileUnit ($iContentId, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceProfileUnitApi ($iContentId, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceHasImage ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfilePicture ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileAvatar ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileAvatarBig ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileCover ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileUnitCover ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileEditUrl ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileThumb ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileIcon ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileName ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileSettings ($iContentId) | |
serviceProfileSettingsSet ($iContentId, $oValue) | |
serviceProfileCreateUrl ($bAbsolute=true) | |
serviceProfileUrl ($iContentId) | |
serviceFormsHelper () | |
serviceEntityCreate ($sDisplay=false) | |
serviceBrowseRecommended ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true) | |
serviceBrowseRecentProfiles ($bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $sUnitView=false) | |
serviceBrowseActiveProfiles ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=false) | |
serviceBrowseFamiliarProfiles ($sConnection='', $sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=false) | |
serviceBrowseTopProfiles ($bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=false) | |
serviceBrowseOnlineProfiles ($bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=false) | |
serviceBrowseConnections ($iProfileId, $sObjectConnections='sys_profiles_friends', $sConnectionsType='content', $iMutual=false, $iDesignBox=BX_DB_PADDING_DEF, $iProfileId2=0) | |
serviceBrowseRelationsQuick ($iProfileId, $sObjectConnections='sys_profiles_friends', $sConnectionsType='content', $iMutual=false, $iProfileId2=0) | |
serviceBrowseConnectionsQuick ($iProfileId, $sObjectConnections='sys_profiles_friends', $sConnectionsType='content', $iMutual=false, $iProfileId2=0) | |
serviceBrowseConnectionsByType ($aParamsCnn, $aParamsBrs=array()) | |
serviceBrowseByAcl ($mixedLevelId, $iDesignBox=BX_DB_PADDING_DEF) | |
serviceEntityEditCover ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityCover ($iContentId=0, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceEntityCommentsByProfile ($iProfileId) | |
serviceProfileMembership ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceProfileFriends ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceProfileFriendsMutual ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceProfileSubscriptions ($iContentId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceProfileSubscribedMe ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceProfileRelations ($iContentId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceProfileRelatedMe ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceIsEnableProfileActivationLetter () | |
serviceIsEnableRelations () | |
serviceDeleteEntityService ($iContentId, $bDeleteWithContent=false) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPost ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsVote ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsTimelinePostCommon ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetTimelineProfilePicture ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams=[]) | |
serviceGetTimelineProfilePictureAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetTimelineProfileCover ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams=[]) | |
serviceGetTimelineProfileCoverAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetMenuItemTitleByConnection ($sConnection, $sAction, $iContentProfileId, $iInitiatorProfileId=0) | |
serviceCheckAllowedProfileView ($iContentId) | |
serviceCheckAllowedProfileContact ($iContentId) | |
serviceCheckAllowedPostInProfile ($iContentId, $sPostModule='') | |
serviceCheckAllowedModuleActionInProfile ($iContentId, $sPostModule, $sActionName) | |
serviceCheckSpacePrivacy ($iContentId) | |
serviceCheckAllowedPostForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedContactForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
serviceSetViewProfileCover ($oPage, $aProfileInfo) | |
serviceGetMembers ($sMode='active', $iStart=0, $iPerPage=10) | |
checkAllowedAdd ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedViewProfileImage ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedViewCoverImage ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedPost ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedContact ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedViewMoreMenu (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedFriendAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedFriendRemove (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedRelationAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedRelationRemove (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedRelationsView (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
_modProfileCheckAllowedSubscribeAdd (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSubscribeRemove (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSubscriptionsView (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkMyself ($iContentId) | |
isAllowDeleteOrDisable ($iActorProfileId, $iTargetProfileId) | |
getProfileObject ($iContentId) | |
alertAfterEdit ($aContentInfo) | |
getProfileByCurrentUrl () | |
getEntryImageData ($aContentInfo, $sField='FIELD_PICTURE', $aTranscoders=array()) | |
getProfileName ($aContentInfo) | |
![]() | |
isEntryActive ($aContentInfo) | |
isEntryAuthor ($aContentInfo, $iProfileId=0) | |
actionUpdateImage ($sFiledName, $iContentId, $sValue) | |
actionUpdateImagePosition ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sH, $sV) | |
actionApprove () | |
serviceSetStatus ($iId, $sValue, $sStatus='') | |
actionRss () | |
actionGetAttachLinkForm () | |
actionSubmitAttachLinkForm () | |
actionAddAttachLink () | |
actionDeleteAttachLink () | |
actionGetCreatePostForm () | |
actionGetNotes () | |
actionNested () | |
subactionDelete () | |
actionAjaxGetProfiles () | |
serviceGetProfiles ($sParams) | |
actionGetBrowsingFilters () | |
actionApplyBrowsingFilters () | |
serviceIsAllowedAddContentToContext ($iContextPid) | |
serviceIsBadgesAvaliable () | |
serviceModuleIcon () | |
serviceGetAuthor ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetPrivacyView ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateAdded ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateChanged ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLink ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetTitle ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetText ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLocation ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetEmbed ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetInfo ($iContentId, $bSearchableFieldsOnly=true) | |
serviceGetInfoApi ($iContentId, $bExtendedUnits=false) | |
serviceGetView ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetAll ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetAllByAuthor ($iProfileId) | |
serviceGetSortableFieldsExtended ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchResultExtended ($aParams, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $bFilterMode=false) | |
serviceGetSearchableFields ($aInputsAdd=array()) | |
serviceUpdateImage ($sFiledName, $iContentId, $sValue) | |
serviceUpdateImagePosition ($iContentId, $sFiledName, $sH, $sV) | |
serviceBrowse ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseWithCondition ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseFeatured ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true) | |
serviceBrowseFavorite ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseFavoriteLists ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseCategory ($sUnitView=false, $bEmptyMessage=true, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $aParams=[]) | |
serviceFavoritesListActions () | |
serviceFavoritesListInfo ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceBrowseContext ($iProfileId=0, $aParams=array()) | |
_serviceBrowseWithParam ($sParamName, $sParamGet, $sParamVal, $aParams=array()) | |
getFormsHelper () | |
serviceEntityAdd ($iProfile, $aValues, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceRedirectAfterAdd ($aContentInfo) | |
serviceGetObjectForm ($sType, $aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetCreatePostForm ($aParams=[]) | |
serviceEntityEdit ($iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceEntityDelete ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityTextBlock ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityInfo ($iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false) | |
serviceEntityInfoFull ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityInfoExtended ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityLocation ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityComments ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityAttachments ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceDeleteEntity ($iContentId, $sFuncDelete='deleteData') | |
serviceEditEntity ($iContentId, $aValues) | |
serviceMyEntriesActions ($iProfileId=0) | |
serviceEntityActions ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceEntityReports ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceReportsCountByStatus ($iStatus) | |
serviceEntityContext ($iContentId=0) | |
serviceGetLablesTree () | |
serviceGetLablesBreadcrumbs () | |
serviceBrowseByLabel () | |
serviceBrowseByCategories ($sUnitView, $bEmptyMessage, $bAjaxPaginate, $sMode, $iPerPage) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPendingApproval ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostApproved ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPublishFailed ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsPostPublishSucceeded ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsComment ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsReply ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsReaction ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsScoreUp ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetNotificationsScoreDown ($aEvent) | |
serviceGetTimelinePostAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
serviceCheckAllowed ($sAction, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedWithContent ($sAction, $iContentId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedWithContentForProfile ($sAction, $iContentId, $iProfileId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
serviceCheckAllowedCommentsView ($iContentId, $sObjectComments) | |
serviceCheckAllowedCommentsPost ($iContentId, $sObjectComments) | |
serviceGetContentOwnerProfileId ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetBadges ($iContentId, $bIsSingle=false, $bIsCompact=false) | |
serviceCategoriesMultiList ($bDisplayEmptyCats=true) | |
checkAllowedSetThumb ($iContentId=0) | |
checkAllowedBrowse () | |
checkAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $iProfileId, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedApprove ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedSetMembership (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEditAnyEntry ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntry ($isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedEditAnyEntryForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
checkAllowedDeleteAnyEntryForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
checkAllowedCommentsView ($aContentInfo, $isPerformAction=false) | |
checkAllowedCommentsPost ($aContentInfo, $isPerformAction=false) | |
_serviceBrowse ($sMode, $aParams=false, $iDesignBox=BX_DB_PADDING_DEF, $bDisplayEmptyMsg=false, $bAjaxPaginate=true, $sClassSearchResult='SearchResult') | |
onPublished ($iContentId) | |
onFailed ($iContentId) | |
onApprove ($mixedContent) | |
alertAfterApprove ($aContentInfo) | |
processMetasAdd ($iContentId) | |
processMetasEdit ($iContentId, $oForm) | |
addAttachLink ($aValues, $sDisplay=false) | |
getFormAttachLink ($iContentId=0) | |
getEntryAllActions ($mixedContent=false, $aParams=[]) | |
getProfileId () | |
getProfileInfo ($iUserId=false) | |
getObjectUser ($iUserId=false) | |
getObjectFavorite ($sSystem='', $iId=0) | |
getUserId () | |
getUserIp () | |
getUserInfo ($iUserId=0) | |
getUserInfoWithBadges ($iUserId=0) | |
isMenuItemVisible ($sObject, &$aItem, &$aContentInfo) | |
_isModerator ($isPerformAction=false) | |
_isModeratorForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_isAdministrator ($isPerformAction=false) | |
_isAdministratorForProfile ($isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_prepareAuditParams ($aContentInfo, $bIsSaveData=true, $aOverrideAuditParams=array()) | |
_getFavoriteListUrl ($iListId, $iProfileId) | |
getDataAPI ($aData, $aParams=[]) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($aModule) | |
isEnabled () | |
getName () | |
isLogged () | |
getUserPassword () | |
serviceIsSafeService ($s) | |
serviceIsPublicService ($s) | |
serviceGetPublicServices () | |
![]() | |
serviceGetAuthor ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateAdded ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetDateChanged ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetLink ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetTitle ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetText ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetThumb ($iContentId) | |
serviceGetInfo ($iContentId, $bSearchableFieldsOnly=true) | |
serviceGetAll ($aParams=array()) | |
serviceGetSearchResultExtended ($aParams, $iStart=0, $iPerPage=0, $bFilterMode=false) | |
![]() | |
serviceProfileUnit ($iContentId) | |
Protected Member Functions | |
_serviceRegisterItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemId, $iItemCount, $sOrder) | |
_serviceReregisterItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemIdOld, $iItemIdNew, $sOrder) | |
_serviceUnregisterItem ($iClientId, $iSellerId, $iItemId, $iItemCount, $sOrder) | |
_serviceGetNotification ($aEvent, $sType, $sLangKey) | |
_checkAllowedActionByFan ($sAction, $aDataEntry, $iProfileId=0) | |
_checkAllowedConnect (&$aDataEntry, $isPerformAction, $sObjConnection, $isMutual, $isInvertResult, $isSwap=false) | |
_alertParams ($aContentInfo) | |
_getImagesForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_prepareProfileAndGroupProfile ($iGroupProfileId, $iInitiatorId) | |
![]() | |
_servicePrepareFields ($aFieldsProfile, $aFieldsDefault, $aMap) | |
_serviceCheckAllowedContactForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction=false, $iProfileId=false) | |
_getMenuItemTitleProfilesFriends ($sAction, $iContentProfileId, $iInitiatorProfileId, &$oConnection) | |
_getMenuItemTitleProfilesSubscriptions ($sAction, $iContentProfileId, $iInitiatorProfileId, &$oConnection) | |
_buildRssParams ($sMode, $aArgs) | |
_serviceGetTimelineProfileImage ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams, $aBuildParams) | |
_serviceGetTimelineProfileImageAllowedView ($aEvent) | |
_getContentForTimelineProfileImage ($aEvent, $aBrowseParams, $aBuildParams, $aContentInfo, $aFileInfo) | |
_entityComments ($sObject, $iId=0) | |
_getContent ($iContentId=0, $sFuncGetContent='getContentInfoById') | |
![]() | |
_prepareBrowsingFiltersParamsGet ($mParams=false) | |
_serviceGetNotificationsScore ($sType, $aEvent) | |
_serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile ($aDataEntry, $isPerformAction, $iProfileId) | |
_serviceBrowseQuick ($aProfiles, $iStart=0, $iLimit=4, $aAdditionalParams=array()) | |
_addLink (&$oForm) | |
_serviceEntityForm ($sFormMethod, $iContentId=0, $sDisplay=false, $sCheckFunction=false, $bErrorMsg=true) | |
_serviceTemplateFunc ($sFunc, $iContentId, $sFuncGetContent='getContentInfoById') | |
_serviceTemplateFuncEx ($sFunc, $iContentId, $aParams=array()) | |
_getApproveForm ($iContentId, $aContentInfo) | |
_sendApproveMessage ($iContentId, $aContentInfo, &$oForm) | |
_processModerationNotifications ($aContentInfo) | |
_rss ($aArgs, $sClass='SearchResult') | |
_getContentForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getImagesForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getVideosForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getVideosForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFilesForTimelinePost ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFilesForTimelinePostAttach ($aEvent, $aContentInfo, $sUrl, $aBrowseParams=array()) | |
_getFields ($iContentId) | |
_getFieldValue ($sField, $iContentId) | |
_getFieldValueThumb ($sField, $iContentId, $sTranscoder='') | |
_prepareResponse ($aResponse, $bAsJson=false, $aAdditional=array()) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | getInstance ($sName) |
static | getTitle ($sUri) |
static | getTitleKey ($sUri) |
![]() | |
$_aModule | |
$_oDb | |
$_oTemplate | |
$_oConfig | |
![]() | |
$_iAccountId | |
![]() | |
$_bIsApi | |
$_iProfileId | |
$_aSearchableNamesExcept | |
$_aFormParams | |
$_aBrowsingFiltersKeys | |
Groups profiles module.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::__construct | ( | & | $aModule | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
protected |
Get array of params to be passed in Add/Edit Alert.
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::_checkAllowedSubscribeAdd | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
protected |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::_modGroupsCheckAllowedSubscribeAdd | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Note. Is mainly needed for internal usage. Access level is 'public' to allow outer calls from alerts.
Reimplemented in BxCnlModule, and BxSpacesModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::actionAjaxGetInitialMembers | ( | ) |
Get possible recipients for start conversation form
BxBaseModGroupsModule::actionProcessInvite | ( | $sKey, | |
$iGroupProfileId, | |||
$bAccept ) |
Process Process Invitation
BxBaseModGroupsModule::alertAfterAdd | ( | $aContentInfo | ) |
- [string] unit nameaction
- [string] by ref, action, can be overridden in hook processingobject_id
- [int] by ref, object id, can be overridden in hook processingsender_id
- [int] by ref, action performer profile id, can be overridden in hook processingextras
- [array] by ref, extra params array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
- [string] context statusstatus_admin
- [string] context admin statusprivacy_view
- [int] or [string] privacy for view context action, cf
- [int] context's audience filter value
It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'added' - hook after context was added (published)
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::checkAllowedChangeCover | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Check if user can change cover image
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::checkAllowedCompose | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
Reimplemented in BxCnlModule, and BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::checkAllowedDelete | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::checkAllowedEdit | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::checkAllowedFanAdd | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
- [string] module namecontent_info
- [array] context info array as key&value pairsprofile_id
- [int] currently logged in profile id to be checked the availability of the action tooverride_result
- [string] or [int] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing. Return string with an error if action isn't allowed or CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED, BxBaseModGroupsModule::checkAllowedFanRemove | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
BxBaseModGroupsModule::checkAllowedSubscribeAdd | ( | & | $aDataEntry, |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
- [string] module namecontent_info
- [array] context info array as key&value pairsprofile_id
- [int] currently logged in profile id to be checked the availability of the action tooverride_result
- [string] or [int] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing. Return string with an error if action isn't allowed or CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED, It's equivalent to 'system', 'check_allowed_view' - hook to override the result of checking whether 'view' action is allowed or not to specified profile
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::checkAllowedUsePaidJoin | ( | $isPerformAction = false | ) |
BxBaseModGroupsModule::checkAllowedView | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::decodeDataAPI | ( | $aData, | |
$aParams = [] ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::getMenuItemTitleByConnection | ( | $sConnection, | |
$sAction, | |||
$iContentProfileId, | |||
$iInitiatorProfileId = 0 ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::isAllowedActionByRole | ( | $mAction, | |
$aDataEntry, | |||
$iGroupProfileId, | |||
$iProfileId ) |
- [string] module namemulti_roles
- [boolean] whether multi roles are enabled in context or notaction
- [string] action to be checkedaction_module
- [string] module name which the action belongs tocontent_profile_id
- [int] context profile idcontent_info
- [array] context info array as key&value pairsprofile_id
- [int] profile id to be checked the availability of the action toprofile_role
- [int] profile role in the contextoverride_result
- [boolean] by ref, check action result, can be overridden in hook processing.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::isPaidJoinByProfile | ( | $iGroupProfileId | ) |
Is Paid Join enabled as is and whether a group has pricing plans added.
type | $iGroupProfileId | - Group profile ID. |
BxBaseModGroupsModule::isPaidJoinByProfileForProfile | ( | $iGroupProfileId, | |
$iProfileId = 0 ) |
Is Paid Join enabled in the group and whether a profile can use it.
type | $iGroupProfileId | - Group profile ID. |
type | $iProfileId | - Profile ID of the user who wants to join. |
BxBaseModGroupsModule::onSetRole | ( | $iGroupProfileId, | |
$iFanProfileId, | |||
$mixedRole ) |
- [int] context profile idperformer_id
- [int] performer profile idfan_id
- [int] context member profile idcontent
- [array] context info array as key&value pairsrole
- [int] or [array] role or an array of roles to be setgroup_profile
- [int] context profile idprofile
- [int] performer profile id
BxBaseModGroupsModule::onUnsetRole | ( | $iGroupProfileId, | |
$iFanProfileId, | |||
$iRole ) |
- [int] context profile idperformer_id
- [int] performer profile idfan_id
- [int] context member profile idcontent
- [array] context info array as key&value pairsrole
- [int] or [array] role or an array of roles to be setgroup_profile
- [int] context profile idprofile
- [int] performer profile id
BxBaseModGroupsModule::onUpdateImage | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sFiledName, | |||
$sFiledValue, | |||
$iProfileId = 0 ) |
- [string] context statusstatus_admin
- [string] context admin statusprivacy_view
- [int] or [string] privacy for view context action, cf
- [int] context's audience filter value
It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'context_picture_changed' - hook after context picture was changed
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceActAsProfile | ( | ) |
Check if this module entry can be used as profile
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
Reimplemented in BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceAddMutualConnection | ( | $iGroupProfileId, | |
$iInitiatorId, | |||
$bSendInviteOnly = false ) |
- [array] context info array as key&value pairsentry_title
- [string] context titleentry_url
- [string] context URLgroup_profile
- [int] context profile idprofile
- [int] profile id who was invitednotification_subobject_id
- [int] profile id who was invitedobject_author_id
- [int] context profile id
'Invitation Received' alert for Notifications module. Note. It's essential to use Recipient ($iInitiatorId) in 'object_author_id' parameter. In this case notification will be received by Recipient profile.
- [int] profile id who was invitedprivacy_view
- [int] or [string] privacy for view context action, join_request
- [int] context profile idperformer_id
- [int] profile id who wants to joincontent
- [array] context info array as key&value pairsentry_title
- [string] context titleentry_url
- [string] context URLgroup_profile
- [int] context profile idprofile
- [int] profile id who wants to join
It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'join_request' - hook before adding new join to context request
It's equivalent to '{module_name}', 'join_request' - hook before adding new join to context request
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceCheckAllowedViewForProfile | ( | $aDataEntry, | |
$isPerformAction = false, | |||
$iProfileId = false ) |
Check if the profile can be viewed.
NOTE. This service should be used if it's needed to pass some specific values in $isPerformAction and $iProfileId parameters, otherwise it's recommended to use BxBaseModProfileModule\serviceCheckAllowedProfileView service method or BxDolProfile\checkAllowedProfileView method.
type | $aDataEntry | - entry which the action will be performed for |
type | $isPerformAction | - perform or just check the action |
type | $iProfileId | - performer's profile ID |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceDeleteProfileFromFansAndAdmins | ( | $iProfileId | ) |
Delete profile from fans and admins tables
$iProfileId | profile id |
Reimplemented in BxCnlModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceEntityAllActions | ( | $mixedContent = false, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
Entry actions and social sharing block
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceEntitySocialSharing | ( | $mixedContent = false, | |
$aParams = array() ) |
Entry social sharing block
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetMenuAddonManageTools | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetNotificationsData | ( | ) |
Data for Notifications module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
Reimplemented in BxCnlModule, and BxEventsModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetNotificationsFanAdded | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Notification about new member in the group
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetNotificationsJoinInvitation | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Notification about new invitation to join the group
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetNotificationsJoinRequest | ( | $aEvent | ) |
Notification about new member requst in the group
Reimplemented in BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetParticipatingProfiles | ( | $iProfileId, | |
$aConnectionObjects = false ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
Reimplemented in BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetPaymentData | ( | ) |
Integration with Payments.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetReputationData | ( | ) |
Data for Reputation module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetSafeServices | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetSearchResultUnit | ( | $iContentId, | |
$sUnitTemplate = '' ) |
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetSpaceTitle | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
Reimplemented in BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetTimelineData | ( | ) |
Data for Timeline module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
Reimplemented in BxCnlModule, and BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceGetTimelinePost | ( | $aEvent, | |
$aBrowseParams = array() ) |
Entry post for Timeline module
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
Reimplemented in BxEventsModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceIsAdmin | ( | $iGroupProfileId, | |
$iProfileId = false ) |
check if provided profile is admin of the group
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceIsFan | ( | $iGroupProfileId, | |
$iProfileId = false ) |
check if provided profile is member of the group
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceIsGroupProfile | ( | ) |
Check if this module is group profile
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceManageTools | ( | $sType = 'common' | ) |
Reimplemented from BxBaseModGeneralModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::servicePrepareFields | ( | $aFieldsProfile | ) |
Prepare fields from some universal set of fields to fields in particular profile module. By default only 'name' and 'description' fields are supported. After fields convertion it can be used in
$aFieldsProfile | fields in soem universal format. |
- [array] original fields array as key&value pairsfields_result
- [array] by ref, resulting fields array as key&value pairs, can be overridden in hook processing
Reimplemented from BxBaseModProfileModule.
Reimplemented in BxOrgsModule.
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceReassignEntitiesByAuthor | ( | $iProfileId, | |
$iAuthorId = 0 ) |
Reset group's author when author profile is deleted
$iProfileId | author profile id |
$iAuthorId | new author profile id |
BxBaseModGroupsModule::serviceReassignEntityAuthor | ( | $iContentId, | |
$iAuthorId = 0 ) |
Reset group's author for particular group
$iContentId | group id @parem $iAuthorId new author profile ID |