| __construct ($sSystem, $iId, $iInit=1, $oTemplate=false) |
| getJsObjectName () |
| getJsScript ($bDynamicMode=false) |
| getJsClick () |
| getElementBlock ($aParams=array()) |
| getElementInline ($aParams=array()) |
| getElement ($aParams=array()) |
| getElementAPI ($aParams=[]) |
| actionFeature () |
| actionGetFeatureBy () |
| isAllowedFeature ($isPerformAction=false) |
| msgErrAllowedFeature () |
| isUndo () |
| doFeature () |
| init ($iId) |
| getSystemId () |
| getSystemName () |
| getSystemInfo () |
| getId () |
| setId ($iId) |
| isEnabled () |
| isPerformed ($iObjectId, $iAuthorId, $iAuthorIp=0) |
| getVote ($iObjectId=0, $bForceGet=false) |
| getTrack ($iObjectId, $iAuthorId) |
| getConditions ($sMainTable, $sMainField) |
| getConditionsTrack ($sMainTable, $sMainField, $iAuthorId=0) |
| getSqlParts ($sMainTable, $sMainField) |
| getSqlPartsTrack ($sMainTable, $sMainField, $iAuthorId=0) |
| getSqlPartsTrackAuthor ($sMainTable, $sMainField, $iObjectId=0) |
| addMarkers ($aMarkers) |
| getCounterAPI ($aParams=[]) |
| getQueryObject () |
| checkAction ($sAction, $isPerformAction=false) |
| checkActionErrorMsg ($sAction) |
| onObjectDelete ($iObjectId=0) |
| _getDoFeature ($aParams=array(), $bAllowedFeature=true) |
| _getLabelDoFeature ($aParams=array()) |
| _isShowDoFeature ($aParams, $isAllowedFeature, $bCount) |
| _getIconDoFeature ($bPerformed) |
| _getTitleDoFeature ($bPerformed) |
| _getAuthorId () |
| _getAuthorPassword () |
| _getAuthorIp () |
| _getAuthorInfo ($iAuthorId=0) |
| _getAuthorObject ($iAuthorId=0) |
| _trigger () |
| _triggerValue ($iValue) |
| _replaceMarkers ($mixed) |
| _prepareParamsData ($aParams) |
| _getRequestParamsData ($aKeys=array()) |
| _prepareRequestParamsData ($aParams, $aParamsAdd=array()) |
| _getTmplContentElementBlock () |
| _getTmplContentElementInline () |
| _getTmplContentDoAction () |
| _getTmplContentDoActionLabel () |
| _getTmplContentCounter () |
| _getTmplContentCounterLabel () |
| $_bCssJsAdded |
| $_sJsObjClass |
| $_sJsObjName |
| $_sStylePrefix |
| $_aHtmlIds |
| $_sType |
| $_sBaseUrl |
| $_aElementDefaults |
| $_aElementDefaultsApi |
| $_aElementParamsApi |
| $_oTemplate = null |
| $_oQuery = null |
| $_bApi = false |
| $_iId = 0 |
| $_sSystem = '' |
| $_aSystem = array() |
| $_aMarkers = array () |
| $_sTmplContentElementBlock = '' |
| $_sTmplContentElementInline = '' |
| $_sTmplContentDoAction |
| $_sTmplContentDoActionLabel = '' |
| $_sTmplContentCounter = '' |
| $_sTmplContentCounterLabel = '' |
◆ __construct()
BxBaseFeature::__construct |
( |
| $sSystem, |
| $iId, |
| $iInit = 1, |
| $oTemplate = false ) |
◆ getElementAPI()
BxBaseFeature::getElementAPI |
( |
| $aParams = [] | ) |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- template/scripts/BxBaseFeature.php