| __clone () |
| getManager () |
| getError () |
| isAllowedImage ($sSrcImage) |
| resize ($mixedImage, $sDstImage='') |
| applyWatermark ($mixedImage, $sDstImage, $sWtrImage, $iTransparency, $sPosition='bottom-right', $sPositionOffsetX=0, $sPositionOffsetY=0, $sScaleFactor=0.2) |
| grayscale ($mixedImage, $sDstImage='') |
| setSize ($w, $h) |
| removeCropOptions () |
| setAutoCrop ($b) |
| setJpegQuality ($i) |
| setSquareResize ($b) |
| isUsedGD () |
| _getImageSize ($sPath) |
| getExifInfo ($sSrcImage, $bCreateLocalFileIfUrl=true) |
| getAverageColor ($sSrcImage) |
| _grayscale ($sSrcImage, $sDstImage='') |
| _removeTransparency ($oImg) |
| _resize ($sSrcImage, $sDstImage='') |
| _applyWatermark ( $sSrcImage, $sDstImage, $sWtrImage, $iTransparency, $sPosition='bottom-right', $sPositionOffsetX=0, $sPositionOffsetY=0, $sScaleFactor=0.2) |
| $w = 64 |
| $h = 64 |
| $_isAutoCrop = false |
| $_iJpegQuality = 90 |
| $_isSquareResize = false |
| $_isUseGD |
| $_oManager |
| $_sError |
| $_bRemoveTransparency = false |
| $_sRemoveTransparencyFillColor = '#ffffff' |
◆ __construct()
BxDolImageResize::__construct |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ __clone()
BxDolImageResize::__clone |
( |
| ) |
Prevent cloning the instance
◆ getInstance()
static BxDolImageResize::getInstance |
( |
| ) |
static |
◆ setAutoCrop()
BxDolImageResize::setAutoCrop |
( |
| $b | ) |
Crop image to destination size with filling whole area of destination size
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- inc/classes/BxDolImageResize.php