Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($aObject) | |
addConnection ($iInitiator, $iContent, &$iMutualParam=null) | |
removeConnection ($iInitiator, $iContent) | |
getCommonContentExt ($iInitiator1, $iInitiator2, $isMutual, $iStart, $iLimit, $iOrder) | |
getConnectedContentExt ($iInitiator, $isMutual=false, $iStart=0, $iLimit=BX_CONNECTIONS_LIST_LIMIT, $iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE) | |
getConnectedInitiatorsExt ($iContent, $isMutual=false, $iStart=0, $iLimit=BX_CONNECTIONS_LIST_LIMIT, $iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE) | |
![]() | |
getCommonContentSQLParts ($sContentTable, $sContentField, $iInitiator1, $iInitiator2, $isMutual=false) | |
getConnectedContentSQLParts ($sContentTable, $sContentField, $iInitiator, $isMutual=false) | |
getConnectedContentSQLPartsExt ($sContentTable, $sContentField, $iInitiator, $isMutual=false) | |
getConnectedContentSQLPartsMultiple ($sContentTable, $sContentField, $sInitiatorTable, $sInitiatorField, $isMutual=false) | |
getConnectedInitiatorsSQLParts ($sInitiatorTable, $sInitiatorField, $iContent, $isMutual=false) | |
getConnectedInitiatorsSQLPartsExt ($sInitiatorTable, $sInitiatorField, $iContent, $isMutual=false) | |
getConnectedInitiatorsSQLPartsMultiple ($sInitiatorTable, $sInitiatorField, $sContentTable, $sContentField, $isMutual=false) | |
getCommonContent ($iInitiator1, $iInitiator2, $isMutual, $iStart, $iLimit, $iOrder) | |
getConnectedContent ($iInitiator, $isMutual=false, $iStart=0, $iLimit=BX_CONNECTIONS_LIST_LIMIT, $iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE) | |
getConnectedContentByType ($iInitiator, $mixedType, $isMutual=false, $iStart=0, $iLimit=BX_CONNECTIONS_LIST_LIMIT, $iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE) | |
getConnectedContentSince ($iInitiator, $iDate, $isMutual=false, $iStart=0, $iLimit=BX_CONNECTIONS_LIST_LIMIT, $iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE) | |
getConnectedInitiators ($iContent, $isMutual=false, $iStart=0, $iLimit=BX_CONNECTIONS_LIST_LIMIT, $iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE) | |
getConnectedInitiatorsByType ($iContent, $mixedType, $isMutual=false, $iStart=0, $iLimit=BX_CONNECTIONS_LIST_LIMIT, $iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE) | |
getConnectedInitiatorsSince ($iContent, $iDate, $isMutual=false, $iStart=0, $iLimit=BX_CONNECTIONS_LIST_LIMIT, $iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE) | |
getCommonContentCount ($iInitiator1, $iInitiator2, $isMutual) | |
getConnectedContentCount ($iInitiator, $isMutual=false, $iFromDate=0) | |
getConnectedContentCountExt ($iInitiator, $isMutual=false, $aParams=[]) | |
getConnectedInitiatorsCount ($iContent, $isMutual=false) | |
getConnection ($iInitiator, $iContent) | |
getConnectionById ($iId) | |
updateConnection ($iInitiator, $iContent, $aSet) | |
updateConnectionMutual ($iInitiator, $iContent, $iMutual) | |
onDelete ($iId, $sField='initiator') | |
onModuleDelete ($sTable, $sFieldId, $sField='initiator') | |
onModuleProfileDelete ($sModuleName, $sField='initiator') | |
![]() | |
__clone () | |
setReadOnlyMode ($b) | |
connect () | |
disconnect () | |
ping () | |
pdoExec ($sQuery) | |
pdoQuery ($sQuery) | |
pdoExceptionHandler ($oException) | |
getOption ($sName) | |
getOne ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iIndex=0) | |
getRow ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) | |
getColumn ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchColumnNumber=0) | |
getFirstRow ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) | |
getNextRow ($iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) | |
getAll ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) | |
fillArray ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) | |
getAllWithKey ($oStatement, $sFieldKey, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) | |
getPairs ($oStatement, $sFieldKey, $sFieldValue, $aBindings=array(), $iFetchType=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) | |
getNumRows ($oStatement=null) | |
getAffectedRows ($oStatement=null) | |
lastId () | |
query ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null) | |
res ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null) | |
getServerInfo () | |
getVersion () | |
listTables () | |
getFields ($sTable) | |
fetchField ($oStatement, $iField, $aBindings=array()) | |
isTableExists ($sTable) | |
isFieldExists ($sTable, $sFieldName) | |
isIndexExists ($sTable, $sIndexName) | |
error ($aError) | |
cacheParams ($bForceCacheInvalidate=false, $bForceCacheInvalidateMixed=false) | |
cacheParamsClear ($sCacheName='') | |
isParam ($sKey, $bFromCache=true) | |
addParam ($sName, $sValue, $iKateg, $sDesc, $sType) | |
getParam ($sKey, $bFromCache=true) | |
setParam ($sKey, $mixedValue, $iMixId=0) | |
getParamsMix ($iId) | |
getParamsMixActive ($sType) | |
getParamsMixes ($sType, $mixedPublished=false) | |
setTimezone ($sTimezone) | |
getEncoding () | |
setErrorChecking ($b) | |
getDbCacheObject () | |
genDbCacheKey ($sName) | |
getCache ($sName, $sFunc) | |
setCache ($sName, $mData) | |
fromCache ($sName, $sFunc) | |
cleanCache ($sName) | |
& | fromMemory ($sName, $sFunc) |
cleanMemory ($sName) | |
cleanMemoryAll () | |
escape ($s) | |
implode_escape ($mixed) | |
unescape ($mixed) | |
prepare ($sQuery) | |
prepareAsString ($sQuery) | |
arrayToSQL ($a, $sDiv=',', $sOperator='=', $bWildcardSpaceChars=false) | |
executeSQL ($sPath, $aReplace=array(), $isBreakOnError=true) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | getConnectionObject ($sObject) |
![]() | |
static | getInstance () |
static | getInstanceWithConf ($aDbConf, &$sError) |
static | getLink () |
![]() | |
_getConnectionsQuery ($sWhere, $sJoin='', $sFields=' *', $isMutual=false, $iStart=0, $iLimit=BX_CONNECTIONS_LIST_LIMIT, $iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE) | |
_getConnectionsQueryCount ($sWhere, $sJoin='', $isMutual=false, $sFields='`c`.`id`') | |
_getOrderClause ($iOrder=BX_CONNECTIONS_ORDER_NONE, $sTable='') | |
onModuleDeleteCustom ($sTable, $sFieldId, $sField='initiator', $sWhere='') | |
![]() | |
balancer () | |
isParamInCache ($sKey) | |
log ($s) | |
executeStatement ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null, &$iErrorCode=null) | |
executeStatementException ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null) | |
executeStatementSilent ($oStatement, $aBindings=array(), $bVerbose=null) | |
errorOutput ($aError) | |
![]() | |
$_aObject | |
$_sTable | |
$_sType | |
![]() | |
$_bPdoPersistent | |
$_iPdoFetchType | |
$_iPdoErrorMode | |
$_bErrorChecking | |
$_aError | |
$_sHost | |
$_sPort | |
$_sSocket | |
$_sDbname | |
$_sUser | |
$_sPassword | |
$_sCharset | |
$_sStorageEngine | |
$_oStatement = null | |
$_oDbCacheObject = null | |
![]() | |
static | $_rLink |
static | $_aDbCacheData = [] |
static | $_aParams |
static | $_sParamsCacheName = 'sys_options' |
static | $_sParamsCacheNameMixed = 'sys_options_mixed_' |
static | $_sParamsCacheNameMix = 'sys_options_mix_' |
static | $_sErrorKey = 'bx_db_error' |
static | $_aErrors |
static | $_bReadOnlyMode = true |
static | $_bMultuServersMode = false |
Database queries for Relation objects.
BxDolRelationQuery::__construct | ( | $aDbConf | ) |
set database parameters and connect to it
Reimplemented from BxDolConnectionQuery.
BxDolRelationQuery::addConnection | ( | $iInitiator, | |
$iContent, | |||
& | $iMutualParam = null ) |
Reimplemented from BxDolConnectionQuery.
BxDolRelationQuery::removeConnection | ( | $iInitiator, | |
$iContent ) |
Reimplemented from BxDolConnectionQuery.